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Areana Tiers

Areana Tiers

Dec 11, 2020, 20:4712/11/20

Areana Tiers

Is it me or does the tier system in Raid suck past Gold 4? I mean as a FTP I do around 1k in areana Gold 4 points per week and cant even get close to Platnium. 

Dec 11, 2020, 21:3112/11/20

Uh, yeah, the part that sucks is that everybody and their grandmother can get into gold IV like it's nothing... That's not how it's supposed to be, but it's better than how it was previously, which was that nobody could get anywhere and you probably wouldn't have gotten even into gold 1 (I don't say that as an insult - even a good player with some good pulls needed a number of months to get into silver, never mind gold). 

So the fact that you're getting a lot of points in gold IV means nothing whatsoever when it comes to making it to platinum. Obviously, it's rather silly to have just 1 tier, limited to 300 players, above the tier where just about every active player ends up within a few months - but again, that's not how it was supposed to be. 

Dec 11, 2020, 21:4512/11/20

I had no issues with getting to Gold 4, my issue is I can spend the crap out of the Arean points and never progress. I mean seriously the moving goal posts suck. Why would I want to spend and spend gems for more Areana chances.

Dec 11, 2020, 21:5512/11/20

I had no issues with getting to Gold 4, my issue is I can spend the crap out of the Arean points and never progress. I mean seriously the moving goal posts suck. Why would I want to spend and spend gems for more Areana chances.

That's what I'm saying: since it's so easy to get to gold IV, progress in arena isn't much of a goal anymore. And of course the real top players in platinum are way out of reach unless you've been playing for a very long time, have spent a fortune, insane luck with pulls, or some combination of all those. So what's arena for then - farming gold medals for your great hall bonuses and the progress missions. 

If you want a more challenging arena where progress into silver and definitely gold means something still, you'll need to turn to the tag team arena.