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Dec 15, 2020, 22:4312/15/20

Nice Information Trips!

Dec 15, 2020, 23:2312/15/20
Dec 15, 2020, 23:55(edited)

Day 9 of Doom Tower:  


I managed to get some more Free time.

It allowed me to swing back into the action for Hard Mode.

I want to talk about the Climb to the Boss.  


I used the following team from Floor 51 to 58.

It is a similar team which I have used in the past.

Most of the heroes in the fight are Magic, Force, or Void Affinity.

It was perfect for my Souldrinker who is a Force Affinity Damage Dealer.

I ran Tormin + Harvest Jack for the Crowd Controls.

The Crowd Control allows the bombs to have enough time to detonate.

Crowd Control + Bombs are a very good combo.

People could use other champions which do Crowd Controls as well.

I ran Arbiter to speed up the team.

I ran Renegade to reset the skills on the team.

Yeah, I really love this set up.

It is a fun set up to play with when you get the chance to do it.

Floor 59:


I had to change my set up vs. Floor 59.

The enemy team is running mostly Spirit + Void heroes.

I started with my same opening Lead - Tormin.

The enemy team has no way to block or cleanse Crowd Control.

The enemy team is running Haruspex which does turn meter.

It is a great  way to get Tormin Freeze to pop off.

The damage dealer I decided to go with is Rotos.

Souldrinker isn't ideal because he most likely will do weak hits + his bombs will not apply.

Rotos has an Affinity advantage over the Lord Shazars + is nuetral vs. Void heroes.

I decided to go with M.Mage to remove the pesky debuffs.

The Lord Shazars can do bombs which can potientally 1 shot my champions.

I used M.Mage to block the bombs or remove them from my heroes before they become a problem.

I ran Arbiter to speed up + revive if anyone dies from a bomb by accident.

I ran Renegade to reset the skills on the team.

I feel like the fight was very clean.

Nether Spider - Floor 60


As I battle the Nether Spider, I have slowly been learning how to fight against it.

I have gathered more information on how to counter the Nether Spider.

Here are the Key Weak Elements I am taking away from Nether Spider:

1st - You want Single Target hits vs. Nether Spider

2nd - The Nether Spider can be vulernable to Heal Reduction Block (Only applies if you hit Spiderlings) 

3rd - You want a Cleasning Champion to remove the Poison

4th - You want Sustain (Heals/C.Heals/Shields) to keep yourself alive during the fight.

5th - The Nether Spider can't penetrate Block Damage or Unkillable heroes

I want to comment on why I think the above things are the Nether Spider weakness.

If you use heroes who does Random Hits or AOE moves, You will hit the Baby Spiders.

The Baby Spiders will counter attack + heal back the Mother spider.

If you try to do a strategy which hits the baby spiders, You will need Heal Block on the mother spider.

If you do a strategy which doesn't hit the baby spiders, You don't need Heal Block

This is bascially what I am telling you with Point 1 & Point 2.

My recommendation is to use only Single Target hitters.

This way you can avoid needing a hero who does Heal Reduction Block.

It can be very challenging to fit a hero in who does Heal Reduction Block.

Next, we reach point 3.

We all know the Nether Spider does tons of poison.

The poison can't be blocked or resisted.

We need a way to remove the poison.

A cleasning hero is the best option.

Next, we reach point 4.

You are going to need a way to heal or shield or all of the above.

The poison the Nether Spider spits out is way to fast.

You are going to suffer some damage.

You need a way to keep yourself alive.

You need a way to regenerate your health or protect your health with shields.

It is about survival.

Finally, We reach point 5.

I have observed the Nether Spider can do tons of Poisons.

I have observed the Nether Spider can do tons of Damage.

However, the Nether Spider has no skill which can go through Block Damage or Unkillable.

Lets say you have Unkillable on your heroes.

Lets say your heroes are surviving with 1 HP.

How does the Spider Finish you? 

The answer is she can't Finish you!

She can't Finish you as long as you are under the Unkillable or Block Damage Buff.

This could be another strategy we can use to win.

Following all of the above information: I was able to win.


Arbiter does Healing + Turn Meter Filling

M.Mage does Healing + Cleasning

Zelotah does C.Healing + Shielding

Roschard does Block Damage

Rotos is a Magic Affinity Damage dealer which has an edge over Spirit Affinity.

Dec 15, 2020, 23:5012/15/20

By best on floor 60 was 5:29




Frozen banshee


Tower obviously provides flexibility to include squishy champs 

Dec 16, 2020, 00:5612/16/20

Quick Heads Up:

I want to talk about some controversal issues.

I spent most of my time yesterday arguing in Global Channel because I feel something is wrong.

I showed you all pictures of me winning vs. Floor 60 - Hard Mode.

I broke down my thought process on the weak points I saw vs. Nether Spider.

Than I capalized on all of the weak points vs. Nether Spider.

All my efforts were rewarded because I was able to use those weak points to win vs. Nether Spider.

Now here is the question I want you to think about.

How exactly am I suppose to farm the Nether Spider?

My team can win with 100% win rate Full AUTO in roughly 25 mins.

Am I really going to have to spend 25 mins for 1 Silver Key?

Once, you beat a dungeon or boss.

You want to farm the dungeon or boss.

Your next thought might even be to improve the time it takes for you to win the fight.

This is where the issue comes into play!

It seems to me like the game needs more MAX Enemy HP heroes.

I feel like I am lacking viable Damage Dealing Options vs. the Nether Spider.

Am I the only one who thinks their is an issue here?

I have gone down the entire list of every Max Enemy HP hero in the game:

1. Armiger

2. Coldheart

3. Defile Sinner

4. Husk

5. Royal Guard

6. Seer

7. Septimus

8. Steel Bowyer

The game only has 8 heroes who can do Max Enemy HP hits out of 500 heroes.

Out of these 8 heroes only 1 is ideal vs. Nether Spider.

Septimus is the only Single Target hero which is the most viable vs. Nether Spider.

Every other option is more or less bad.

They do AOE hits which messes up the fight because of the Spiderlings.

They do Turn Meter Reduction which causes them to get 1 shot due to Nether Spider Counter Atk skill.

Half the day, I was in a total argument with various people.

They were saying I am crying or complaining about the Doom Tower being to hard.

I don't even understand how they think I am crying or complaining.

Am I not stating a fact here?

We can see the game only has 8 MAX Enemy HP heroes.

Out of those 8 heroes only 1 of them seems to fit in the parameters of the Nether Spider.

Do you people think I am just complaining?

Or do you feel like the game needs more MAX Enemy HP heroes as well?

Previously, the game didn't have the Doom Tower.

The 8 Champions we have could be fine for the content at the time.

Things have changed!

We have expanded with the Doom Tower.

I think we need to expand on how many MAX Enemy HP heroes we have as well.

We need more heroes to be able to handle these Bosses.

My Rotos was doing 100k damage per hit vs. Nether Spider.

My Rotos is in Relentless gear. 

It took my Rotos 25 mins to win doing 100k hits Proc'ing Relentless. lol

I feel like that is insane.

The only way for me to improve would be to swap out Rotos for Septimus.

Septimus should do a few million a hit with his Max Enemey HP Nuke.

The chances of pulling Septimus out of 500 hero is really low.

Its like wishing upon a star.

This is why I feel like we need more options.

What do you peeps think?

Dec 16, 2020, 01:0812/16/20

Hp burn and poison are very effective 

Dec 16, 2020, 01:2212/16/20

Hp burn and poison are very effective 

So your thinking I should swap out Rotos for like Poison Damage Dealer?

Dec 16, 2020, 01:2712/16/20

I think hp burn from coffinsmasher was 420k or so. Poison with sensitivity was 80k each I believe 

Dec 16, 2020, 01:3912/16/20

I haven't tried HP Burn vs. Nether Spider.

Very interesting discovery Trips.

Dec 16, 2020, 02:0912/16/20

Also AI appears programmed to not use AOE if CA is there. So basically any blue without multi hit a1 worked well. Anyone with random targeting on any skill no good (kael, Kreela)

Dec 16, 2020, 03:1212/16/20
Dec 16, 2020, 03:14(edited)

Quick Heads Up: 

After the discovery Trip made, I have changed my set up around.

I took out Rotos for Frozen Banshee.


I managed to win in 12 mins vs. 24 mins.

It is huge improvement for sure.

It seems the Nether Spider is weaker vs. Poison & HP Burn than previously. 

Pretty Cool!

Dec 16, 2020, 18:1012/16/20

Did you try hp burn?

Dec 16, 2020, 23:3612/16/20

Horrible job on doom tower.

Normal floor 100 way over tuned. When 8 out of 500 champions are the only one that can help you complete and you can't control which champions you get then its A COMPLETE SHIT DESIGN.


Dec 18, 2020, 01:3712/18/20


I haven't tried HP Burn.

I only have 1 HP Burn champion built up at the moment.

I am trying to get more built up.


I love Doom Tower.

The game was getting boring with out Doom Tower.

Doom Tower gives me a reason to build up more champions & try out new strategies.

Dec 18, 2020, 02:1512/18/20
Dec 18, 2020, 03:11(edited)

Day 10 of Doom Tower:


I have to say the waves leading up to the boss were disgusting. 

I have to show you the most crazy wave ever. lol

I want to talk about the Climb to the Boss.  


Look at the enemy set up.

It looks like a crazy Arena Team.

What can be said about this enemy team.

It is extremely tough to beat.


I was lucky enough to run away with a win. 

It was a crazy close fight.

It took me 22 mins to win.

Frost Spider - Floor 70


I managed to win, but it wasn't easy.

I was getting resisted like crazy.

I have 250 ACC on my Bulwark.

I did Bulwark HP Burn move 10 times in the fight.

I only landed the HP Burn like 2 times in the whole fight.

I'm not sure what the resistance is for the Frost Spider, but it is high.

I am close to getting Drexstar from the Arena Shop.

I think I am 9 days away from getting Drexstar.

I think I will replace Bulwark with Drexstar.

Drexstar +70 ACC Aura will help counter all the Resist which I keep getting.

I think Drexstar might be my better option.

Dec 18, 2020, 03:2312/18/20
Dec 18, 2020, 03:26(edited)

Day 11 of Doom Tower: 


OH MY GOSH, I am stuck!

My Team has fallen and it can't get up!


Floor 77 has Skull Lords & Skull Sworns.

Floor 77 is crazy tough.  


The Skull Lords have destroyed all my health.

I don't know if you can see it in the picture.

My health is all blacked out due to the Destroy Health mechanic.

My poor Tormin & Harvest Jack are fighting with 1 HP.

I only have a sliver of health pool. lol

Dec 18, 2020, 15:2012/18/20

@Player J 

More detail on floor 69 please .... :)  Did you auto it?

I see you used: Tormin, Rotos, Rhazin, Zelotah, Arbiter

I do not have Tormin or Rotos, I have the other 3.  I just pulled Queen Eva in 2x (suitable rotos fill-in?)

I have Zelotah, but also Warlord.  So I think that is a plus for me.

My arbiter is poorly geared (never use outside 3v3), but I have Duchess well geared.  My Rhazin is fairly well built (but I believe yours is in damage gear -- is that necessary?).  I also have a fairly well geared grizz jarl, but I think is MaxHP reduction is quite small and on A2.

Was trying to mimic your team with my roster, suitable replacements for Tormin/Rotos seems impossible.

1. Miscreated Monster (CC replace tormin)

2. Queen Eva (damage w/block revive, replace Rotos).  I think my only other BR, vault 40 is Luria

3. Rhazin (do I need damage gear?, 1 book short on A3 since not needed for CB; i use fayne now so Rhazin will be doom tower primarily)

4 Warlord > Zelotah.  Warlord ACC only 230

5. Duchess or Arbiter? Both slow 179 duch, 231 arbiter

I'll be on normal until I figure something out... lol.  Next artificat event in 6 days, I'll be collecting silver and planning my strategy.

I have exactly 10 Destroy artifacts (3 speed boots, 6* def% chest, 3 shield, 2 hat, 1 weapon) lol 

Dec 18, 2020, 22:0412/18/20
Dec 18, 2020, 22:05(edited)


I can give a run down of Floor 69.


I added Arbiter to my team for 2 reasons.

1 - Turn Meter Filling - I wanted my team to move before enemy team.

2 - Revive - I needed the revive because enemy Rotos might kill 1 of my heroes.

I added Tormin to my team for Crowd Control.

You don't necessary need Tormin.

You could get away with other Crowd Control heroes.

I wouldn't use M.Monster because his chance to stun is low.

I would recommend using some with a higher chance to Stun/Freeze/Provoke.

I added Rhazin to counter Rotos.

Rhazin is Force Affinity.

Rhazin is very Tanky.

Rhazin can do multi-hits on his A1

I added Rotos to counter the Siphi.

Siphi is annoying with heals + revive.

I wanted someone who could hit hard + block revive.

I will say it takes forever for Rotos to gain enough health to block revive.

I am not sure how well Queen Eva will be.

I think Queen Eva might be to squishy in the fight.

You could give it a try for sure.

I added Zelotah for the Shields.

The fight will be a long battle.

I wanted to have more sustain vs. Arbiter revive.

It will take a while to chip away at each enemy unit.

I do think Warlord could come in clutch for you.

If you can get Warlord to reset all the enemy cool downs, It might come in clutch for you.

The enemy is annoying because they have all the Siphi's reviving.

The Shields + Resets can do a lot of work for sure.

You could try the team you was talking about:

- Arbiter

- Warlord

- Rhazin

- Queen Eva

- Miscreated Monster

I don't know how well it would do.

You would have to test it out for sure.

Dec 20, 2020, 11:1312/20/20

Personally I'm stuck on Normal lvl100, and Hard lvl20 - I get so close to killing those bosses, but everything just falls apart before I can finish them off - soooo frustrating!

I managed to snag a few decent champs from the Legendary summon boost - so I'm hoping to max them in time to move forward before the month ends.

Overall, have enjoyed the challenge. Doom Tower gets a thumbs-up from me.

Dec 20, 2020, 12:5412/20/20
Dec 20, 2020, 13:56(edited)

Quick Heads Up: 

I don't think I have gone over the gear from the Doom Tower in this thread.

I don't know why I haven't talked about it. lol

Thus, I would like to have a discussion about the new gear from Doom Tower.

I will give each gear set a ranking from 1 to 4.

1 will be the gear which I think is the best.

4 will be the gear which I think is the worst.

Feel Free to share your view point about the New gear.

Tell me if you agree with my ranking or disagree.

Maybe, you have insight which will change my mind.

It is possible.

Floor 10 of Hard Mode is the Magma Dragon.

The Magma Dragon drops the below gear: Fatal


I Rank Fatal gear with a Score of 3.

I think it is very useful gear, but not the best gear.

I wouldn't mind picking up a couple of pieces of gear from this set.

I think it could come in handy.

For Example:

Sometimes, when I am trying to get a hero to 100% C.Rate, I find myself short a few points.

I have a hero which reached 96% C.Rate.

I thought it was going to roll the right way then it went completely wrong.

It was completely frustrating.

I'm just missing very small amount of extra C.Rate.

It's only 4%? Such a little amount which I can't seem to get.

I think the Fatal set could be very handy for situations like that.

Floor 20 of Hard Mode is the Nether Spider

The Nether Spider drops the below gear: Affinity Breaker


I Rank Affinity Breaker gear with a Score of 4.

I think it is the worst gear.

As it stands, I have 0 interest in farming this gear.

I feel like it is a total waste of time. 

Critical Damage gear can be farmed from the Fire Knight.

The Critical Damage gear is a 2 piece set which gives you 20%.

If I was to wear 4 pieces of C.Damage gear, I would have a total amount of 40%.

The Affinity Breaker gear is 4 piece which gives only 30% C.Damage?

It is giving me 10% less C.Damage in exchange for the chance to flip a weak hit to critical hit.

Which raises the question:

Why should I go into a battle knowing I am at an affinity disadvantage?

Lets say the enemy team is Force Affinity.

I see them Force Affinity before I even enter the battle.

What would possess me to go into the battle with Magic Affinity hero over Spirit Affinity hero?

Or Void Affinity? Or Force Affinity?

It makes no sense to me.

You have to remember when you fight vs. weak affinity.

You lose 20% of your damage right away

This happens regardless of the weak hit or critical hit due to bad match up.

This is why I think Affinity Breaker is horrible.

I think the Affinity Breaker gear needs a Buff.

The game should increase the Affinity Breaker C.Damage from 30% to 50%.

If they make it 50%, I will have a reason to use it over the C.Damage gear from Fire Knight.

The chance to flip a weak hit to a critical hit means nothing to me.

I will use a hero which has an Affinity Advantage.

Floor 30 of Hard Mode is the Scarab King

The Scarab King drops the below gear: Untouchable


I Rank Untouchable gear with a Score of 1.

I think it is the best gear. 

I have been trying to farm this gear a lot.

I think this is the gear which is the top of the line.

If you go to Fire Knight, You can farm Immunity Gear.

The Immunity Gear in Fire Knight gives you 2 turn Block Debuff Buff.

Compare to the Untouchable gear!

The Untouchable Gear gives you 2 turn Block Debuff Buff + 40 Resistance.

Do you see how powerful this gear is?

From my experience in the game, Players use Immunity gear in 2 different ways.

1st way = Speed Nuking Arena Team which has no Resistance

2nd way = Defensive Arena Team which has a Cleasning Champion.

I will explain the 2 ways in more detail so you can understand what I am saying.

In Arena, players like to use a Speed Nuking set up.

I will give you a sample team:

Lyssandra ---> Arbiter ---> Madam Serris ---> Trunda.

This team is designed to go fast.

Lyssandra & Arbiter got a lot of speed.

This team is designed to have good Accuracy.

Lyssandra & Madam Serris might have high Acc.

This team is designed to hit hard.

Trunda is going to do crazy nuke.

You can see how this team is a good team.

However, what happens if the enemy has a Tormin.

Tormin likes to freeze people when they do Turn Meter Filling + Buffs.

Some people in arena don't want their team Frozen by Tormin.

What do you do if you don't want to be Frozen by Tormin?

You could stack tons of Resistance on your heroes.

or You could run your whole team in Immunity gear.

Most players like chosing the Immunity gear option because as we said before.

A few of their heroes need tons of Accuracy.

For players using a Speed Nuking set up, The Untouchable set might not be a huge deal to them.

They could decide to stick with the Fire Knight Immunity gear.

However, Lets talk about the Flip Side of the Battle!

The best way to show you the Flip Side is to let you see 1 of my Arena team's.


When you look at my Arena set up, I am the Defensive team using the Tormin.

The enemy team is the Aggressive Speed team trying to nuke me down.

They are trying to use Madam Serris.

They might have Madam Serris in Immunity set with ACC Banner.

They will try to strip all my Shields + put Def Down on me.

Well guess what? I'm not going to go down with out a Fight.

I will counter with my Mausoleum Mage in Immunity set with RESIST Banner.

I wil try to resist the strip + resist the Def Down.

Than I will use M.Mage cleasning ability to wipe away all the pesky debuffs they put on me.


Now you tell me - What would you rather have on M.Mage in this situation?

Immunity gear from Fire Knight? 

Or Untouchable gear from Doom Tower?

My Mage is close to 300 Resist.

I will gain another +40 Resist.

Sure, 340 Resist isn't crazy high in Platinum Arena.

I strive for Gold 4 Low to Middle level of Arena.

340 Resist can be huge in Gold 4.

This is why I think the Untouchable set will be huge.

Floor 40 of Hard Mode is the Frost Spider

The Frost Spider drops the below gear: Frostbite


I Rank Frostbite gear with a Score of 2.

I think it is the second best gear.  

You can get the Freeze set from the Dragon.

The Freeze set is a 4 piece set which gives you a 20% chance to Freeze the attack.

The Frostbite gear set from the Doom Tower is an upgrade!

If you use 4 pieces of the Frostbite, you would get 20% chance to Freeze + 30% chance to resist Freeze.

Once, again, we can clearly see an upgrade.

I think this set is fantastic as well.

I plan on farming pieces from this gear as well.


Overall, I think my ranking for the gear would be:

1st - Untouchable

2nd - Frostbite

3rd - Fatal

4th - Affinity Breaker