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Arena Advice

Arena Advice

Dec 10, 2020, 17:1312/10/20

Arena Advice

Hi, i am 2 weeks into the game and currently trying to push in arena. My team is somewhat lacking and i can't get to silver arena. I think it has to do with my team combination because i often lose to teams with lower battle power. For now my question is, which champion to replace with whom:

Current team: Kael lv.60, Warden lv.40, Apothecary lv.40, Doom Priest lv.40

Potential replacement: Elhain, War Maiden, Shaman, Basilisk, Seducer, Executioner

Any suggestion will be greatly appreciated, i dont mind changing my team combinations :)

Dec 10, 2020, 17:2112/10/20

If you wait for High Khatun from your daily log in rewards, you can run the usual speed nuke setup. 

It goes like this: High Khatun speed boost- Doompriest increase attack- Warmaiden decreases enemies' def- Kael nukes. 

You can also show us your champ roster here, you may have missed a key champion there. :)

Dec 10, 2020, 18:0312/10/20

Khatun is 3 weeks away 😂 i might 6 star someone before then. But when i do get her, is it still necessary to max apothecary?

oops, i have attached the full roster for you. I might have problem with kael's gearing also


Dec 10, 2020, 19:0712/10/20

YES! Apo should be your next 6*, based on your current roster. (I'm not familar with the champ to right of Shaman, though)

Since Kael is probably your farmer, you do not need to get Elhain past 50.

Doom should be at 6* down the line.

Warmaiden should be at least to 50, but see many have her at 60 in Arena. Can also help in Dungeons.

Coffin down on bottom row will help you in CB with his dec atk, so you should build him when working on CB team. 

Early CB team could be:

  Apo (speed boost+target heals)

  Kael (poisons), Coffin (dec atk)

  Warmaiden (dec def)

  Doom (inc atk+heals+cleanser) 

* If Kael is your nuker, you may want to change out his Life Steal gear. This set is beter when you have full Masteries and have T6 Warmaster. At a minimum, switch out two of the LS artifacts as you only need 4. Sets to consider: Atk, Crit Rate, Damage, Speed?

Or, you can use atk type sets with a speed set.

As you probably know, speed is key in Arena, which is why LXYZ wisely suggest waiting for your H Khatun and her speed aura + boost. You are lacking a speed aura champ, which is vital.

Sorry, probably more inforamtion than you wanted. These are just things I wish I knew when I started.

Dec 10, 2020, 19:1512/10/20

No, these are great info Raidnation32. Thank you for your insights. 

I just realized coffin is pretty good for CB with its dec atk and hp burn. What about seducer? I read somewher hes good for CB and arena.

I also read that apot does not benefit as much with 6 stars to 5. Is this true?

The hero next to shaman is hexia. Many tier list describe her as fodder :D

Dec 10, 2020, 19:5612/10/20

Oh, didnt realize Coffin also had some poison, sweet. I already had Altan when I pulled Coffin, who has dec atk plus a def aura which helps in CB. I havent build my Coffin, but a Clan mate uses him on his NM and UNM CB team. I will build him for FW though.

I recently pulled Seducer, so dont know much about him. One of the YouTubers (Stew I think) love him, lol.

So, Apo's main benefit is his speed boost and heals. He needs to be super fast to cycle through his skills. He will not go faster at 60, so in that sense 50 would be okay. As you progress in the game, you will want the increased based statsplus ability to but a banner on him. This wil help you increase HP, Def, etc. The banner opens up when you 6* him, and you can compare his current base stats to the lvl 60 base stats in the index.

Dec 10, 2020, 19:5912/10/20

No, these are great info Raidnation32. Thank you for your insights. 

I just realized coffin is pretty good for CB with its dec atk and hp burn. What about seducer? I read somewher hes good for CB and arena.

I also read that apot does not benefit as much with 6 stars to 5. Is this true?

The hero next to shaman is hexia. Many tier list describe her as fodder :D

Sort of true - apo's main requirement is being as fast as possible, for which the 6th star is unlikely to add much. Nor does he need more offensive stats or anything. So getting him to 6* is mainly about making him a bit tankier, which helps but isn't generally the first priority. Unless you use him in clan boss and also need him to get warmaster asap to contribute more damage. 

Seducer isn't very good for clan boss, nor arena... much better in dungeons and faction wars, I'd say. Although he does have one possible use in arena considering his two turn block debuff and (weak) increase defense ability - if you can get him fast enough to put that on your team before the enemy takes a turn, your  chances of surviving enemy nukes increase substantially. Unless you're facing a Serris who will just strip off both buffs and put the decrease defense at the same time, because Serris' kit just isn't fair. :) 

Hexia isn't great indeed, except maybe in very specific circumstances where you already know she'll inevitably be under several debuffs... or on a team with Gurptuk Moss-Beard, who poisons his own team but then lets champions under poison debuffs do more damage.