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Dec 10, 2020, 02:1612/10/20

I like the idea except I cannot get past the Frost Spider because I do not have an HP Burn champion. Seems unfair

Dec 10, 2020, 02:3212/10/20

I'm not sure if I'm missing something here.  I've read a few people state that they are saving their silver keys for higher levels of the secret rooms, but I don't see how that's possible.  Your keys reset to 10 everyday.  If you didn't farm the boss, and had 12 in bank, at reset you would be knocked back to 10.  If you had one left over from the previous day, you're topped up to 10.  There is no saving them for future levels higher up the tower.

That being said, as far as I can tell you cannot farm the seret rooms anyways.  I have tried on a few different occasions to redo them and I get no rewards for winning and the silver key is not used up.  All I have been able to use them for is farming the boss, which lets you auto fight them all by the way!

basically the save strategy is once you get higher up u can go for example and hit all those lower secret rooms which if you win will give you more keys 

then you have more keys to hammer into a stage for better rewards for example on that day 

your spot on no storing of keys resets each day so you dont want to be belting heap of secret rooms esp if you cant use all the keys you could collect 

basically the lower ones give you lower rewards 

Dec 10, 2020, 17:3312/10/20
Dec 11, 2020, 01:57(edited)

Day 4 of Doom Tower: 


I want to talk about the Climb to the Boss.  


I used this same exact team from Floor 21 to Floor 29.

I didn't make any changes to my team during this fights.

I didn't have any trouble getting through any of the waves.

Obviously, I like showing you peeps stages which give me trouble.

I like showing you peeps when I need to change my team around vs. the enemy waves I see before me.

In some of the early Floors, I had to make hero changes based on the enemy waves.

I am feeling a little lucky at the moment.

I got a team which seems to be transitioning through the waves fairly well.

Obviously, I don't think this will last forever.

I do believe the Floor's Leading up to the Boss Stages will get harder as well.

I will continue to keep you posted for when such things begin to happen.

In Terms of the Boss Floor, I was struggling.

I did find a way to win, but man it was pretty vicious.

The Scarab King is one tough cookie!

I can see why they call him King - He is tough to bring down.

I want to show you the team I used to beat the Scarab King:


What you are looking at is pretty much my Clan Boss team.

- Sepulcher -----> Atk Down

- Rhazin ---------> Def Down + Weaken

- Steelskull ------> Poison

- Skullcrusher ---> Counter Attack

The only hero who isn't in my Normal Clan Boss team is Zelotah.

Normally, I run a Dwarf Rare by the name of Bulwark

- Bulwark ----> HP Burn + Debuff Extension

Bulwark can help extend my Steelskull Poison.

This team has done around 30 Mil damage to NM CB on average.

Obviously, I don't need to Extend Poison vs. Scarab King.

I decided to swap Bulwark out for a Shield Champion (Zelotah).

The Scarab King does tons of annoying things when you don't have a hero who puts up Shields.

All my heroes in this team were in Lifesteal gear except Zelotah.

All my heroes are speed tune except Zelotah

I have Zelotah in a Shield set.

I have Zelotah with slight more Speed vs. NM CB.

You know what this means don't you?

I am one of the only persons in the game which can say they used a 4:3 Zelotah comp. vs. Scarab King


Obviously, the team I used to beat the Scarab King isn't ideal.

I have to make so many changes.

I beat the Scarab King, but I didn't "really" beat him!

The Scarab King has specific mechanic's.

I didn't take advantage of all the little nuances in the fight.

I need to adopt to the Scarab King.

The fight I won was a test.

It showed me I could win.

It showed me I need to make changes.

Here are the Key Elements I am taking away from Scarab King:

1st - Scarab King has all AOE moves 

2nd - Scarab King does more hits if you don't have a Shield Hero.

3rd - Scarab King does more hits if you have to many Buffs. 

4th - Scarab King can be resisted.

5th - Scarab King has built in Shield Mitigation which can only be broken by Destroying his HP

This information is Huge!

This is how we are going to beat the Scarab King.

When I hear about a Boss doing only AOE moves, Counter Attack flies to the top of my list.

Can I fit a Counter Attack champion into my team?

This is why I added Skullcrusher.

However, I don't think Skullcrusher is the best option for the Scarab King.

I think Valkyrie will be the Star Counter Attack Champion for this Boss!

Let me tell you why:

If you don't have a Shield buff on the boss, He does more hits.

If you have to many unnecessary buffs on the boss, He does more hits.

You want to do a balancing act here!

We want to have a few buffs, but not an insane amount.

Skullcrusher puts up Ally Protection which I feel is unnecssary.

I feel like Counter Attack Buff + Shield Buff + Increase Defense Buff is the way to go.

It's 3 buff, but they are very powerful buffs.

I feel like one strategy against the Scarab King is to limit your buff usage.

You can't just go in the fight with 10 buffs and say GG vs. Scarab King.

You go into the fight with 10 buffs and the Scarab King is going to make you pay the price.

I feel like another strategy against the Scarab King is to stack resistance!

You build up tons of Resistance to prevent the Scarab King from doing his Debuffs.

You can put Block Debuff Buff on your heroes to avoid the Scarab Kings Debuff

However, if you put the extra buff on you, You will have to pay the price!

The Scarab King is going to charge you an extra hit for every Buff you foolishy put on your heroes.

The King of the Scarab's isn't going to allow you to Buff for Free in his Domain!

I am completely convinced Resistance is the way to go.

I don't want to take an extra hit from this guy.

Those extra hits add up really fast.

The Scarab King will whittle you down.

The Scarab King does like 1k or 2k damage per hit.

It seems like nothing!

2 mins later in the fight, Your whole team is dead

I was sitting their scratching my head wondering how on earth did I die?

The Scarab King is literally doing no damage to me and I'm dying.

This is what I was seeing in the fight people!

This is why I am saying I need to make changes!

- Skullcrusher ---> Counter Attack Buff + Ally Protection Buff

- Zelotah --------> Shield Buff + C.Heal Buff

- Sepulcher ------> Increase Defense Buff + Block Debuff Buff

- Rhazin ---------> No Buff

- Steelskull -------> Increase Defense Buff

Look at my team it has 6-7 Buffs.

Scarab King does 1-2k damage per hit.

It seems like nothing?

Well guess what?

It's 1-2k damage per hit per buff and I have 6-7 Buff.

It snow balls so bloody fast.

Here is what I am thinking:

I think Valkyrie is better vs. Skullcrusher because it will remove Ally buff from my team.

I am thinking of replacing Zelotah for a different Shield hero so I can remove the C.Heal Buff.


Take a look at this little guy!


I don't have him built, but look at the potiental!

The Frog King only does Shield + Increase Defense

If you remember, I am trying to limit my Buff usage to only 3 Buffs (CA + Shield + I.Defense)

This is perfect when you think about it!

The Frog King is immune to Provoke.

The Scarab King does Provoke on his A1

The Frog King has Resistance Aura in all Battles for 55%.

We was talking about stacking Resistance.

We could potientally use the Frog King Aura to help stack more Resistance.

The Frog King was made for the Scarab Boss.

It is the perfect fit to the strategy I am talking about.

We have broken the cryptic of the Scarab King's mechanics.

We have dissected the Scarab King.

We are creating the Ultimate Counter team against this Boss.

The Scarab King is going to lose his crown when we are done with him.

We are going to transform him into the Jester of the Court.

The Scarab Jester is all we are going to say.

The last thing I want to talk about is the Scarab King Mitigation Shield:


If you look at the above picture were the Green Arrows are, You can see the Shield.

The Health Bar of the Scarab King is Red.

The Mitigation Shield Bar of the Scarab King is Purple.

If you do nothing, The Scarab King will reduce all your incoming damage.

You will hit the Scarab King like a limp noodle.

Total Weak Sauce!

The way to remove the Mitigation Shield is by destroying the Scarab King Max Health.

You need a champion with a skill that can Destroy the Scarab Kings Total Health.


You need to equip a champion with a Destroy Artifact Set.

When I first did my run vs. Scarab King, I didn't know about this Purple Bar.

I won the battle with my Clan Boss team.

- None of them have Destroy Skills.

- None of them were wearing Destroy Artifacts.

The fight was a crazy long battle.

I think the battle lasted 7 to 8 mins.

It took a long time to kill the Scarab King because I wasn't aware of the situation.

The damage I was doing was really pathetic.

Eventually, my team won by slowly wearing him down.

It is like grabbing an Axe and chopping away at a Tree.

The Tree will fall if you whack at it long enough, but clearly this isn't the most efficent way.

Again I was studying the mechanics of the Scarab King.

I made some changes.

I want you to take a look at my Next Level Strategy!


What you see before you Ladies & Gentlemen is a Damage Dealing Destroy/Resist Rhazin!

People is this the Evolution of Rhazin?

Think about it!

Rhazin is very tanky ---------------> You know Rhazin can take a hit 

People use Rhazin in Clan Boss ---> Most times Rhazin is the last 1 left alive on team.

Rhazin can put up huge damage numbers in Clan Boss.

You build up Rhazin C.Rate to 100%.

You build up Rhazin C.Damage has high as you can.

You build up Rhazin Defense.

You build up Rhazin Resistance.

You sit back and let him loose against the Scarab King!

I reduced the time to beat the Scarab King in Half.

I went from 8 mins to 4 mins with this set up.

You might say 4 mins is nothing compared to people winning in 10 seconds.

However, the 8 second or 10 second win on the leader boards are all a lie.

They are using 3x Septimus.

Septimus is a Squishy Attack Type Champion.

Squishy Attack Type Champions are going to get slaugthered by the Scarab King in the higher stages.

How are you going to keep Septimus alive?

It's impossible to keep him alive because he can't handle punishment.

Septimus is a fragile little flower.

Do you honestly think Rhazin is going to have a problem?

No Way!  It's not even possible.

Rhazin is built to take the punishment & dish out the punishment!

The history of the game has shown us Defensive & Health Type champions are the way to go.

This is why I am so excited to tell you people.

Who would have thought about putting Rhazin in Destroy set?

People sell Destroy sets for silver - They think Destroy sets are garbage sets.

Now the Destroy set on Rhazin is the Secret ingredient!

Obviously, my Destroy Artifacts are not of the highest quality.

I don't have the Legendary Destroy pieces.

I have to Farm Dragon for Destroy gear.

This is outragious.

Who would have ever guessed Destroy gear becoming so insanely good.

I don't have all my gears +16. 

I am completely out of Silver


If an Ancient Shard was to show up in my Market, I wouldn't be able to buy it.

I have no Silver to even buy an Ancient Shard!

I have hit rock bottom!

You know you have hit rock bottom when you can't even buy an Ancient Shard. 

How did the Silver disappear?

Do you know how much Silver I used this week?

I swapped gears around.

I upgraded gears to +16.

Than Poof - The Silver is all gone!

Where did it go? I don't know

It's all gone.

At this point, My progress to conqueror the Scarab King has to be put on hold.

I have to replenish my Silver stock.

I have to farm more Dragon for Destroy gear.

I have to level up my Frog King to +60.

This is the team I have so far in my mind:


Sepulcher & Steelskull were the other 2 heroes I had in the team before.

I don't know if I should keep them in the team or replace them.

Sepulcher ----> Atk Down Debuff + Increase Defense Buff + Block Debuff Buff

It could be dangerious having her in there due to the extra Buff.

She does offer Atk Down to help reduce some of the damage my team takes.

I am still thinking about it.

Steelskull ----> Poison + Increaes Defense Buff + Heals

I think Steelskull is very good.

Steelskull is Spirit Affinity is good match up vs. Force Affinity Scarab King.

I have my Steelskull fully booked.

I have my Steelskull fully mastered.

I like the fact Steelskull can put up a little bit of damage with his Poison.

I like the fact Steelskull can do instant team healing + instant single target healing.

It's not Continous Healing! Huge Importance

(I don't have to worry about an extra Buff or extra HIt).

The only thing which worries about Steelskull is his Defense

Steelskull base defense is like 950.

Steelskull does all of these amazing things.

But a dead hero does nothing!

Can I get him to survive?

Also I have been considering other options:


I don't know if I mention this, but the Scarab King has other weaknesses.

The S.King is vulnerable to Turn Meter Manipulation.

The S.King is vulernable to Decrease Accuracy Debuff.

I am going to update my list:

Here are the Key Elements I am taking away from Scarab King:

1st - Scarab King has all AOE moves 

2nd - Scarab King does more hits if you don't have a Shield Hero.

3rd - Scarab King does more hits if you have to many Buffs. 

4th - Scarab King can be Resisted.

5th - Scarab King has built in Shield Mitigation which can only be broken by Destroying his HP 

6th - Scarab King is vulernable to Turn Meter Manipulation

7th - Scarab King is vulernable to Decrease Accuracy Debuff.

Not only can we increase our Resistance, but we can reduce the Scarab King's Accuracy.

We can make it so the Scarab King has very low chance of landing Debuffs on us.

This is why I am thinking about Psylar.

The Decrease Turn Meter + Slow Speed Debuff + Decrease ACC Debuff

The only draw back of Psylar is her Defense 960.

This is what worries me.

Another example of a hero I am thinking about:


- Visix has Horrible Review.

- Visix has Red Ratings eveywhere.

- People say Visix is Worst Void Legendary

- People say Visix needs a Buff.

I don't care about any of those things.

Those comments & reviews where made in past.

We are in the present - The past is gone

I am look at what this champion has to offer us today!

We are fighting against the Scarab King.

Nothing esle matters.

This champion has a Decrease Turn Meter on her A1 which is 2 hits.

We have Counter Attack on our heroes!!!!

Is Visix going to be able to lock out the Scarab King?

Is it possible for us to lock down the Scarab King so he never takes a turn? 

Can Visix do it? I don't know!

This is why we are here - We talking about it.

It is very interesting.

Look what esle Visix offers us my friends.

Visix has 1,475 Base Defense ------------> Insane! She is built like a Brick House.

Visix can do Decrease Speed Debuff ---> I think its fine

Visix can give herself a Shield -----------> I think its fine

Visix can do Provoke ---------------------> Not working on S.King

Visix can do Ally Protection Buff ---------> Only tricky issue about Visix

One thing I will say is I don't own Valkyrie.

I am forced to use Skullcrusher.

Skullcrusher is my only Counter Attack champion.

Skullcrusher does Ally Protection.

Visix doing Ally Protection might not mess my team up because I am already doing it.

However, a person using Valkyrie.

They might not want to add the Ally Protection to there team.

Its something they could do or they could go another route.

Again we are just theory crafting, The flow of idea's.

We have so many options.

If you have any idea's, Feel free to let people know.

Post comment - tell us your strategy!

Dec 11, 2020, 01:1012/11/20

Nice Going ! i'll make sure to read up on all your progress :D

Dec 11, 2020, 03:4812/11/20

Quick Heads Up:

After writing my post about Day 4 of the Doom Tower, I have realized I made a technical mistake.

I wrote my post in the morning when I was really excited about fighting the Scarab Boss.

I had my creative mojo going thinking of all the different set ups vs. Scarab Boss.

Afterward, I stepped away from the forum.

I went to go do real life stuff.

Most of what I said sort of left my mind.

I have now come back to the forum at the end of my day.

I have re-read some of what I wrote from the previous day.

I feel like I made a Technical Error.

I just want to address it with you here.

Previously, I was talking about "Limiting my Buff Usage".

The Scarab King has a move called Vile Absorption.


I don't know if you can read the move from the above screenshot.

However, what the move says is:

Attacks All Enemies! Places an extra hit on any enemy for each buff on target.

The reason I was trying to Limit how many Buffs my team will have is because I didn't want the Scarab King Vile Absorption skill to unleash a crazy fury of attacks on me.

I was trying to limit my hero's to has few as buffs possible.

I was only focusing on the bare necessities.

This is why I was trying to limit myself to only 3 buffs:

1st - Counter Attack Buff

Counter Attack Buff is a great option when the enemy you are fighting against is faster vs. you.

Counter Attack Buff is a great option when the enemy you are fighting against does AOE moves.

I am fighting vs. Floor 30 Scarab King.

I am thinking the Scarab King in the higher Floors will be a lot faster vs. S.King in Floor 30.

At that point, I don't think I will have the necessary Speed to keep up with the S.King speed.

I think the Scarab King will go before me.

I think the Scarab King might even take 2 turns before I take my 1 turn.

How do I fight against a person faster vs. me?

You have to neutralize the playing field.

You have to make it so the Speed doesn't matter.

My enemy moves 2 turns for my every 1 turn, BUT I have counter attack buff on me!

So how will the fight play out?

Turn 1 - Enemy gets a turn hits me -----------> I retaliate 

Turn 2 - Enemy gets a 2nd turn to hit me ----> I retaliate again

Turn 3 - I, finally, get a chance to do one of my skills.

I have been slower vs. enemy the whole time.

However, I have been matching them hit for hit due to the Counter Attack Mechanic in the game.

This is why I believe it is very huge.

2nd - Shield Buff

The Scarab King has a skill called Easy Prey.

The Scarab King will Counter Attack you if you don't have a Shield up on your heroes.

Using a hero who does a Shield to avoid the hits is very helpful.

In addition, Shield Buffs are generally very good.

Shields are another way to help keep your team alive.

Shields Champions are always welcome in a fight! 

3rd - Increase Defense Buff

The last buff I was trying to limit myself to use was the Increase Defense Buff.

Why? because it has double benefits!

- The Increase Defense Buff can help your team survive longer in a fight.

- The Increase Defense Buff can amplify the damage of Heros which scale Damage from Defense.

You can see why I feeling confident about the above 3 buffs in my previous post.

I was thinking extra buffs were Luxury buffs which we probably can't afford.

The Scarab King will tax us with extra hits if we run dozens upon dozens of buffs.

So I was trying to keep the buffs low.

This is where I made my Error.

At the time of making my post, I didn't think about what I had said fully.

It was kind of fool-ish for me to say what I said.

Reading it later on, I can see how dumb the statement was. lol

What if I add a 4th buff called Block Damage Player J? 

Ever heard of it!

OMG - The Scarab King will hit me for extra hit 

Oopps, To bad my Block Damage buff literally means he does no damage with the 4th extra hit. lol

Unkillable is another Buff which doesn't care about extra hits. lol

At the time, I thought I was being clever by trying to limit the damage the Scarab King Vile Absorption would do to me.

Anyway, I just wanted to clear that up.

I glazed over the possiblities this morning it seems.

Dec 11, 2020, 23:2912/11/20
Dec 11, 2020, 23:30(edited)

Day 5 of Doom Tower: 


I want to talk about the Climb to the Boss. 


I used this same exact team from Floor 31 to Floor 39.

However, I did have to manual a few of the Floors.

It seems like the Floors leading up to the Boss are becoming tough.

I want to give you an example picture on why some of these stages are tough:


The above picture is from Floor 38.

I used the same team to defeat it.

However, I want to talk about the dangers of a Floor like this.

The enemy team is running 4 DPS units + 1 Support unit.

Venus is the Support unit -----> AOE Def Down & Weaken

The 2x Cruetraxa's are Single Target Damage Dealers which can 1 shot anyone they hit.

The 2x Rae's are AOE Damage Dealers which can Stripp Buffs + Freeze + Potientally 1 shot you.

Against a team like this: You can't let them have a move.

If the enemy team gets a turn, my team is dead.

This is the mindset you need to have. when facing Floors like this.


You have to kill enemy team right off the bat or you have to Crowd Control them.

If you are able to kill the enemy in 1 shot Perfect, this is what you want to do!

If you are unable to kill the enemy in 1 shot, Crowd Control is the way to go!

In my situation, I wasn't able to kill the enemy in 1 shot.

Thus, I had to use Crowd Control.

Crowd Control = True Fears - Fears - Freeze - Stun

These are debuff moves which can stop the enemy from hitting you.

I was using 2 different heroes who provided me with Crowd Control (Tormin + Harvest Jack)

This is how I won and you can win in a similar fashion.

The heroes I used were Legendary, but you don't need Legendary heroes to win.

What you need in order to win is Crowd Control!

The Yellow Border of the champion means nothing in this situation.

You can have a champion with Blue Border or Purple Border or any other Color of the Rainbow.

It doesn't matter as long as they have Crowd Control which stops the enemy from attacking you!

If the enemy attacks you, They are going to go ham & cheese all over you.

You have to stop them from completely destroying you.

Here is the team I used to Defeat the Frost Spider:


Peeps, What you see before you is the only defeat I will probably ever have vs. the Frost Spider.

I have 0 confidence in being able to win vs. the higher Frost Spider Stages.

I watch these various Youtubers saying the Frost Spider is super easy.

What are they smoking?

I have only 1 HP Burn Champion (Bulwark).

I have 0 AOE Leech Champion.

I can't stop the Baby Spiders.

500 heroes in the game only 3 heroes have AOE Leech:

- Teela Goremane

- Ma'Shalled

- I.Bloodtwin

I am struggling to think about how I am going to win.

I won the fight vs. Floor 40, but did I "really" win?

I think I didn't "really" win.

I think it was a cheese win which will only work vs. lower stages.

Once, I reach the Big Boy stages.

I'm so getting creamed!

The Frost Spider is going to go Ham & Cheese all over me.

The people saying the Frost Spider is easy.

Are the first ones which are going to start complaining the Frost Spider is to hard.

Here are the Key Elements I am taking away from Frost Spider:

1st - Frost Spider Minion's are vulnerable to Leech 

2nd - Frost Spider is vulnerable to HP Burn

3rd - Frost Spider is vulnerable to Block Revive

4th - Frost Spider is vulernable to Revive Denial Effects

5th - Frost Spider Debuffs can be Resisted

6th - Frost Spider Debuffs can be Blocked

I saw a set up in the Best Team list which really impressed me.

It was done by a Gods & Legends player named Infinite.


I want to break down his team:

If you remember, You have to do 2 trash waves before reaching the Frost Spider Boss.

I think Infinite made Ithos the fastest champion on his team. 

Wave 1 ---> Ithos goes First in the team + 1 shots enemy wave

Wave 2 ---> Ithos goes First in the team + 1 shots enemy wave

By the time you reach the Boss, you have 4 heroes who haven't used their skills.

The only hero who has been using his skills is Ithos (They are on cool down).

I think the following moves go down in the Boss Wave:

1st move: Ithos --------------> Does his A1

2nd move: Ma'Shalled -------> Speed Buff + Increase C.Damage + True Fears + Leech + Extra Turn

3rd move: Ma'Shalled --------> Does his A3

4th move: Lydia the D.Siren --> AOE Def Down + Weaken

5th move: Septimus 1 --------> Nuke

6th move: Septimus 2 --------> Nuke

7th move: Frost Spider Dies --> Tries to Revive

8th move: Lydia the D.Siren --> Deny the Revive Attempt

I think it is a brillant set up, but it does raise a lot of question's.

Will the set up work vs. higher stages of Frost Spider?

How can people try to replicate such a set up?

Obviously, it is to early to tell what will happen next.

I am just theory crafting set ups which I could potientally use to beat the Frost Spider.

It seems to me the way to win vs. Frost Spider isn't so clear.

It seems to me like a person would need to pull 1 specific hero out of 500 in order to win.

I feel like some of the other Bosses used Game Mechanics which were more open.

For Example:

The Scarab King required a person to Destroy his Max HP.

A player could accomplish this by using a hero with a skill which Destroys Max HP

Or they could wear Destroy Artifact gears.

The Nether Spider required a person to do Heal Block so the Spider doesn't heal.

A player could accomplish this by using a hero with a skill which does Heal Reduction

Or they could wear Curse Artifact gears. 

The Magma Dragon requires a person to Provoke the Boss.

A player could accomplish this by using a hero with a skill which does Provoke

Or they could wear Taunting Artifact gears.  

Do you see what I am saying now?

How do we get AOE Leech or HP Burn for the Frost Spider?

Only 3 AOE Leech heroes in the game.

No AOE Leech Artifacts

Only 20 HP Burn heroes in the game.

No HP Burn Artifacts.

It seems like the chances of winning are extremely slim.

And I unfortunately find myself on the negative side of this situation.

Dec 11, 2020, 23:3612/11/20

Please let us know how floor 48 goes, that one has me stumped. I think i may be on normal for rest of the month 

Dec 12, 2020, 06:0512/12/20

Day 6 of Doom Tower:


You are about to witness the most Emotional Boss Climb ever.

I was filled with so many emotion's:

- Sadness

- Disgust

- Joy

- Happiness

You are about to see it all go down. 

You better brace yourself because it going to be a rollercooster of emotion.

Lets talk about the Climb to the Boss. 


I started my Climb up with my normal team.

Everything seemed to be going fine!

I was happy because I felt like I wasn't in the danger zone, yet

I beat Stage 41 + 42 with the same set up.

I was really pumped that this point.

Than things started taking a turn for the worst!

I want to show you the most disgusting Floor Ever - Floor 43

5 Provoke heroes which do Reflect Damage. 


Who on earth even comes up with a sick floor like this

This has to be the most disgusting floor ever.

In my mind, I was thinking of ways to beat the floor.

I was thinking all I need was Block Debuff Buffs.

Block Debuff Buffs would prevent them from doing Provoke on me.

I decided to swap out Stag Knight + Harvest Jack for M.Mage + Seducer

M.Mage can put up block buffs for 1 turn + cleanse incase of an emergency.

Seducer can put up block buffs for 2 turns.

If I keep switching between M.Mage + Seducer block buffs, They won't ever provoke me.

That is what I'm am thinking.

It took me 22 mins playing on Manual to win!


Absolutely disgusting.

The only good thing I can say is I never got provoked. lol

Flip Flopping the Block Debuff Buff did help me from getting provoked.

I think what messed me up was I went into the fight with a Magic Damage Dealer.

I think I needed to swap out Rotos for a Spirit Affinity Damage Dealer.

All the monsters in the fight where mostly Force Affinity.

My Rotos kept doing weak hit after weak hit.

What ended up happening is the fight turned into this battle of endurance.

The enemy team had no way to heal or revive themselves.

I had my Arbiter always bring back my team.

My Rotos was doing weak hits, but the enemy wasn't healing.

It was like chopping down a tree with an Axe. lol

Every chop help me win, but it felt so disgusting.

Floor 44 - I thought it was neutral for me.


The rares in this Floor Provoke, but they are not as intense.

The previous Floor had Warchief + Angar.

- Warchief has an A1 which hits 3 times which can do Provoke (Never goes on cool down)

- Angar can do provoke on all his moves + he can put provoke on you when you attack him.

Bascially, Warchief & Angar have the power to lock a person out of the game.

You can be provoked in a fight 10-20 turns before you finally break free of there Provoke.

Angar's in arena have done this to me so they are very terrifying.

The Rare's in Floor 44 are a different matter.

The Rares on Floor 44 have Provokes which go on long cool down.

They do a Provoke on their A3 than it goes on a 3 or 4 turn cool down.

For this reason, I felt like I didn't need both M.Mage + Seducer.

I was thinking about who I should replace Seducer for.

I decided to go with Stag Knight for his Def Down.

Why? I was scared of SkyTouch Shaman.

Elder Skarg does HP Burn + True Fears, but it goes on Cool down.

The Rares do Provokes, but they go on Cool down.

I feel like my M.Mage can handle them.

Another thing which you notice is most of the heroes in the battle are Spirit Affinity or Void.

This means my Rotos is going to smack really hard.

The champion which is scaring me is the Skytouch Shaman.

Skytouch Shaman can Heal + Revive on Death.

Skytouch Shaman is the only hero on the enemy team which can keep them alive!

Previously, I won a 22 min fight beacuse the enemy team wasn't able to regain health.

I kept chopping away at there health till it was gone. Right?

Floor 44 is different because they have someone who can regain health.

Skytouch Shaman is the lench pin of their set up.

When Skytouch Shaman falls, The fight becomes a battle of Endurance.

A battle I know I can win.

For this reason, I added Stag Knight so he can do Def Down.

This lets me focus on trying to kill Skytouch Shaman fast!

And that is how I won.


The next stage I am going to show you was the Stage of the night for me.

I absolutely loved Stage 45.

I had so much fun.

I started laughing.

I laughed so hard I started crying in laughter.

It was a real Joy.

Floor 45 - My Favorite Stage 


What you see before you is your Standard Arena team which has gone completely wrong.

Leader - Skartosis with Speed Dungeon Lead

- Skartorsis --------> Increase Atk + C.Rate

- Madam Serris ---> Strip all your buffs + Def Down

- Lua --------------> AOE Nuke you out of this world

So what is wrong with this set up?

- They are using the wrong Speed Aura

- They have no Turn Meter Filling champion.

If I have a Speed Aura or Turn Meter Filling Champion or Both, I could potientally go before them.

Guess what I did? I added Arbiter so I can go before them.

Than I loaded up 2 Crowd Control heroes to punish them for not Properly Building their team.

Tormin --------> Freeze + Provoke

Harvest Jack --> True Fears + Slow Speed

Than I added a Bomb Champion as my Damage Dealer.

Souldrinker ----> Throwing out Bombs everywhere.

Than I added a Reset Skill Champion so I could do all of the fun stuff I just did again!

Renegade -----> Reduce Cool down times by 2

And this is what Happen:


Doesn't that just put a big smile on your face.

It cracks me up every time.

Here is a picture of the bombs going off:


2x 40k Damage Explosion. OMEGALUL

That is going to leave a Mark.

Poor, Madam Serris

What did she ever do to you Player J?

She was in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Floor 46 - It was a strategic floor for me.


I started with my regular Opening - Tormin Lead

I like Leading with Tormin because of his Aura.

The Defense Aura can be a real lifesavor vs. these hard hitting enemies.

Tormin has the strongest Defense Aura on my account.

It is for All Battles which works in Doom Tower.

Tormin does Crowd Control - Freezing & Provokes.

The fact he has Good Defensive Aura + can take out 1 or 2 heroes out of the fight is really powerful.

Not everyone owns Tormin, but if you look through the champions you do own.

You might have a hero who does similar thing.

4 out of the 5 heroes in the fight are Spirit Affinity.

A Magic Damage Dealer will do very good here.

I went with my Rotos.

I added Arbiter just to keep my team alive + Speed them up.

The last 2 heroes I added were the switch in hitters for this Floor.

The enemy team has 2x Crimson Helm.

Crimson Helm -----> Does Provokes

The provoke are not crazy intense provokes.

They are on a 4 turn Cool Down.

I added in my Mage to deal with the Provokes.

I thought he could handle it fairly well by himself.

Now here is what was scarying me about the enemy team.

The Enemies Main Damage Dealer is Deathless.

Deathless deals more damage when allies die.

Ideally, I would like to kill Deathless in this team first.

Deathless gets stronger when her allies die.

Killing deathless first would prevent her from ramping up damage against me. 

However, The enemy team has a Cardinal.

Cardinal revives all dead allies.

You can see how it can be tricky.

For this reason, i decided to add in Elegaius.

Elegaius has an ability which can put an enemy hero skills on cool down.

My plan was to kill Deathless first with my Rotos

Than use my Elegaius to put the Cardinal skills on cool down so she can't revive.

Than use my Mage to help my team dodge the Crimsom Helm provokes.

Than use my Tormin to provoke or freeze the Jizoh + who ever esle

Than use my Arbiter to speed up my team + revive them in case of emergency.

This is what my strategic plan was for the fight.

It went down exactly how I planned. 

The post I am writing on right now is getting really long.

It is also getting really late at night.

I'm fixing to have to go to sleep so I think I will end my post here on Floor 46.

I will continue tomorrow with Floor 47 to the Boss.

Dec 12, 2020, 08:4912/12/20

Just wanted to make a comment about your Frost Spider fight - you mentioned that you struggled due to having few options for AoE leech, and HP Burn abilities.

There is a defence mastery that can apply leech when applying freeze/stun/sleep. You could have this on someone like Shirimani for example. 

Cant help with the HP Burn issue as I have precisely the same problem

Nice thread

Dec 12, 2020, 13:0512/12/20
Dec 12, 2020, 13:07(edited)

Thank you, Boo

I didn't think about the Mastery Tree.

I will have to see if I own any heroes which do AOE Freeze/Stun/Sleep.

I don't own Shirimani, but I might own someone esle.

Yeah, Good tip for sure.

I will try to re-think my Frost Spider team with the new information.

Dec 12, 2020, 14:4512/12/20

Day 6 of Doom Tower: 

The Climb to the Boss continues - We are now on Floor 47.


What you see before you is a copy cat team.

The enemy team is using a strategy which I previously use on Floor 45.

The Floor I was having so much fun on with my Bomb Champion.

The enemy team is planning on turning the tables around. 

Let's see the break down:

- 2x Warmother ------------> AOE Bombs

- Umbral Enchantress ------> AOE Provoke for 2 turns

- 2x Warcaster --------------> Block Damage

Warmother plans on putting Bombs on me.

Umbral Enchantress plans to keep me entrapped with the Provoke long enough for the Bomb to explode.

Warcaster plans on slowing down my damage vs. them long enough for the combo to work.

How do I stop this?

Well none of the enemies can stop me from Freezing or Provoking them.

They have no Cleansing hero or Block Debuff hero.

This means I can Open up with my Tormin.

My Tormin can potientally Freeze or Provoke a few of them disrupting the enemies combo.

The enemy team is 2 Magic affinity + 3 Void Affinity.

This means I can use a Damage Dealer which is Force - Magic - Void.

I decided to go with my Rotos.

I could of gone with my Souldrinker or Skullcrown, but I settled with Rotos.

The enemy team is using a few Debuff (Bombs + Provokes).

I added M.Mage into my team to Block these Debuffs or Cleanse the Debuffs.

It is a good way of trying to neutralize what the enemy is doing.

Normally, I like using Arbiter.

I didn't like Arbiter for this match up.

Most people don't realize this, but Arbiter can't heal your team up to 100%.

The highest Arbiter can heal your team is around 74%.

If you look at Arbiter skills, It says she can heal you by 25% if your champion health is below 50%.

This means if your hero is at 49% health - They can only go up by another 25%.

The highest she can get you is 74%.

Most fights being only 74% health is fine.

The reason why it is fine is because she can constantly revive you.

She will keep bring you back from death putting you close to 74% health.

In this particular fight, We are facing Bomb Champions.

The Bombs will go on everyone at the same time including Arbiter.

This means if the whole team is only at 74% total health.

The whole team will most likely die all at once together.

For this reason, I added in Zelotah.

Zelotah does Continous Healing.

Continous Healing will continue to heal your champion till they are max health 100%.

In addition, Zelotah does Shields.

The Shields extend your total Health Pool.

This gives you an added Buffer so you don't get killed.

You can potientally survive 2 or 3 Bombs going off on you with out dying.

The last champion I added to the fight was Elegaius.

Elegaius has 2 different benefitical moves in this fight.

1st move is putting the enemy skills on Cool Down

2nd move is removing 2 buffs the enemy has on them.

My plan was to use Elegaius to put the Umbral Enchantress skills on Cool Down.

This would prevent Umbral from Provoking me completely.

Than I would use Elegaius to remove the Block Damage Buffs.

This would nuetralize the Warcasters Ace ability.

And by doing all of this I was able to win.

The Dreaded Floor 48


You have a few different ways you can play this floor.

The first way to play the situation is using a set up I didn't use.

However, I want to mention it incase you can do the other set up.

The enemy team has Warlord + Madam Serris.

Those 2 champions like putting up a lot of Buffs.

You can also use a hero which puts up tons of Buffs on your team.

Than you can use a Champion like Seer to do a Buff Explosion.

It will do tons of damage.

In my case, I didn't feel like using Seer.

I do own Seer.

I went another way.

The set up I went with was more of a Locking out set up.

I enjoy the Crowd Control set ups.

I think they are very fun.

Let's see the break down:

- Madam Serris -----------> Block Debuff Buff + Def Down + Weaken

- Septimus ----------------> Damage Dealer

- 2x Elder Skarg -----------> AOE True Fears + HP Burn (They are meant to be annoying)

- Warlord ------------------> Heals + Shields (He is meant to keep the team alive)

What are they missing?

Turn Meter Filling champion.

They have no hero which can help them go fast.

So if I add a Turn Meter Filling Champion to my team, I could go before them.

I could even potientally take 2 turns vs. them taking 1 turn.

This is why I added Arbiter to my team.

Now that I am going before them.

I kept my usual opening lead Tormin.

Tormin can do Freeze + Provoke.

However, Tormin by himself isn't enough to keep the enemy completely crowd control the whole time.

This is why I added in another champion which Crowd Controls (Harvest Jack)

Now 1 thing to keep in mind which can be very important is Affinity.

In this fight, You don't really want to pick a Crowd Control hero who is Magic or Force.

You want to pick a Crowd Control hero who is Spirit or Void.

Why? Because you want to pick a champion which is Nuetral or has an Affinity Advantage over the people you are trying to crowd control.

- Madam Serris & Warlord = Void

- Elder Skarg = Force

- Septimus = Spirit

If you pick a Void hero, It is nuetral against all the different heroes.

If you pick a Spirit hero, It is nuetral vs. Void + Spirit / It is Strong vs. Force

If you pick 1 of the other 2 types, You could potientally have problems.

If you pick Magic hero, The Elder Skarg might dodge you.

If you pick Force hero, The Septimus might dodge you.

Now which Damage Dealer do we select?

The Damage Dealer you select should be based on the heroes which scare you the most.

The 2 heroes which scare me are Septimus & Warlord.

- Septimus is the scary Damage Dealer of the enemy team

- Warlord is the lench pin keeping the enemy team alive.

The other 3 heroes are annoying, but they are not threatening.

The other 3 heroes are in the team as a distraction.

The Damage Dealer I went with was Rotos.

Magic Affinity is good vs. Septimus.

Magic Affinity is nuetral vs. Warlord.

So what is my plan?

My plan is to go before enemy team with Arbiter.

Than crowd control them with Tormin & Harvest Jack.

I plan on staggering the moves so the enemy is always skipping turns.

Than I plan on killing Warlord

When warlord dies, The fight becomes a Battle of Endurance.

Than I plan on killing Setpimus.

When Warlord & Setpimus is dead, The 3 remaining heroes are nothing more than sitting ducks.

I have broken the heart of there position.

Sure, the 3 remaining hero's might be annoying.

They might dragg out the fight with there annoying moves, but it is all for not.

They have no Sustain or Damage Dealer.

They will go down - Slowly, but surely

And that is how I was able to win.


And that is where I will end the post for now.

I got to go to work so I'll talk about Floor 49 & 50 in the next post.

Dec 13, 2020, 07:3212/13/20

the doom tower is stupidity has nothing original other than that 3 times I beat the beetle and the game stuck

Dec 13, 2020, 14:4412/13/20

Day 6 of Doom Tower: 

The Climb to the Boss continues - We are now on Floor 49.


The team I used was the same team I used on Floor 45.

I really enjoyed how it all went down.

The enemy team has a bunch of stall - tanky heroes.

My strategy was to blow them all up at the same time.

I think the set up went down nicely.

Floor 50 - Boss Stage


I used my improve set up which I talked about vs. Floor 30.

My Vergumkaar isn't level 60, yet

I have been using Zelotah as my Shielder till I can max out my Vergumkaar.

My Rhazin is in Destroy Set.

I think Rhazin does very good in Destroy set.

One negative thing about my team is Skullcrusher.

I played the team on auto several times.

Some Auto fights my team wins - Other Auto fights my team loses.

It all seems to revolve around the "timing" of my skill cool downs.

When my Skullcrusher does his Counter Attack + Ally Protection, The Boss can 1 shot my S.C.

The Scarab King A2 move often does crazy damage to my Skullcrusher due to the Ally Protection.

I can win the fight on auto if my Skullcrusher Avoids doing his Ally Protection against the S.King A2.

or I can win the fight on auto if my Skullcrusher has his Unkillable up when the S.King does A2.

Yeah, it seems like what I was saying before is true.

I think Valkyrie in the long term is going to be the better Counter Attack Champion.

I don't own Valkyrie so I am just trying to push Skullcrusher to his limits.


Perhaps, What I need to do is swap out Sepulcher for like a Jareg.

I could try using Jareg to replace Skullcrusher Ally Protection.

This way Skullcrusher will not take 2 full hits with the Ally Protection up.

Dec 14, 2020, 03:3312/14/20

Quick Heads Up: 

I think I have found out why I am losing on Auto vs. the Scarab King.

It is because of the Steelskull.

The reason I added Steelskull on my team was for his poison + extra healing.


Steelskull was doing great vs. Floor 30 - Hard Mode of the Scarab King.

I have noticed on Floor 50 the Scarab King is hitting me a little harder.

Steelskull does a Heal on a 4 Turn Cool Down Fully Booked.

Steelskull does 20% Healing based on my Allies Max HP.

The Healing Steelskull is doing is simply not enough

I am going to have to take out Steelskull for a better Healer.

Dec 14, 2020, 18:4312/14/20

Day 7 of Doom Tower:


The Detour:

As we all know, I have been showing you my Progress through The Doom Tower.

I was able to beat Hard Mode - Stage 50 on Day 6.

I was hoping to beat Hard Mode - Stage 60 on Day 7.

However, It seems like fate had other plans for me.

I got busy at work this weekend.

The time ran away from me.

When I got back home from work, I only had 1 hour left till reset.

I thought about doing Hard Mode, but I didn't think I would have enough time.

Most of my fights have been 10 to 20 mins.

I didn't want to lose my keys.

For this reason, I decided taking a detour to attack Normal Mode.

The Doom Tower is a month long conquest.

I think the idea behind the Doom Tower is to pace ourselves.

In Addition, I been focusing on trying to make a very consistant auto farm team for the Scarab King.

I really want the materials for the Scarab King.

I am planning on making those Gears.

Dec 14, 2020, 18:5212/14/20

I got stuck at 69, haven't formulated any real strategy.  Mostly just sustain...I have no good damage dealers so been using warlord, duchess, serris, monster, kantra and a few others on waves

Dec 14, 2020, 19:4812/14/20

With 3 revivers and they have high resist it is impossible for me to beat without a good block revive attack hero.  I have no rotos, foli, .... and don't  think brawler or armiger will work at this level, lol.  I'll have to check my vault for a decent option... who should I be looking for?  Was even considering griz jarl for his max hp reduction but obviously that would take forever...

Dec 14, 2020, 22:0312/14/20


Honestly, I haven't been able to do Doom Tower past few days.

Every Single Floor I do takes 10-20 mins to beat.

The past few days I been so busy with Christmas + Work.

I only have like 1 or 2 hours till reset.

Its close to impossible to finish all daily missions + doom tower keys in limited time.

The game even added a new fusion which requires all new champions.

It's definitly a lot of new stuff which isn't bad, but I just seem to be limited on time.

I should get more free time later in the week.

At least that is what I hope, I'm have to see how it goes down.

The good news is I got a month to do the Doom Tower.

I can slowly chip away at it day after day.

I haven't reached level 69.

I have no clue what is on the floor so I can't really tell you how to win right now. lol

Dec 15, 2020, 12:0912/15/20

Day 8 of Doom Tower: 


The Detour Continued: 

I didn't have enough time in Real Life to do stage 60 on Hard mode.

I decided to use my Keys for the day on Normal Mode.

I am planning on battling Hard Mode on another day when I can devote more time to it.

Dec 15, 2020, 18:0012/15/20
Player J


Honestly, I haven't been able to do Doom Tower past few days.

Every Single Floor I do takes 10-20 mins to beat.

The past few days I been so busy with Christmas + Work.

I only have like 1 or 2 hours till reset.

Its close to impossible to finish all daily missions + doom tower keys in limited time.

The game even added a new fusion which requires all new champions.

It's definitly a lot of new stuff which isn't bad, but I just seem to be limited on time.

I should get more free time later in the week.

At least that is what I hope, I'm have to see how it goes down.

The good news is I got a month to do the Doom Tower.

I can slowly chip away at it day after day.

I haven't reached level 69.

I have no clue what is on the floor so I can't really tell you how to win right now. lol

I've switched to normal, likely for good lol,  first wave of floor 69:

siphi x2, cardinal, painkeeper and jinglehunter