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Next 6 star and Good builds question

Next 6 star and Good builds question

Dec 5, 2020, 15:1212/05/20

Next 6 star and Good builds question

First, Any idea's on who to 6 * next? I am thinking of doing Septimus and Lyssandra next (just got them) then not sure after that but maybe there are better suggestions than those 2. Any Epics I have that are safe to use as food?


I am looking for some good builds  for champions. I have been using Ash and Hell Hades as referances but have wondered if there any better creators or websites (besides ayumilove) for builds. I am thinking of rebuilding OB and maybe FB and would like to know good builds for them plus septimus. Does Lyssandra need ACC? Plus I am a little confused as to when it would be better to run lifesteal instead of just stat boosting sets.

Currently able to auto Dragon 16, Spider 13, Ice golem 14, and fire knight 13.

CB I can 2 key Brutal and it takes 4 keys to get Last chest on NM I think (usually only put 2 keys in brutal and 2 keys in NM) My team is OB, FB, Kael, Apoth, and Skullcrusher. I may replace Kael with Septimus once he is built up.

Dec 5, 2020, 16:2612/05/20

Use 4 keys and get top NM chest

You should focus on dungeon progression, dragon20 then the others. I don't think either of those legos will help you there. I think you might be able to do 20 with skullcrusher, monster, apo, brawler and one more. It will be slow, but you likely need better gear from dragon20 

Dec 5, 2020, 18:5312/05/20

I have several days of xp boosts so I am going to focus that for now. I did try to do better stages of dragons and managed to do all the way to 19 but 20 was too hard for now but I will work towards 20 dragons. Thanks for the advice.

Any good places to find good builds for champs besides the places i mentioned?

Dec 6, 2020, 11:2212/06/20

Your Clan Boss team is poorly designed.

Your Occult Brawler is poorly built.

You are lacking the Fundamental Understanding of Clan Boss completely.

Here is a video which can help you:

Dec 6, 2020, 15:2512/06/20

Yea I know he is built poorly, kinda why i was asking about builds. Most builds I see don't put him in lifesteal but the only healer I have is Apoth which is single target and hard to keep everyone alive by himself. Also I can not for the life of me, find boots that increase speed, so they are HP%

Same with FB. I built her for sustain (no lifesteal) and acc, but have seen builds where they set her up with attack. But after watching the video it seems I would be better off only having one poisoner.

After watching this, It seems I should only really have 1 poisoner. So if i were to change according to this setup my best team might be. Skullcrusher (CA), OB (poison), Apoth (heal/speed), Lightsworn (decrease attk and auto-revive) and Septimus, all in lifesteal gear.

FYI some of those champs (Septimus, Lyssandra, a couple of others) I just got a couple days ago, Including Jotun which is highly rated for CB.

Dec 7, 2020, 07:5012/07/20
Dec 7, 2020, 07:56(edited)

There is nothing wrong with putting all your heroes in Lifesteal gear.

The reason I said your OB build was poorly built is because he has low defense, low accuracy, & no speed,

You should try to push for 3k-4k Defense.

- 4k is ideal for all your champs.

- Occult Brawler is a special case.

- Occult Brawler base defense is very low so 3k Defense is considered very good for him

You should try to push for 200-250 Accuracy.

- 200 is ideal for Nightmare CB

- 250 is ideal for Ultra Nightmare CB

You should try to push for 172-209 Speed.

- 171 is ideal for Skullcrusher if your using him for Nightmare CB

- 172 to 189 is ideal for your remaining heroes if your using them for Nightmare CB

- 191 is ideal for Skullcrusher if your using him for UNM CB

- 192 to 209 is ideal for your remaining heroes if your using them for UNM CB 

You have 3 poison heroes in your team.

You should only be using 1 which is Frozen Banshee.

Frozen Banshee is the best because of the Poison + Poison Sensitivity.

You have Apothecary + Skullcrusher in your team.

Players never use both of them in the same team.

Players use Apothecary for Speed Lapping trying to get multiple turns against CB.

Players use Skullcrusher for Speed Tuning trying to move in sync with Clan Boss.

Only 3 heroes in the game can do team counter Attack.

1 Epic (Skullcrusher) + 2 Legendaries (Martyr & Valkyrie)

Most people use Apothecary because they are not lucky enough to pull 1 of the above champs.

You pulled Skullcrusher.

You shouldn't be using Apothecary in your Clan Boss team at all.

Based on the screenshot, I am seeing from your original post.

Your clan boss team should probably be the following:

- Bogwalker

- Warmaiden

- Frozen Banshee

- Septimus

- Skullcrusher

If you fuse Rhazin, You would replace Warmaiden with Rhazin.

If you fight vs. Force Affinity CB, You would swap out Frozen Banshee for Occult Brawler.

They would change places depending on the Affinity match up.

All the above heroes would need Right Defense, Speed, & Accuracy.

All the above heroes would need Full Lifesteal gear.

All the above heroes would need Full Masteries.

Yeah, its a lot of grinding.

It will take time to do all of the stuff.


As far as Lyssandra goes, Lyssandra is a God.

I wish I owned a Lyssandra.

Lyssandra is insanely good in Arena.

Lyssandra is also very good in Fire Knight vs. Boss.

However, you was talking about improving your Clan Boss team.

Lyssandra wouldn't help in your CB team.

Dec 7, 2020, 16:4812/07/20
Dec 8, 2020, 01:40(edited)

Thank you for all of that. Now I have some goals to work towards. As for pushing speed I have been trying to do that just lacking in gear. I will start solely focusing on getting to dragon 20 for now to improve...well everything. as for Skullcrusher and apoth, makes sense, I just figured I needed a healer.

Again thank you for all of the info. I just noticed that the video you sent is a part of a series and will watch when i get a chance to understand things better.

Dec 8, 2020, 06:5512/08/20
Dec 8, 2020, 06:57(edited)

I'm not sure if my previous post was clear about Skullcrusher vs. Apothecary.

I feel like I should explain a little bit more the Skullcrusher vs. Apothecary issue. 

The post I made previously was long so I didn't want to keep writing a lot due to the text limit.

You can only have write so much in a single post.

if you write to much, You will not be able to comment.

So yeah - I'll just explain it here:

Skullcrusher does a Counter Attack Buff for 2 turns.

Most people don't like using Apothecary or Turn Meter Masteries with Skullcrusher.

The reason why is because if your heroes gains alot of turn meter.

They will take more turns.

If your heroes take to many turns, The Counter Attack Buff will expire.

Counter Attack buff last 2 turns.

If your heroes move 3 times, The Buff will expire/disappear.

Than when the Clan Boss attacks you - you will not have the buff on to Counter Attack.

People who use Skullcrusher like to move in sync with the Clan Boss.

It is a 1 to 1 move ratio.

- Your team takes 1 turn.

- Clan Boss takes 1 turn doing his 1st AOE move ------>Your Team Counter Attacks 

- Your team takes 1 turn.

- Clan Boss takes 1 turn doing his 2nd AOE move. ----> Your Team Counter Attacks

- Your team takes 1 turn.

- Clan Boss takes 1 turn doing his 3rd Single Target move.

Your Counter Attack expires, but it is ok because the Clan Boss is only doing his Single target move at this point.

Everything resets at this point because the Clan Boss only has 3 moves.

It is a 3 turn cycle + your Skullcrusher fully booked is on a 3 turn cool down.

People who use Apothecary like to lap the Clan Boss.

It is a 2 to 1 move ratio.

- Your team takes 1 turn.

- Your team takes 2 turn. 

- Clan Boss takes 1 turn doing his 1st AOE move.

- Your team takes 1 turn.

- Your team takes 2 turn. 

- Clan Boss takes 1 turn doing his 2nd AOE move. 

- Your team takes 1 turn.

- Your team takes 2 turn. 

- Clan Boss takes 1 turn doing his 3rd Single Target move. 

You can see a difference now can't you?

When you was using Skullcrusher, You was hitting the Clan Boss during your turn + his turn.

When you are using Apothecary, You are hitting the Clan Boss only during your turn.

For this reason, You want your team to hit twice before clan boss moves to make up for the lost damage.

You can see why having both Skullcrusher & Apothecary in the same team can be counter productive.

When you use Skullcrusher, you want to maximize his Counter Attack Buff.

When you use Apothecary, you want to maximize his Turn Meter + Speed Buff.

Yeah, I just wanted to explain it a little more incase what I previously said was vague.


Yeah, The Hellhades video is part of a series.

I think Hellhades has a total of 34 different Clan Boss video's.

It is a lot of information to take in, but Clan Boss is a Huge deal for most people.

The best way to get Shards + Tomes (I.E. Juicy Rewards) is through Clan Boss.

Most rewards you get from other area's of the game are very medicore.

Clan Boss is where you get all the good stuff.