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Raid QoL / daily loop

Raid QoL / daily loop

Dec 8, 2020, 17:5812/08/20

Raid QoL / daily loop

First of, RSL has done a lot to improve as of late and IMO a change of features/improvements pace is noticeable. That said, what with all the new content the daily loop just takes way too long.

lets break it down w/ rough estimates (based on my state in the game, nothing scientific).

3 key CB - 30 mins give or take (can take way more)

FW- 15-30 mins.

Tag team (just the minimum five) - 10-20 mins

Doom tower hard - really takes a long time. I am at about 5 min. per floor. plus secret room and farm. it is more than an hour.

Rest of Advanced quests - 10 mins.

We're looking at at least 2h increase in the time it takes to do your daily missions. I'm not even talking dungeon farming tournies etc.

The game, as much as I love it, has become unplayable w/o spending a huge amount of time and using an auto clicker. That is if you want to do all the daily stuff...

I'd like to make a comparison the a similar game. Summoner war. In which new end game content was also added recently. However, in SW the devs added unlimited auto repeat function on almost all the content and it has a X3 option. I do it's daily loop as well and it absolutely takes a considerable less amount of time to complete.

Not saying RSL needs to do the same but, something needs to be done about this.

Dec 10, 2020, 01:4812/10/20

I know the raid card is not the most appealing feature... Lol

Dec 11, 2020, 01:0512/11/20

I actually agree, although the time from my perspective can be reduced to about 1 hour to do all the above, features like instant farming or unlimited replays can help alot. 

I want to point out that neither of those feeatures are currently planned, but i will make sure to pass your suggestions to the dev teams and let's hope for the best.  Thank you for sharing your thoughts !