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Dec 9, 2020, 07:5612/09/20


Big Love to the Development team!

I didn't know what to expect with the new 3.0 update.

I was getting nerves!

Is the patch bad? 

Is the patch good?

I didn't know!

After years of waiting, I can say you peeps have nailed it!

The Doom Tower is absolutely amazing.

Awesome Job, Plarium! 


My plan for this thread is 2 fold:

1st - Congratulate Plarium on a New Feature I like (The Doom Tower).

2nd - I want to write about my Journey through the Doom Tower.

I want to talk about --> The Good! 

I want to talk about ------> The Bad!

I want to talk about --------->The Ugly!

The Doom Tower is going to have new strategies which we need to create to win.

I think it is going to be fun.

Yeah, Lets do it!

Feel Free to comment to my thread if you want too.

Dec 9, 2020, 08:2612/09/20
Dec 9, 2020, 08:29(edited)

Day 1 of Doom Tower: 

I made a Mistake!


I am so horrible at the Doom Tower, peeps.

I got confused.

I went into the Doom Tower.

The Arbiter Tutorial Pop up.

Here is a screen shot from one of HellHades youtube videos: 


You see how the Arbiter is talking about the Doom Tower.

This same thing happen to me as well.

I got confused.

After she finished talking, She started pointing at Floor 1.

Here is a screen shot so you can see the pointing:


I went inside the fight.

I didn't know I could exit back out to switch modes.

I thought I was forced to beat all of Normal Mode before going to Hard Mode. lol

It is safe to say Day 1 was a Bad start for me.

I completely blundered!

I picked the wrong mode.

However, I do have good news to tell you about this whole situation.

1st Good News = It's not about the starting line ----> It's about the finish line!

You might not realize this, but trains have a slow start too.

Once, the train gets in motion it becomes unstoppable.

I am feeling confident. 

I feel like I can bounce back from this minor mistake.

2nd Good News = I beat Floor 10 on Normal Mode 

I used all my Keys for the day!


It was a rough start, but I think I can turn it around.

I think I can be successful.

Dec 9, 2020, 08:5612/09/20
Dec 9, 2020, 08:58(edited)

Quick Heads Up:

After completing Day 1 of the Doom Tower, I found out some very interesting information!

The key information I found out was to save your Secret Rooms for Later!

I will explain why:

Floor 10 Boss on Normal Mode is dropping Rare - Magma Core - Materials

The Top Right Corner of the Boss shows you the Blue Material which are dropping. 

Here is a super close up picture so you can see what I am saying.


Why does this matter? 

Because Magma Core materials are needed to create Fatal Gear.

However, I want you to take a close look at the below Screenshots:


In this above picture, I selected to craft 3 to 4 star gear.

You can see to craft these gears you need Rare Magma Cores.


In this above picture, I selected to craft 4 to 5 star gear.

You can see to craft these gears you need Rare Magma Cores + Epic Magma Cores. 


In this above picture, I selected to craft 5 to 6 star gear.

You can see to craft these gears you need Epic Magma Cores + Legendary Magma Cores.  

If I complete the Secret Room early, I will get extra Silver Keys from them.

I will than only be able to farm the Low Level Boss which give me "Rare Materials"

I will than only be able to craft 3-5 star gear with these "Rare Materials"

I don't want 3-5 star gear.

I want 6 star gear.

This means I need to save my Secret Room till later so I can use the extra Silver Keys to Farm the higher Boss stages which give me better material quality. 

Dec 9, 2020, 09:0012/09/20

What is wrong with starting in normal mode? You will always have the time to finish both modes right? 

I don't like the "key system" here.  I wish I can just use energy so I can finish the stages within the day

But, it is what it is. 

Dec 9, 2020, 09:0612/09/20

What is wrong with starting in normal mode? You will always have the time to finish both modes right? 

I don't like the "key system" here.  I wish I can just use energy so I can finish the stages within the day

But, it is what it is. 

There is nothing wrong with starting in Normal Mode.

I just wanted to go for the Glory in Hard Mode.

Dec 9, 2020, 09:5712/09/20

I see

Dec 9, 2020, 10:5512/09/20
Dec 9, 2020, 12:34(edited)

Day 2 of Doom Tower:


I made the switch over to Hard Mode.

The reason why I swap over to Hard Mode was to understand the mechanic's of the New Bosses.  

It's hard for me to talk about strategy when I can brutal force win the Floors on Normal Mode.

I plan on going back to Normal Mode in the future. 

You have to remember my Account is 1 to 2 years old.

I believe my account should beat all of Normal Mode.

I believe my account should beat all of Hard Mode.

Out of these 2 Modes - I think Hard Mode will be the Mode which offers my account more of a challenge.

It will force me to think of strategies on how to win.

Obviously, Everyone account is different.

You should start with the Mode you feel is best for your own Account.

Players have made guesses on how tough Normal & Hard Mode will be.

Players believe Normal Mode strength is equal to Stage 12 to 16 of Faction Wars.

Players believe Hard Mode strength is equal to Stage 19 to 21 of Faction Wars.

My account has beat a few of the different Stage 21 Factions.

For this reason, It makes the most sense for me to start on Hard Mode.

Now that we are all on the same page.

I want to talk about the Climb to the Boss.


This is your Standard Dragon 20 Speed Farming Team.

I am Smashing the Floor to pieces - Rawwwrrr


It's so Nice!

You want to see them wreck face Twice!


At this point, I changed my team up.

Why did I change my team? Because the enemy waves have 3x Terror Beast 

Absolutely Disgusting!

My Royal Guards will kill themselves.

It is like Ice Golem all over again.

I decided to go Old School in this line up.

- 3 Sustain Champs ----> Roschard (Block Damage) - Arbiter (Revive) - Zelotah (Shield)

- 1 Damage Champ ----> Rotos 

- 1 Utility Champ -------> Elegaius

The True All Star of this team composition is Elegaius.

Everyone was saying Elegaius is Garbage Fusion.

Elegaius is a Goddess - 1 move - Dead Stop - Those Terrorbeast are Shut down.

No Reflect for you - Bad Doggies!


Same team as before with Harvest Jack vs. Zelotah.

- Romero does C.Heals.

Harvest Jack can Flip them to Poison.

- Faceless & Juliana are DPS units.

Harvest Jack can True Fear them making them all skip a turn.

The True All Star of this team composition is Harvest Jack.

When you face tons of DPS, Crowd Control them so they never hit you.


Same team as before with M.Mage vs. Elegaius.

- Bulwark does HP Burn

- Galkut does Bombs

M.Mage can remove all debuffs from Allies + put up a Block Debuff Buff.

M.Mage laughs in De Face of these losers. Bwwwahaaahah

The True All Star of this team composition is M.Mage 

When you face tons of Debuff, Cleanse them so they don't hurt you.


Same team as before 

I didn't need to change anything.

The True All Star of this team composition is Roschard the Tower

Roschard A2 does Block Cooldown Skills which can't be resisted.

It was clutch vs. the Warcaster.


Same team as before 

I didn't need to change anything.

The True All Star of this team composition is Arbiter

Arbiter turn meter filling on the A2 + A3 help my team run away with victory.

I did to many reps vs. enemy team.


Same team as before 

I didn't need to change anything.

The True All Star of this team composition is M.Mage 

The enemy Elder Skarg's were really annoying.

They kept doing Fears.

M.Mage really pulled through for me to remove those pesky Fears.

It was awesome.


Same team as before with Tormin vs. Roschard.

The Enemy team is only using DPS heroes.

So I decided to add in more Crowd Control.

The True All Star of this team composition is Tormin

Tormin kept Freezing + Provoking them in combination with Harvest Jack True Fears + Slow Speed.

The enemy was smothered in Crowd Control Debuffs.


The above picture is the first team I used to fight vs. Magma Dragon.

The team did manage to win which was surpising to me.

- I added Arbiter to help speed up my team:

 The Turn Meter filling could help my team cycle through skills.

- I added Skullcrusher because I thought the Magma Dragon only had AOE moves.

The Counter Attack Buff could help my team attack back when Magma Dragon did his moves.

I found out in the fight the Magma Dragon only has 2 AOE moves + 1 Single Target move.

- I added M.Mage because the Magma Dragon does HP Burn + Hex

I found out in the fight if you Cleanse Hex - The Hex shifts on to your Cleansing Hero.

- I added Rotos for Damage.

Rotos can hit pretty hard so I figured he could slowly take down the Boss.

- I added Roschard for Block Damage.

I found out in the Fight if your hero has Hex - The Magma Dragon will ignore Block Damage.

You can see the team I used first was sort of experimental.

I was trying to gather my bearing on this Boss.

The team won, but I feel like the team will not win on higher stages.

This is when I started theory crafting other team set ups.

After a few hours, I ended up finding a disgusting set up.

I want you to take a look at the below set up:


You might think I am trolling you, but I'm like so serious. 

It seems crazy! - I know it does seem crazy!

I am using level 50 Doom Priest.

I am using level 54 Maulie which is unascended.

How on earth is this team better vs. other team?

The issue is I think I have found the weakness of the Magma Dragon.

I don't know if you can see it or not.

However, I am telling you.

I think I have just created an infinite loop which can take down the Magma Dragon.

Here are the Key Elements I am taking away from Magma Dragon:

1st - Magma Dragon only puts 1 Hex at a time randomly on Low HP hero. 

2nd - Magma Dragon Shifts Hex to any hero who Cleanses Hex

3rd - Magma Dragon often delivers a Death Blow to the hero who is under Hex.

4th - Magma Dragon is vulernable to Provoke  

The reason the hit is a death blow is because of the following:

Magma Dragon ignores 100% Defense, Block Damage, Unkillable, & Shields.

Now watch how amazing this is.

It got me really excited.

Step 1 - Magma Dragon puts Hex out on someone.

I don't care who it is because I plan to cleanse it with Doom Priest


Step 2 - The Hex shifts to my Doompriest because she cleansed it off my allies.

"Doom Priest" now becomes the Hex Target

I am forcing Doom Priest to be the Hex Target

Do you see? I am controlling who will always get the Hex by doing this.

Step 3 - Magma Dragon delivers a Death Blow to Doompriest

I plan to revive Doom Priest with my Arbiter

At this moment in time, my Arbiter Revive is on Cool Down.

I need to try and stall the Magma Dragon a little bit so I can get the Revive off Cool Down

Step 4 - Maulie Provokes the Magma Dragon

I am forcing the Magma Dragon to hit a target who doesn't have Hex.

It stalls out the Magma Dragon long enough for my Arbiter to get her Revive.

Do you see the Infinite Loop which is happening now?

Doom Priest gets Hex --> Doom Priest Dies --> Arbiter Revives --> Maulie Stalls for Revive to come back

The Whole Loop repeats itself - Over and Over again.


I thought it was a pretty cool discovery.

I was able to defeat the Floor 10 Boss with the sweet combo. 

Hopefully, the Combo will work for me in the future as well

Dec 9, 2020, 12:2712/09/20
Dec 9, 2020, 13:13(edited)

Day 3 of Doom Tower: 


I want to talk about the Climb to the Boss. 


I used this same exact team from Floor 11 to Floor 18.

I didn't make any changes till Floor 19.


Stage 19 was the first stage which got me really nerves.

I had to manual the fight so the AI didn't do anything bad.

The True All Star of this team composition is Renegade.

Renegade was the Star Champion which reduce the Cool Down's 

- Lady Etessa is very annoying.

- Lady Etessa does a Rally move.

Level 255 monsters coming at you with Rally moves is extremely scary.

They can often 1 shot a hero.

I had to put the Ultimate Crowd Control Squeeze on this Floor.

- Harvest Jack -----> True Fears + Slow Buff

- Tormin -----------> Freeze + Provoke

- Renegade --------> Resetting the Cool Downs of all the above moves.

I was commited to making sure those enemy heroes never got a single move.

It is way to scary to let them Rally Attack you.


The above picture is the team I used to fight vs. Nether Spider.

The team only wins when I play it.

I can't seem to auto this team composition.

The set up loses when I auto.

I don't think the team I am using is a sustainable team.

I'm not confident with my team.

I think it will get crushed in later stages.

Here are the Key Elements I am taking away from Nether Spider:

1st - Nether Spider has all AOE moves 

2nd - Nether Spider Turn Meter can be reduced, but she will C.ATK with 100% Defense Ignored.

3rd - Nether Spider is vulernable to Heal Reduction

What am I missing?

That is the question.

I can win the fight, but it doesn't feel like a true win.


Dec 9, 2020, 17:1212/09/20

Doom tower is pure joke. Instead of level 40 requirement, Plarium should have simply told the truth - Spend $10K in the shop, then unlock DT. For 99% of the playerbase DT will be a no-go for over 2 years to pull and level up and book the amount of top tier champs needed 

Dec 9, 2020, 18:0512/09/20
Dec 9, 2020, 18:07(edited)

Yes its challenging, ive only got 1 6 star player so far,the rest of the core team is at 50..working on my next 6 star..only 1 legendary to work with too.I like a challenge and I like the fact that it will take me a while to be able to go through the Doom Tower . It  leaves me something to look forward to and work at..I like it, , that said i can empathize with anyone feeling like its out of reach for them. The game certainly is easier if u start dumping cash into it but, wheres the challenge in that?

Dec 9, 2020, 18:4812/09/20

Doom tower is pure joke. Instead of level 40 requirement, Plarium should have simply told the truth - Spend $10K in the shop, then unlock DT. For 99% of the playerbase DT will be a no-go for over 2 years to pull and level up and book the amount of top tier champs needed 

Hey Volfer, 

Doom Tower was introduced as more of an "end game" area in Raid. Everyone is at differnt stages of the game; 1st lvl 60 farmer, setting up Arena team, auto lvl 20 dungeons for Arbiter, CB team, FW, and now we have Doom. 

For end game players that are just running their UNM CB, or are working on getting Lydia, this give them something new to have renewed interest in the game. Develop champs that have been collecting dust in their vault, grind new gear for these champs, etc....

I recently got Arbiter, and can 3 key NM CB.....I wish I could get UNM CB rewards, or get past any FW lvl 10 lol, but my roster is not there yet. It takes time for all of us to progress. Or, we have the choice to $$ and progress faster. 

With that said, I do agree that Plarium does charge way too much for packages, shards, books, etc in their Shop. I do spend a little $5~$10 here and there, but only if there is a good deal. Chosen Elite (YouTuber) had a calculator that helps me to decide if I want to buy something.

Not sure if that helps, or if it was needed, but there is my 2₵.

Dec 9, 2020, 18:5412/09/20


Do you use Renegade in other areas of the game? I am wondering the main difference between Renegade and Painkeeper. I have Painkeeper, naked at 40, waiting for Maneater, and have used a few Renegades as food. Should I be building a Renegade as well?

Don't mean to take this away from your Doom thread, but this is the first time I have seen Renegade come up.

Dec 9, 2020, 19:2612/09/20
Dec 9, 2020, 19:27(edited)

My only gripe so far is the silver cost of moving my gear around to beat the Scarab King. I cringe knowing that I'll have to do it again the next time he comes around if I don't find a suitable champion for a dedicated Scarab King role. 

For those struggling or think DT is impossible for newer players; I'm almost 3 months in and so far I'm keeping up on normal mode. No, I'm not much of a spender if that's what you're thinking. This is a strategy game, you have to think about your opponent's abilities and plan  to take him down. Either that or just go on YouTube and learn how others beat locations you're stuck on. 

Dec 9, 2020, 20:5712/09/20

I'm not sure if I'm missing something here.  I've read a few people state that they are saving their silver keys for higher levels of the secret rooms, but I don't see how that's possible.  Your keys reset to 10 everyday.  If you didn't farm the boss, and had 12 in bank, at reset you would be knocked back to 10.  If you had one left over from the previous day, you're topped up to 10.  There is no saving them for future levels higher up the tower.

That being said, as far as I can tell you cannot farm the seret rooms anyways.  I have tried on a few different occasions to redo them and I get no rewards for winning and the silver key is not used up.  All I have been able to use them for is farming the boss, which lets you auto fight them all by the way!

Dec 9, 2020, 21:1512/09/20

Wow the doom tower is cool i love it and its bout time :))Only thing i have is i have 2 accounts one of them is only lower end and its hard for that one to beat some bosses im stuck now on that one any clue? I have 2 keals on that account warmadin shrimini is the only lego and i have cold heart but she is only level 50 and apocary im now on that account stuck on the scarub king on normal and i dont have no one that puts shields ?

Dec 9, 2020, 21:2112/09/20

They are suggesting to not do the secret rooms, skip them until you get to higher level bosses. 

Once you get to higher levels, which should provide better farming rewards, you go back to beat the lower level secret rooms. 

You can then build up the extra keys they give, and use them to farm the higher level bosses on that day and get their better rewards.

Dec 9, 2020, 21:2412/09/20

They are suggesting to not do the secret rooms, skip them until you get to higher level bosses. 

Once you get to higher levels, which should provide better farming rewards, you go back to beat the lower level secret rooms. 

You can then build up the extra keys they give, and use them to farm the higher level bosses on that day and get their better rewards.

scarb king is main boss lol

Dec 9, 2020, 21:2412/09/20

What is wrong with starting in normal mode? You will always have the time to finish both modes right? 

I don't like the "key system" here.  I wish I can just use energy so I can finish the stages within the day

But, it is what it is. 

I think starting with hard makes sense to get to the furthest boss you can b4 switching to normal. Then each day you can use your silver keys to farm better materials. At least I think that makes sense, I haven't fully grasped the doom tower quite 

Dec 10, 2020, 00:2612/10/20

Quick Heads Up:

A few people made comments + asked me questions.

I would like to answer the question's best I can.

RaiderNation32 asked me the following question:

Do you use Renegade in other areas of the game?  

The answer to your question is YES!

Renegade is considered to be a "Poor Man, Prince Kymar"

Renegade resets your heroes skill by 2 vs. Pain Keeper reseting by 1.

Hundreds of players around the world use Renegade in Dungeon Speed Farming teams.

You can use Renegade in any of the End Game Dungeon's to blast through the Dungeon faster.

Prince Kymar is considered to be the Ultimate Reset hero.

However, Not everyone has the mad stacks like the Prince. lol

We use what we can to help speed the team along.

Here is a picture of Renegade in my Dragon Stage 20 team.


You can use Renegade in all the Stage 20 Dungeons for Speed Farming.

I don't use Renegade in all of my Dungeons because I haven't built a Speed team for all of them, yet.

It is a work in progress for sure.

Hopefully, You can see how useful Renegade can be if you don't have a Prince Kymar.

I hope that answers your question.

Andiel Ralck made the following comment:

My only gripe so far is the silver cost of moving my gear around to beat the Scarab King. 

OMG, Is the Scarab King insane good?

I haven't faced him, yet

I wonder how vicious he will be.

Aumakua made the following comment:

I'm not sure if I'm missing something here.  I've read a few people state that they are saving their silver keys for higher levels of the secret rooms, but I don't see how that's possible.  

I think you might be slightly confused.

You can't save Silver keys.

Every Silver key you get you have to use or it disappears.

However, no one is forcing you to attack the "Secret Rooms".

The "Secret Rooms" give you extra Silver Keys when you beat them for the 1st time.

What people are doing is waiting!

They are not attacking the Secret Rooms.

Players are waiting till they get higher up the Doom Tower to the higher level Bosses.

Than they are going to go back to the Secret Room's to beat them for the 1st time.

This will give them extra Silver keys.

They will use those extra Silver keys to farm the high level Boss Stages to get better Forging Materials.

Some people are saying save your "Silver Keys", but what they really mean is to avoid attacking Secret Room's till you get higher up the Tower.

Dec 10, 2020, 00:3412/10/20
Dec 10, 2020, 00:35(edited)

I think starting with hard makes sense to get to the furthest boss you can b4 switching to normal. Then each day you can use your silver keys to farm better materials. At least I think that makes sense, I haven't fully grasped the doom tower quite 

I have different approach. I want to familiarize with Doom tower mechanic's first. That is why I started with the normal mode. 

I don't expect to finish hard on first try, knowing how Plarium made faction wars' difficulty, and they did say that doom tower is an "end game" content in their video. 

Dec 10, 2020, 01:5712/10/20

Another Heads Up:

After completing Day 3 of the Doom Tower, I tested out various team set ups.

I did different experiments vs. the Magma Boss & Nether Spider Boss

I am probing the Bosses for information.

I am looking for the slightest hint of weakness so I can capitalize with a crushing Team Set Up.

I am studying the Bosses every move.

I have wrote down the following Information: 

Magma Dragon Weakness:

1st - Magma Dragon only puts 1 Hex at a time randomly on Low HP hero. 

2nd - Magma Dragon Shifts Hex to any hero who Cleanses Hex

3rd - Magma Dragon often delivers a Death Blow to the hero who is under Hex.

4th - Magma Dragon is vulernable to Provoke  

Based on this information, I have been trying out the below team: 


I feel like this is the team strategy the game developers & community managers were talking about.

The heroes themselves are not as important as the concept.


- I am forcing the Hex to be on my Cleansing hero (Doom Priest).

- I am forcing the Magma Boss to hit my Provoke hero (Maulie).

- I am using a Revive hero incase things go south (Arbiter)

- I am using a Damage Dealer (Rotos)

- I am using a Sustain hero (Roschard)

I could change Rotos to another Damage Dealer.

I don't really have any particular reason on why I am using him.

I put Rotos in the team to see how he would do.

Rotos seems ok in the set up.

I could change Roschard to another Sustain hero.

The Block Damage can help my team avoid some damage the Magma Dragon dishes out.

I could use a Unkillable hero, Shielding hero, or Healing hero.

I feel like the Magma Dragon Boss is very unique.

I don't think I have ever encoutered a set up like this before.

Yeah, I think it is awesome!

Nether Spider Weakness:

1st - Nether Spider has all AOE moves 

2nd - Nether Spider Turn Meter can be reduced, but she will C.ATK with 100% Defense Ignored.

3rd - Nether Spider is vulernable to Heal Reduction 

Based on this information, I have been trying out the below team:  


I don't know if I have fully featured out the right set up against the Nether Spider.

However, I wanted to show you this wildness I tried out.

I have reach the max limit on debuffs & buffs on my heroes.

Take a look at the chaos going down in the Nether Spider Floor.