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Bad Lejends: Skull Lord Var-Gall

Bad Lejends: Skull Lord Var-Gall

Dec 13, 2020, 13:5612/13/20

Bad Lejends: Skull Lord Var-Gall

I've done a similar review before on Visix the Unbowed and how rubbish she was and I feel I should address one of the predecessors to Visix, Skull Lord Var-Gall.

His idea isn't too bad. A defence based champ who you really don't want to be hitting too much as he decreases your MAX HP with every skill you hit him with. A provoke skill thrown in to make it so, provided the provoke lands, you'll be forced to lose 5% of your max HP and an AOE that has a decent chance to reduce a lot of enemy attack power. The issue with this kit, at least for me, is that it doesn't feel like the kit a legendary would have, much like Visix. It feels like a kit you might find in an Epic. What you imagine would be his strong suits, really aren't that strong. His provoke is very dull and the strengthen is hardly worth even using the ability in the first place. The chance on his A1 is small enough that sometimes it doesn't even feel like it has the bonus affect. To me, a kit more like this would give him much more prevalence in the game. As before with Visix, I assume you already know what Skull Lord does.

Here is my idea for a revamp to his kit.

A1: Gleeful Ripping:

Attacks one enemy two times. Has a 30% chance to repeat this skill. Has a 55% chance of placing a 100% Healing Reduction Debuff on a repeat.


Damage 10%

Damage 10%

Buff/Debuff Chance 10%

Buff/Debuff Chance 10%)

A2: Skull Claim: Cooldown 4 Turns

Attacks three times at random. Each hit has a 75% chance of placing a Provoke Debuff for one turn. Places a 25% Strengthen Buff on all allies for two turns if this attack is critical. 


Damage 10%

Damage 15%

Buff/Debuff Chance 10%

Buff/Debuff Chance 15%

Cooldown -1

Cooldown -1

A3: Abyssal Clutch: Cooldown 5 Turns

Attacks all enemies. Has a 75% chance of placing a 50% Decrease Attack Debuff for two turns. Has a 50% chance of placing a 60% Increase Defence Buff on all allies if this attack is critical. 


Damage 15%

Buff/Debuff Chance 10%

Buff/Debuff Chance 15% 

Cooldown -1

Cooldown -1)

Passive: Horrifying Foe

When attacked, decreases attackers MAX HP by 5%. Cannot reduce a single targets HP by more than 50%. Decreases Boss MAX HP by  1.5% and cannot reduce a Bosses Max HP by more than 15%. Works half against the Clan Boss. Has a 50% chance of placing a True Fear Debuff on champions who have had their HP reduced by 20% or more when attacking this champion. 

Skull Brood can remain the same. 

Doesn't this sound like a much more Legendary type of kit than the one we currently have? It may be a little overtuned but this is what I had in my mind. 

Let me know what you guys think. Cheers.

Dec 14, 2020, 17:5412/14/20

That's a great idea, skull lord is so useless. 

Dec 18, 2020, 01:0012/18/20

My thoughts exactly. He has potential in a few areas. I use him in Fire Knight and Spirit Keep but there would be so many better options due to how unhealthy his kit feels to play. I'm just bottlenecked as I don't have any other options at the moment. 

Dec 18, 2020, 04:0112/18/20

Doom Tower - Hard Mode - Floor 77

Skull Lord is a God!

Dec 18, 2020, 09:0312/18/20

If I'm seeing it right, you actually weakened his A1 rather than improving it? Why is that? 

I think my main issue would be with the A2 - once booked, he can keep Strengthen up with 100% uptime. That's a bit overpowered, as is the 3 provokes on a 2 turn cooldown. Don't forget that despite the currently disappointing skills, Skull Lord has arguably the best stats of any champion in the game - so a rework doesn't need to improve his skills all that much to make him good. If you give him a skill that is inherently overpowered on top of his overpowered stats and nice passive, he becomes unbalanced in the other direction. 

And as for the passive, I don't think they'd let the destroy max HP apply to bosses - other than the Scarab King on which it should absolutely work. 

Dec 18, 2020, 17:0112/18/20
Player J

Doom Tower - Hard Mode - Floor 77

Skull Lord is a God!

we are talking about legendary. so he is only good at doom tower floor 77 

Dec 18, 2020, 21:2812/18/20
Dec 18, 2020, 21:32(edited)

we are talking about legendary. so he is only good at doom tower floor 77 

I was making a joke.

The Skull Lords are in Floor 77 of Hard Mode Doom Tower.

I got stuck because I couldn't beat them.

All jokes aside - People use Skull Lord in several different places.

Skull Lord gets a bad reputation by newer players.

Veteran players use Skull Lord a lot in Arena & Faction Wars.

Granted if the game buffed Skull Lord A2 to AOE Provoke.

New Players would be more likely to use Skull Lord.

Skull Lord could have some improvements, but he isn't useless.

Skull Lord is a good hero.

Dec 24, 2020, 07:1612/24/20

Ok so first I will respond to Rufus.

Indeed I did participate in the champion design tournament. I can't draw to save my life but I did submit a drawing along with my idea for a champion. I'm also glad to see that someone is seeing where champions can be improved. Many thanks for your contribution.

Now for L9753.

I would say that you did misread unless you weren't thinking of an improvement the same way I was. I made his A1, once fully upgraded, have a 50% chance of repeating rather than a 30% chance. For the sake of balancing so that he doesn't become too powerful, I reduced the chance of his 100% Healing Reduction. Considering that the extra hit will be occuring more, there will be more chances to apply the Healing Reduction. I also meant to add in a restriction on the number of repeats as a coinflip can go one way multiple times. I meant to have his A1 cap at 4 potential repeats for a total of 8 hits possible. With 4 repeats of a skill at 75%, it's highly likely he'll place the Debuff.

The issue I have with this statement is that while his stats may be solid, his performance is not and it doesn't outweigh the issue of his kit just not feeling pleasant to play. I do agree that maybe one of the cooldown reduces in his upgrades could go but I definitely don't agree that this change would unbalance him in the opposite direction. And even if it did, it would be a good thing. Certain champs are designed to shine in certain areas but Skull Lord never really shines anywhere. To me it seems like the Fire Knight is a place where Skull Lord could find his own. 

Decreasing a Bosses HP by 15% won't grant too much of an advantage, nonetheless, the whole point was to give him more utility besides the Fire Knight. Making him have a slightly different yet potent advantage against bosses makes him a decent pick for some Dungeons, additionally further increasing his potency in the Fire Knight. 

And finally for Player J.

The only point I need to make here is, sure, people use him in loads of places. I even mentioned earlier where I use him. Have you seen his ratings though? They're all average or worse. That means that people do play him in those roles but they don't think he performs like a character designed for the role should perform. From that we can deduce that Skull Lord doesn't really fit in anywhere and doesn't have a designated area for him to really shine. Instead he falls to average or worse everywhere. Sure, people play him, but no one would say that he's necessarily a good choice for any area of the game compared to others.

Thanks for all the feedback guys. I do appreciate it.