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Has anyone pulled legendaries from the free shards in the game rewards?

Has anyone pulled legendaries from the free shards in the game rewards?

Dec 3, 2020, 15:5312/03/20

Has anyone pulled legendaries from the free shards in the game rewards?

Im thinking about deleting my account

Been playing for almost 2 montha and realizing that this thing is a money pit and designed like a casino is...for a game that cant hold a candle to real computer rpgs or console rpgs..we sure are dumping a lot of money into it

. The f2p rewarxds are terrible and the grinding is all that there is could spend a hundred dollars and not pull any great players.. 

Just doesnt make sense anymore i guess

Plus it can really get addictive.not in a fun way either..its just like gambling..its actually pretty evil

Ok thats my dark rant.any thoughts?

Dec 3, 2020, 16:2012/03/20
Dec 3, 2020, 16:23(edited)

The answer to the title is "yes".

FTP rewards are quite big if you convert them to dollars. But that's mostly because dollar to actual reward ratio is terrible.

It's gacha. A slot machine. WIth terrible odds. But the game gives FTP quite a handful of coins to throw into it.

And the main thought. One doesn't need legendaries to enjoy the game. I haven't used any legendaries I got from shards in 5 months, and I still enjoy the game and play a lot.

If legendaries are what you desire and that leads to negative experience, deleting an account may be a right choice. If I were you, I wouldn't delete it, though, I would stop playing for a couple of weeks and then see if something changed in the game or in my attitude.

Dec 3, 2020, 16:5112/03/20

Im pretty addicted to it right now, cold turkey usually works. Taking a step back and re adjusting my perspective might help, I let myself really get  led on by the hype and shard pulls.

New content and a more developed game world would help change the feel.of it for me

It might be time to just get a console again and give up gacha games:)

Thanks for the input

Dec 3, 2020, 16:5412/03/20
Dec 3, 2020, 16:58(edited)

New content (Doom Tower) will he here in 4 days. So you may try a short 4-day break instead of giving up.

Btw, I myself can't wait to crack open 71 ancient shards tomorrow on a double chance :))

Dec 3, 2020, 17:2112/03/20

Wow, yeah ill save mine up for the next event hehe

If u have time leme know what good ones u pulled man

I got some good rares and epics from ancients just never a legendary

Dec 3, 2020, 18:0312/03/20

Yeah I have pulled some. I have never spent a dime and have been playing about a year and have about 15 legendaries. 

Just wait for doubled summon rates to pull specific shards, I feel that works best.

Dec 3, 2020, 18:0812/03/20

15 .that sounds more than acceptable.. 

Id rather f2P and earn everything that way . 

Dec 3, 2020, 18:1612/03/20

Yeah, it's all random chance, and the chances are kinda low, so saving your shards and waiting for boosted summon events for specific shards wear they double the chances is the best strategy in my opinion. Never pulled a void legendary, but when you're pulling like 60 ancients shards, or 5 sacred shards with double the chances you can get lucky. Not all the times, once pulled 70 ancient shards during double chance event, and got just 8 epics. But it's still the best chances. 

Dec 3, 2020, 19:2112/03/20

We get a free blue shard from the shop each week. I got mine 2 weeks ago used it on a non boosted day and got ma'shalled. So while im sure thats a 1 in a million pull it can and does happen. I busted over 30 blue p10 pinks and 2 yellows over thanksgiving boosted event and got all trash so it is random as heck.

Dec 3, 2020, 19:4612/03/20

We all have different perspectives as to why we enjoy the game. Personally, as a f2p player, I just enjoy the grind and working with what I have. 

I agree with SunnyRay's point- maybe taking a step back may help a lot, as it did for me a couple months back. With that being said though, we are getting some new content and the holiday season is typically a very exciting time in Raid. :)

Dec 3, 2020, 21:2812/03/20

Scored Dracomorph on an ancient shard the other day and have 4 legendaries in total. Get another in a week for 180days.

My older account is another story, only have 180 day legendary and no others from shards.

Its a lottery....luv it

Dec 3, 2020, 21:4112/03/20

Save free shards for X2 events !

Free to play rewards  in this game are better than any other free to play game I have played before !

Grinding  is a fact here !

Yes the shop packages are over  priced !

Dec 4, 2020, 13:5012/04/20

Thanks for all the input yall.. 

Im enjoying having a few goals in the game and working on fusion and levelong up

Looking forward to the new content coming out soon

Dec 4, 2020, 15:4512/04/20
Dec 4, 2020, 20:26(edited)
Tas Tsementzis

Wow, yeah ill save mine up for the next event hehe

If u have time leme know what good ones u pulled man

I got some good rares and epics from ancients just never a legendary

Legends: Mortu-Macaab

Epics: Thenasil, Lutheia, Hexia, Cagebreaker, Spider (3rd one), Defiled Sinner, Grimskin

64 rares: 3 new, 61 dupes. Still can't fuse Rhazin.

I don't see a hero I want to 6-star, so I'm disappointed. May be Thenasil, but he's not a clear improvement anywhere but FW.

My legendaries from shards so far: Bystopus, Warchief, Mountain King, Mortu-Macaab. All four have rank B in Ayumi tier list, 6.4 score and lower in Chosen's tier list (for comparison, Kael has 6.6).

Dec 4, 2020, 20:0212/04/20

Hope it was fun though. 

Im saving my shards till i accumulate maybe 20 ancients.3 or 4 sacreds and then ill wait for an event

Im very new so i havent had the chance to pull a lot of void or sacred.

No legends yet but i pulled Tayrel and Golden reaper 2 weeks ago, plus seeker in the same day from a pack I bought.  And coldheart.

Ive got athel at 6 and lvl60.working on my nxt 6 star

I dont really have another top tier nuker, i got souldrinker from an ancient shard, hes ok..sloe nuker helps in the arena sometimes. Not sure who i should focus on taking up to 6 next..Tayrel or souldrinker?  

The only other epics i have are corpse collector, and grizzled jarl..perhaps grizzled jarl would be useful in dungeons and campaign more than souldrinker if he was taken to 6.. i dont spend on anything but shards once in a while so.. it will take a while to get anither one up to 6..

That turkey day event was easy and awesome.helped me a lot

Dec 4, 2020, 20:1212/04/20

MY first 3 legos black night foli and draco all came from blue shards i saved or bought in the store and its best to wait till they have some event for shards in other way u are just fliping a coin lol good luck

Dec 4, 2020, 21:2912/04/20

2 of them for me (Roschard and Sethalia)

Dec 4, 2020, 21:4312/04/20

Legends: Mortu-Macaab

Epics: Thenasil, Lutheia, Hexia, Cagebreaker, Spider (3rd one), Defiled Sinner, Grimskin

64 rares: 3 new, 61 dupes. Still can't fuse Rhazin.

I don't see a hero I want to 6-star, so I'm disappointed. May be Thenasil, but he's not a clear improvement anywhere but FW.

My legendaries from shards so far: Bystopus, Warchief, Mountain King, Mortu-Macaab. All four have rank B in Ayumi tier list, 6.4 score and lower in Chosen's tier list (for comparison, Kael has 6.6).

Spider is very underrated champ, that's 2 of the many books needed for him 

Dec 4, 2020, 21:4512/04/20

2 of them for me (Roschard and Sethalia)

Nice! Plenty of unkillable comps available for you 

Dec 4, 2020, 22:5212/04/20

Spider is very underrated champ, that's 2 of the many books needed for him 

I don't see Spider replacing Tayrel or being together with him in a team. If I didn't have Tayrel, I would build Spider. What is his role with Tayrel already 60? Can Spider tank Spiderlings?

Dec 4, 2020, 23:1112/04/20

I don't see Spider replacing Tayrel or being together with him in a team. If I didn't have Tayrel, I would build Spider. What is his role with Tayrel already 60? Can Spider tank Spiderlings?

EOn my alt account I use as lead in every dungeon,  all level 20s.

1. Great speed aura

2. A3 aoe Dec defense and weaken against any affinity 

3. A2 is great too (aoe dec buff duration and atk down)

4. A1 remove buff

Now that you have arbiter, your focus after CB is only FW, tag, and doom tower. Or speeding up dungeon runs.  Is useful for all that.

May not be an immediate priority, but I imagine you will get to ranking up eventually.