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Need help, please.

Need help, please.

Dec 11, 2020, 13:5512/11/20
Dec 11, 2020, 14:20(edited)

Athel is fully booked, and level 57 as I level food for Juliana. Athel will be 60 tonight.

Dec 25, 2020, 19:1612/25/20
Dec 25, 2020, 21:52(edited)
Player J

I would Fully Book Athel + get her to level 60.

I would Save all your other resources till you advance further.

- Save Epic Tomes

- Save Jizoh

Your Athel isn't finished, yet.

You never know what will happen.

Lets say you finish making Athel level 60.

Than you pull a Shard and get a Legendary hero.

At that point, The Legendary hero might be good for your Dragon team.

Than your Dragon team will change based on new hero you acquired.

So its better to focus resources on like very short term goals because long term goals can change.

Some developments on my team, and not sure what direction to go from here. I have Athel level 60, fully booked out, 6 star ascension, Miscreated Monster level 60, fully booked out, 3 star ascension, Juliana level 60, unbooked, 3 star ascensioin, Romero level 50, unbooked, 3 star ascension. I was literally ready to 6 star Romero when I pulled Miscreated Monster.

Who would you add to this team, Diabolist, Gnarlhorn, Aothar, High Khatun (I get tomorrow), Skytouched Shaman, Valerie, Dagger "def down/atk down",  Adjuticator "turn manipulator", Haruspex, Fleshmonger "def down/buffs", Ripperfist, Hellgazer, Harvester, Gladiator, Guardian, Bulwark, Hope and Kurzad Deepheart.

Assuming I'm keeping the main four above for dungeons, doom tower, and the like. I put Aothar with Juliana in Clan Boss.

Dec 25, 2020, 19:2612/25/20
Dec 25, 2020, 19:46(edited)

Even though I've leveled Juliana to 60, I kind of feel like the Juliana/Romero duo is a hinderance. I almost feel like I should go Athel, Juliana, Miscreated Monster, Fleshmonger, and someone else and drop Romero for dungeons and doomtower. Pulling Miscreated Monster changed my team drastically. Gnarlhorn actually works really good beside Miscreated Monster in Doom Tower. Wish I wasn't 96 days away from getting Drex fromt he Bazaar.

The biggest issue I have with this is that I've got Romero in a shield set.

Dec 26, 2020, 01:5312/26/20

M.Monster  is a great Champion.

I just don't know if he will change your team or not.

Ok, here is what I think.

I think MM is a God vs. Spider Dungeon.

I think you should use him vs. Spider 100%

I think MM is Bad vs. Fire Knight Dungeon.

I think he doesn't had a lot of value in the fight.

MM is Bad Affinity 

MM doesn't have tons of Multiple hit moves to break shield.

I think MM is to Risky vs. Ice Golem Dungeon.

MM can get 1 shot by Boss if his Ally Protection buff gets put up at wrong time.

You would need a reviver to be save

I think MM is Nuetral vs. Dragon Dungeon.

I think people can chose to add him or decide not too.

Dec 26, 2020, 01:5512/26/20
Dec 26, 2020, 01:59(edited)

If you do decide to run MM in your Dragon team, you could replace Romero.

No one says you have to always run Juliana + Romero together.

You could just run Juliana + MM.

You could even give the Shield set from Romero to MM.

Dec 26, 2020, 02:5712/26/20
Player J

If you do decide to run MM in your Dragon team, you could replace Romero.

No one says you have to always run Juliana + Romero together.

You could just run Juliana + MM.

You could even give the Shield set from Romero to MM.

I tried him in Ice Golem, and Fire Knight and learned the hard way he does no good in those two dungeons. :)

I will use him on Spider, but I need to get Armiger leveled until I get a Coldheart. He works great in Doom Tower with Gnarlhorn at his side. That's probably where I'll run him the most. I like him in the Arena too, I just can't figure out a regular arena team I like with the champions I have.

He's not bad in Dragon, and helped me clear Dragon 13, but I still feel like I'm lacking a little in Dragon. It's probably just gear, and/or lack of Masteries on Juliana, Athel, Romero, and Gnarlhorn.

My Shield Set doesn't have enough hit point increase, not like the three sets I have Miscreated Monster in now. Would Hope work well in place of Romero? Would I really miss the ignore defense from Juliana if I don't have Romero?

Dec 26, 2020, 03:3412/26/20
Player J

If you do decide to run MM in your Dragon team, you could replace Romero.

No one says you have to always run Juliana + Romero together.

You could just run Juliana + MM.

You could even give the Shield set from Romero to MM.

This is what I'm thinking for now..

Dragon, Doomtower and Minotaur = Juliana, Athel, Miscreated Monster, Gnarlhorn, and Skytouched Shaman

Spider, Fire Knight and Ice Golem I am working on champions like Armiger for Spider, I need a good pull for Fire Knight and Ice Golem.

Magic Keep subsitute Hope for Skytouched Shaman.

Dec 27, 2020, 02:2812/27/20
Player J

If you do decide to run MM in your Dragon team, you could replace Romero.

No one says you have to always run Juliana + Romero together.

You could just run Juliana + MM.

You could even give the Shield set from Romero to MM.

I just pulled a Coldheart, and Frostbringer. Frostbringer will be added to my faction team, and I'll use Coldheart for Spider's Den and Fire Knight's castle. Should Coldheart replace Juliana? I don't know how good Coldheart is, and I'm just now leveling her.

Is there some mystical world I can run Coldheart, Athel, Juliana, and Miscreated Monster together? :)

Dec 28, 2020, 13:4112/28/20
Dec 28, 2020, 13:46(edited)

No - No - No

Every Dungeon is different.

Don't try to use the same team to beat every dungeon.

Instead, You should see what each dungeon does.

Than try to use heroes which can help.

If some of the hero's, you need are already built up.

It will be a bonus in your favor.

I will give you an example:

Here are the skills I told you to use vs. Dragon.

Critical Skills for Dragon:

1. AOE Crowd Control (Stuns / Freeze / Provoke / True Fears)

2. AOE Damage Dealer

3. Revive

4. Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs on Allies

5. Poison

Bonus Skills for Dragon:

6. Turn Meter Filling

7. Decrease Defense

8. Decrease Attack

9. Heals

10. Shields 

Now compare the above skills with the skills you want for Ice Golem.

You will see they are similar + different.

Critical Skills for Ice Golem:

1. Single Target Damage Dealer

2. Revive

3. Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs on Allies

4. Block Revive

5. Poison

Bonus Skills for Ice Golem:

6. Decrease Enemy Attack

7. Decrease Enemy Defense

8. AOE Stuns / Freeze / Provoke / True Fears

9. Shields

10. Heals


Skytouch Shaman does Block Debuffs / Remove Debuffs on Allies.

She is very good vs. Dragon.

The reason why is because the Dragon does Poison + Weaken.

Skytouch Shaman can be very good vs. Ice Golem.

The Ice Golem likes to do Freeze, Heal Reduction, & Defense Down.

This same champion "Skytouch Shaman" can be benefitical in both area's.

This is an example of 2 different dungeons have similar things in common.


Block Revive is very good vs. Ice Golem.

The Ice Golem Minions keep resurrecting themselves.

If you use Block Revive, They will stay dead forever.

It will help make the fight go easier.

Block Revive is useless vs. Dragon.

The Dragon has no revive mechanic.

It would be pointless to bring a hero who does block revive against the Dragon.

This is an example of 2 different dungeons have differences which you need to account for.


Think of each dungeon independently.

The way I was able to beat the dungeons was by making a list.

The list I am sharing with you is how I was able to win.