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New servers?

New servers?

Dec 5, 2020, 18:3712/05/20

New servers?

Ok, i cant find anything about this question so here i am...

Will there be any new servers? 

would be awesome to join a fresh server instead of trying to rank up in a world where people have been playing since forever and makes it pretty much impossible to compete with.

Dec 5, 2020, 18:5612/05/20
Dec 5, 2020, 18:56(edited)


Afaik there are no plans to add any additional servers, this may change in the future, but for now this won't happen.

Cheers =)

Dec 6, 2020, 10:4512/06/20
Dec 6, 2020, 10:46(edited)

Who says your not on a new server?

The game doesn't really release information about servers.

You could be on a new server with out ever even knowing it.

Dec 6, 2020, 19:1312/06/20


Afaik there are no plans to add any additional servers, this may change in the future, but for now this won't happen.

Cheers =)

Thanks for answer =)

Dec 6, 2020, 19:1812/06/20
Player J

Who says your not on a new server?

The game doesn't really release information about servers.

You could be on a new server with out ever even knowing it.

Since there are no option to choose or see any servers (except the only one there is) might be a clue?

and u suggest i would by accident land on the same servers as the most famous raid players since forever if there were any other fresher servers?

Dec 7, 2020, 06:2612/07/20

Since there are no option to choose or see any servers (except the only one there is) might be a clue?

and u suggest i would by accident land on the same servers as the most famous raid players since forever if there were any other fresher servers?

You can't choose a server.

You can't see any servers.

BUT it doesn't mean the game only has 1 server.

The game could have multiple servers which are hidden from the sight of the players.

How do you know the game only has 1 server?

Are you the game developer or designer?

It seems to me like your making an assumption with out any evidence at all.

Than you are asking a question based on this made up assumption.

White FlameCommunity Manager
Dec 7, 2020, 09:2312/07/20

Hi! If I understand you correctly, you mean a new world/server where new players can compete against each other, and do not mess with veteran players (or a special server where, for example, German-speaking players can play) If that's what you mean, the answer will be, unfortunately,  no - we are not planning to open new servers/worlds. Still, I will pass the idea to our devs. Thanks a lot for commenting! 

Dec 7, 2020, 19:5812/07/20
White Flame

Hi! If I understand you correctly, you mean a new world/server where new players can compete against each other, and do not mess with veteran players (or a special server where, for example, German-speaking players can play) If that's what you mean, the answer will be, unfortunately,  no - we are not planning to open new servers/worlds. Still, I will pass the idea to our devs. Thanks a lot for commenting! 

my thought was that its really hard to get in the game and compete with veterans )(

Dec 7, 2020, 19:5912/07/20
Player J

You can't choose a server.

You can't see any servers.

BUT it doesn't mean the game only has 1 server.

The game could have multiple servers which are hidden from the sight of the players.

How do you know the game only has 1 server?

Are you the game developer or designer?

It seems to me like your making an assumption with out any evidence at all.

Than you are asking a question based on this made up assumption.

seems to me ur only ehre to be rude or troll, not sure wich..

Have a nice day dude/dudette =)

Dec 7, 2020, 23:5812/07/20

seems to me ur only ehre to be rude or troll, not sure wich..

Have a nice day dude/dudette =)

PlayerJ is one of the most helpful players on the forums along with a few others.  Visit the forum every day and you can learn quickly how to progress.  

Dec 8, 2020, 06:1212/08/20
Dec 8, 2020, 06:18(edited)

seems to me ur only ehre to be rude or troll, not sure wich..

Have a nice day dude/dudette =)

Obviously, I wouldn't be here if I was trying to be rude or troll.

I'm trying to help answer your question.

In my mind, The game will have dozens of new servers.

Here is a picture below of Gaming Servers.


I read an article a year or 2 ago about gaming servers.

You can read the article by clicking the link below if you want.

Gaming Servers Tech Explained: 

Millions of people have downloaded Raid.

All of there account information has to be saved some where.

The most logical place is on a server.

And if more people join the game.

Raid will need more new servers to house all the data being collected.

Dec 8, 2020, 06:5712/08/20

my thought was that its really hard to get in the game and compete with veterans )(

If Chuck Noriss could not beat a man names Tony Tulleners , than you could compete with veterans , just dont think negative, work on your champs and you will be surprised what you are capable . 👍

Dec 8, 2020, 07:3212/08/20
Player J

Obviously, I wouldn't be here if I was trying to be rude or troll.

I'm trying to help answer your question.

In my mind, The game will have dozens of new servers.

Here is a picture below of Gaming Servers.


I read an article a year or 2 ago about gaming servers.

You can read the article by clicking the link below if you want.

Gaming Servers Tech Explained: 

Millions of people have downloaded Raid.

All of there account information has to be saved some where.

The most logical place is on a server.

And if more people join the game.

Raid will need more new servers to house all the data being collected.

wasnt talking about physical servers tho......

talking about these kinds


Dec 9, 2020, 00:3012/09/20

Oh, I see what your saying now.

In that case, The Moderator & Community Manager answered your question nicely a few days ago.

I thought you was asking a complex question about the match making system.

The relationship of the old physical servers vs. the new physical servers.

For example:

If you start a new account, The tournments you get are completely different vs. veteran players.

You don't get matched up with any veteran players when your account is new.

Players have tested this out.

But yeah I was talking about something slightly different.

It still relates to your issue.

It is just the flip side of your issue.

Dec 11, 2020, 14:3412/11/20
Player J

Oh, I see what your saying now.

In that case, The Moderator & Community Manager answered your question nicely a few days ago.

I thought you was asking a complex question about the match making system.

The relationship of the old physical servers vs. the new physical servers.

For example:

If you start a new account, The tournments you get are completely different vs. veteran players.

You don't get matched up with any veteran players when your account is new.

Players have tested this out.

But yeah I was talking about something slightly different.

It still relates to your issue.

It is just the flip side of your issue.

yeah tornaments and such are nice to be placed with ppl similar to your rank, Arena at the other hand can be a nightmare due to veterans who probably abandened the game and their full leggo team dwells at bronze ranks.

Dec 11, 2020, 22:0012/11/20

my thought was that its really hard to get in the game and compete with veterans )(

I have to disagree with any need for new servers. Mostly you play against yourself and the AI for rewards

The updates to Classic Arena have  made the PVP very accessable to new players

Clanboss rewards, if you want to be top in thatarea join one of the thousands of clans automatically where your skills are top notch

The global chat channels are set up to handle 100s of channels at one time

Adding  more servers would ruin the game honestly and many players would  leave for the new thing. Leaving clans begging for new players to complete clan boss. Which is already a battle for most clans constantly recruiting 'active' players

Bad road to travel down and I do hope Plarium never does this with Raid

Dec 12, 2020, 17:1912/12/20

I have to disagree with any need for new servers. Mostly you play against yourself and the AI for rewards

The updates to Classic Arena have  made the PVP very accessable to new players

Clanboss rewards, if you want to be top in thatarea join one of the thousands of clans automatically where your skills are top notch

The global chat channels are set up to handle 100s of channels at one time

Adding  more servers would ruin the game honestly and many players would  leave for the new thing. Leaving clans begging for new players to complete clan boss. Which is already a battle for most clans constantly recruiting 'active' players

Bad road to travel down and I do hope Plarium never does this with Raid

Most of the game is totaly fine, but i cant really agree on the arena part tho. and thats the only huge downside i found with this game. it has taken me about 6 months to finally (like 3 days ago) reach Silver tier in arena because of all the inactive full 60leggo teams being a brickwall. and im now on the mission where i need 400 silver medals wich will take forever because of mentioned reason.

another thing is CB. its HARD to find an active clan on my cb lvl or lower.. most active clans are on NM or UNM while im still just able to top 2nd chest at brutal if i got time to spend all my keys, wich means i never get the double chest reward since im the only one hitting bosses that low.

and yes, games where servers opens up every week or day are total bu*****t imo. cuz the last server is dead the same second there is a new one up so i totaly agree with you on that point.

BUT! (this is just a thought, not a wish or anything.)

what if it would open a new server once a year, or even 2 years apart? ppl that played for so long wont just abandon their old servers for a "new season". so veterans would mostly stay at their servers while new ones would open up for new players to actually advance in arena and it would be way easier to find active clans around same CB progress

Iv been playing this account for about 6 months now and the only reason i would abandon this server would be cuz of arena.