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Who should be my second level 60?

Who should be my second level 60?

Dec 11, 2020, 20:3612/11/20

Who should be my second level 60?

I turned Kael to 60 but I have no idea who to take to 60 next.

List of some of my champs

Miscreated Monster 

Narma the Returned




dark Elhain 

High Katun 




those are the top ones I have. don't know which one to choose 

Dec 11, 2020, 20:5112/11/20

I generally try to take stock of where I'm at in the game when deciding on who to bring up next.  Is my great hall sucking, then focus on spicing up my arena.  If I can farm Brutal 12, but my dungeon levels are less than stellar, how can I make them better.  

You have some excellent choices there.  MM and Apoth are great for a ton of content, High Katun is great for arena, Alure is great for turn meter control in dungeons.  Narma will be awesome for CB.

All depends where you're having a tough time.

Dec 11, 2020, 21:0212/11/20

Appreciate the reply. right now my great hall does suck. I'm stuck on stage 13 of Dragon. only my Kael and coldheart does damage there and with coldheart it's only from heartseaker. 

Dec 11, 2020, 21:2712/11/20

MM and Apoth are both still in my Dragon 20 team.  It's not a particularly fast team but it gets the job done on auto so I'm good with it!   The thing about Dragon is that most of the gear you'll need in the game comes from there so the higher up you can farm the better.  It will provide gear for every other aspect of the game.

Do you have a decent AOE defense down champ?  Warmaiden is farmable if you don't, and she will make clearing waves and hammering bosses easier!

Dec 11, 2020, 21:3512/11/20

I vote MM for next 60. And yeah, a Warmaiden would help a lot on Dragon. But if your Narma isn't contributing a lot on the dragon (on the waves it's normal if she isn't great), it means your gear must be wrong... 

Kael, MM, Warmaiden, Narma and Steelskull should work quite well on dragon, except when they're the wrong affinity. Or Apo instead of Steelskull indeed. 

Dec 11, 2020, 22:0412/11/20

Thank you all. So  Narma kicks ass in dragon. his life just get wrecked away. I have trouble with the mobs before the dragon more so then anything Else. I've been trying to farm better lifesteal gear but not much luck.

I think I'll take your guys advice and take MM to 60 and level up my warmaiden  appreciate it a o

Dec 11, 2020, 23:0012/11/20

+1 for 

Dec 11, 2020, 23:0712/11/20

+1 for 

I'll take that as a vote of support for MM even if you didn't actually finish your sentence. ;) 

Dec 11, 2020, 23:2812/11/20

I'll take that as a vote of support for MM even if you didn't actually finish your sentence. ;) 

Something is wrong with forum, my posts keep getting truncated?

Dec 11, 2020, 23:3312/11/20

Something is wrong with forum, my posts keep getting truncated?

I've no idea, haven't had that problem... this new forum has a lot of downsides, especially the way you either have to quote an entire post or not quote at all, but haven't seen any posts truncated. And the alerts are useful, to be fair. 

Dec 14, 2020, 22:1312/14/20

I got MM to 60 and he's kicking ass finally. Any idea about who to take to 60 third? 

I hust got blind seer as well

Dec 14, 2020, 23:1112/14/20

Once, you can Solo Farm Brutal Stage 12-3 in Campaign.

You should begin making a Clan Boss team.

You want the following skills for Clan Boss:

Critical Skills for Clan Boss

1. Decrease Attack

2. Decrease Defense

3. Weaken

4. Poison / HP Burn

5. Team Turn Meter Filling / Team Counter Attack

Bonus Skills for Clan Boss

6. Healer

7. Shielder

8. Debuff Extender

9. Increase Defense

10. Cleanse / Block Debuffs

11. Ally Protection

Search your heroes for champions which have the above related skills.

Dec 14, 2020, 23:4312/14/20

i went through them and found decrease champs in crimson helm & Barroth the bloadsoaked don't know which one to focus on though 

Dec 14, 2020, 23:5212/14/20

I think your goal should be dragon20, and fortunately building this team should also help you in your early CB progression. Normally looks really good, but lots of books. But even without books should help you in both. Apothecary is great. Alure and coldheart down the road for sure. A screenshot of roster would help in case you have any hidden gems. 

Dec 15, 2020, 00:3612/15/20

I got MM to 60 and he's kicking ass finally. Any idea about who to take to 60 third? 

I hust got blind seer as well

Blind Seer is amazing, lucky pull! Strong reviver, strong aura, AOE shield (suddenly all the rage because of one of the doom tower bosses) plus a 3-hit A1 that should work great on fire knight. And great base speed, so easy to make quite fast. You could probably use her everywhere except arena. 

Dec 15, 2020, 03:1012/15/20

I think your goal should be dragon20, and fortunately building this team should also help you in your early CB progression. Normally looks really good, but lots of books. But even without books should help you in both. Apothecary is great. Alure and coldheart down the road for sure. A screenshot of roster would help in case you have any hidden gems. 

I really enjoy coldheart would it be bad to level her to 60 over apoth? I use apoth to but with dragon and fireknight she's been really useful 

Dec 15, 2020, 03:1112/15/20

Blind Seer is amazing, lucky pull! Strong reviver, strong aura, AOE shield (suddenly all the rage because of one of the doom tower bosses) plus a 3-hit A1 that should work great on fire knight. And great base speed, so easy to make quite fast. You could probably use her everywhere except arena. 

Makes me happier I got her would you recommend her to 60 over COldheart?

Dec 15, 2020, 03:1312/15/20





Dec 15, 2020, 07:5812/15/20

Makes me happier I got her would you recommend her to 60 over COldheart?

You'll absolutely have to take Coldheart to 60 eventually, but as your third 60, yes, I'd go with Blind Seer first. Coldheart is usable for fire knight and spider at any level, but requires high level dungeons to be good in the others, because scaling off enemy max HP just doesn't do very much in the early and middle stages. So you generally want to level some others before her. 

Dec 21, 2020, 13:4912/21/20

I took coldheart to 60 and it was the best decision I ever made. i pulled stag knight, Rae and rearguard searg but have no idea who to use my books on at the moment 

Dec 21, 2020, 18:1812/21/20

I took coldheart to 60 and it was the best decision I ever made. i pulled stag knight, Rae and rearguard searg but have no idea who to use my books on at the moment 

Whoa, your good pulls just keep coming! For your epic books, I guess you already started with MM? To fully use his potential, you do need to book him until getting the cooldown on his shield down to 3 turns, meaning he can keep it up pretty much permanently. After that, Stag Knight also needs books but is fantastic. For rare books, if Kael is already booked, then Coldheart needs books too, at least until Heartseeker is maxed.