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Hero idea for the Skinwalkers faction.

Hero idea for the Skinwalkers faction.

Dec 14, 2020, 20:1412/14/20

Hero idea for the Skinwalkers faction.

Hero for the Skinwalkers faction.

I know there is a certain problem with hero rebalancing. But New heroes are constantly being introduced into the game, so I present my idea:

The Skinwalkers  Faction has a lot of Deer, bulls, moose, pigs and other artiodactyls.

I happy for Fein, Brakus and the bears.  Why not summon other werewolf animals over time - fox, hyena, bird and even insects... something like.

And so the idea of ​​a new hero for this faction was born .... Werewolf Parrot Vukub Kakish))) Google this name.

 And a new debuff "bleeding" - with each turn the enemy with this debuff loses some% of its maximum health, and% of its current health.

  1.  The first skill is "sharp beak" - give a chance  "hit in the eye" thereby imposing on debuffs that reduce speed, accuracy, attack, critical chance and critical damage. If the "blow to the eye" has not passed, then the debuff "bleeding" is placed without the ability to remove this debuff until the end of the battle.
  2.   The second skill is "stupefying scream" - attacks everyone by imposing "stun" on one turn, if enemies have a "speed bonus", removes it and extends the recharge of skills by 1 turn.
  3.  The third skill is "flap of wings" - if the allies Turn Meter progress bar is less than 50%, give him 30% speed bonus fills it completely, if the allies' Turn Meter is 50% full or more, then it imposes 15% speed and reduces the recharge of all skills by 1 turn.
  4.  Passive skill "nimble fighter" - if the parrot is not under the speed bonus, then the chance to deal him critical damage is reduced by 50%, and if under the bonus of speed, then the damage cannot be critical or strong. The character has a 2% chance to completely avoid damage.
  5.  The second passive skill "last word" if the parrot is killed, then "its feathers fly away" causing damage to all enemies, and the allies' Turn Meter is also completely filled.

 ... and forgot the most important skill, he can shit the enemy)))



