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NM/UNM CB Team Suggestions

NM/UNM CB Team Suggestions

Dec 17, 2020, 04:5712/17/20

NM/UNM CB Team Suggestions

I would like to get feedback on possible team comp scenarios with these champs...

2 PK (LVL 60/57), 1 ME, 2 SC (LVL 60/50), 1 OB, 2 FB, (LVL 60/30) 1 AOTHAR, 1 SEPTIMUS, 1 LIGHTSWORN, 1 ARBITER, 2 BULWARK (LVL 50/40), + OTHERS BELOW...









Dec 17, 2020, 13:5412/17/20

I personally don't have an experience with this but you can make a budget unkillable team with Maneater and PK. Maybe use Septimus, OB, and Bulwark as slow boi (someone correct me if this wouldn't work). 

Refer to Deadwoodjedi's website for the exact guide on this team comp. Good luck!

Dec 17, 2020, 14:5812/17/20
Dec 17, 2020, 15:02(edited)

I appreciate the feedback. I've tried the budget PK/ME+2DPS UK comps with both Aothar and Occult Brawler as my slow bois and also used the calculators but I cannot get the turns to sync like is shown- not sure why. I've set up and used the speeds and masteries that it referenced. I've also tried MurderInc & other versions. Its very frustrating. I'm not sue if arena bonuses get factored into the mix.. Its something that I'm thinking may be throwing things out of sync. Would/could this be the case?

Also - Does anyone have any experience running an UNK comp with 2 PK+1ME and a buff extender like Sandlashed or Septimus? If so, please let me know how it worked. 


Dec 17, 2020, 18:2712/17/20

I appreciate the feedback. I've tried the budget PK/ME+2DPS UK comps with both Aothar and Occult Brawler as my slow bois and also used the calculators but I cannot get the turns to sync like is shown- not sure why. I've set up and used the speeds and masteries that it referenced. I've also tried MurderInc & other versions. Its very frustrating. I'm not sue if arena bonuses get factored into the mix.. Its something that I'm thinking may be throwing things out of sync. Would/could this be the case?

Also - Does anyone have any experience running an UNK comp with 2 PK+1ME and a buff extender like Sandlashed or Septimus? If so, please let me know how it worked. 


I'm running an unkillable like the first one you mention - PK, ME, slow boy Aothar and 2 DPS, based on . Although getting the def/HP on every champion right, in order to ensure the CB stuns the slow boy and nobody else, has been a big struggle, the speeds/turns were never an issue for me. 

Arena bonuses shouldn't make any difference, but all masteries affecting turn meter and anything that can give you non-rounded speed numbers (percentage speed bonus, speed aura,...) can make it difficult. But the speed calculators should check all that, if you enter all the relevant details. 

Dec 17, 2020, 21:2712/17/20

I built my budget UK team from the same link as L9753 listed above, and used PK, ME, Rhazin (DPS, Def Dn, Weaken), FB (DPS), FB (Stun tank & DPS).  My team comes out to a paltry 122k power but it averages 22-26million on void and magic affinity and 15-18 on Force.  For Spirit affinity I use Aothar as the slow tank as he's weak affinity and does poisoning.  If i get two hits on void affinity, I can 3 key magic, but need all 4 for force or spirit.

I did consider using my Bulwark as a stun tank for all affinities, but I already had him built up and didn't want to mess with him as you have to drop his defense to practically nothing, which nerfs his damage.  His HP burn would do the most damage for him I think, and having warmaster on him would help too.

If you're having trouble getting it set up I would highly recommend going to DeadwoodJedi's discord page.  They guys there are super helpful when it comes to troubleshooting your setup.  I couldn't figure out why my setup wouldn't sync properly on NM and they had me sorted in no time.

Feb 5, 2021, 21:1202/05/21
