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Dec 21, 2020, 15:4212/21/20

J, agree on your general thoughts on gear.  I have crafted any yet.  My mailbox is full of gear, I need to start selling crap.  That in itself is time consuming...

Back to floor 69, still stuck but I got past the first two waves.

1. Queen Eva is no help, way too fragile.  I do have an 8 second campaign farmer now lol

2. Warlord is fkn amazing, I knew this b4 but he can basically "block revive" by keeping skills on cooldown.

3. I need to stay alive (not that dificult until wave3) and kill reasonably fast  (my problem)

4. Heal reduction / Reduce enemy max HP is helpful

5. Accuracy requirement is 250+ MINIMUM, I had to use Kantra for lead to get team to 300ish

Team 1: Kantra, Warlord, Scyl, Grizz Jarl, Misc Monster

Not bad, can clear first two waves.  Grizz Jarl doesn't have very high ACC so don't get benefit of his A1 but the reduce maxHP is actually nice.  But it takes forever.  Even if this team could beat wave3 I would likely hit 1000 turn limit or whatever it is.



Dec 21, 2020, 15:5812/21/20

I tried swapping in Rhazin for MM/Jarl/Scyl, definitely is possibility.

Only thing I know for sure on team is Warlord (326 ACC, 180 speed.  booked, full masteries OFF/SUP).  

Not sure if Kantra (256 ACC, 170 speed - unbooked T5 supp/def masteries) is viable or not.  Rng of debuffs, but most are helpful.


Rhazin (228ACC/179 Speed; A2 booked, use 1 book for A3 cooldown?, OFF/DEF masteries)

Scyl (288ACC/175 speed, no books or masteries)

MM(307 ACC/183 speed, booked. OFF/DEF)

Jarl(233ACC/186 speed, booked OFF/DEF)

My secret weapon, for my next attempt.... can't believe I am about to waste 5* chickens to test this LMAO








In Taunt gear maybe?  First test coming soon, LOL.

Dec 23, 2020, 01:1112/23/20

72? Damn peril... do I just hope for good rng eventually 

Dec 26, 2020, 04:0812/26/20

Quick Update:

I am Stuck on Hard Mode Floor 81.

I have been fighting Normal Mode.

However, I still think the Doom Tower is amazing feature.

I think I am stuck because I need to get stronger.

The waves leading up to the Boss seem to be a difficult Challenge.

Dec 26, 2020, 22:4812/26/20

I have different approach. I want to familiarize with Doom tower mechanic's first. That is why I started with the normal mode. 

I don't expect to finish hard on first try, knowing how Plarium made faction wars' difficulty, and they did say that doom tower is an "end game" content in their video. 

Yup ! I finished "normal" long ago and i was like surprised with my "poor " selection of champs, but i never gave up, i pushed my champs over them limits lol. And than i was just curious what is in the "hard" dt so i drive my chams there and didnt plan to do more than first lvl but somehow i drive them to floor 7 . Maybe i will do some more maybe not. I just dont have so much time. But after all its "end game tower" and i am far away (still dont have arbiter though 😂)

Dec 27, 2020, 21:1512/27/20

I am 97 now, getting extremely tough.  I am using lots of champs I never used, mostly unbooked.  Even a level 50 souldrinker came in handy on 1 wave.  Without warlord I'd be screwed though.  Haven't used any destroy gear yet, and no enemy max hp champs other than 1 armiger.  Astralith has come in handy to manual a few waves with the health swap.  Skull lord a couple times. Fast tower from unkillable comp is useful.  Grizz jarl a few times.  Unbooked scyl.  Unbooked kantra.

Dec 29, 2020, 16:0912/29/20

The End of Doom Tower:


I beat Normal Mode Floor 120.


I beat Hard Mode Floor 80.

I can no longer progress any further. 


The waves are simply to strong.

The waves require me to redesign my teams with more speed.

The waves require me to redesign my teams with more accuracy.

Maybe, I could win if I did changes.

The issue is I don't have enough silver at the moment. 

I have to build up more silver over time.

All my champion's have speeds tuned to Clan Boss.

170 - 200 range.

All my champion's have accuracy tuned to Clan Boss.

200-250 range.

Clan Boss was the strongest PVE related content in the game before Doom Tower.

I think most players built champions towards these Clan Boss requirements.

No one builds a hero to have 500 ACC to farm the Dragon.

Good players would say it is completely over kill

Good players would say your wasting stat potiental. 


Obviously, I love the Doom Tower.

I think its a great new feature.

I was simply not prepared for the Doom Tower.

A lot of heroes which are good vs. the Doom Tower.

I don't have them leveled up.

I will have to work on the Doom Tower over time.

Jan 6, 2021, 01:3101/06/21
Jan 6, 2021, 01:44(edited)

The Final Day of Doom Tower: 1st Doom Tower Reset Approaching

The highest my Clan has been ranked is Top 300.


We are currently ranked Top 500 due to a few people going inactive. 

Congradulations to the Top 8 Players of my Clan for Normal Mode!

We did a wonderful job!


Congradulations to the Top 8 Players of my Clan for Hard Mode!

You are an inspirition for us all!


Best Teams vs. Scarab King Floor 50 Hard Mode:


Best Teams vs. Nether Spider Floor 60 Hard Mode:


Best Teams vs. Frost Spider Floor 70 Hard Mode: 


Best Teams vs. Magma Dragon Floor 80 Hard Mode: 


Best Gear Pieces vs. Scarab King - Farmed the Whole Month:

