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Plarium Money Hungry Again...

Plarium Money Hungry Again...

Dec 2, 2020, 16:3112/02/20

Plarium Money Hungry Again...

So I just found out that the christmas fusion, which was touted as being a classic style fusion where we level up rares/epics etc. is going to be another full of all new heroes...

While I get that this is a business for them, I cannot imagine that they aren't already making money hand over fist on this game.  This is probably the fourth game that I have played where it started out exciting and as it got more and more popular it got more and more pay to win and I eventually quit to find something else.  Who knows, maybe they have that factored into their business model.  "We'll drop new pay to participate content, the whales will pay us, and we may lose some under-producing players...  who cares..."

I guess I shouldn't be surprised.  Even when we do get new content it's main purpose is to make Plarium money.  You are of course welcome to participate but if you're not a paying customer it will be difficult to do.

Dec 2, 2020, 18:5712/02/20
Dec 2, 2020, 18:59(edited)

We used to try and get ahead of the curve a bit by hoarding rare champs to try and prepapre for these fusions which are very time and resource intensive. This means that the non "whale" players could still have fun and enjoy the game a bit.  

I don't mind paying for my entertainment and the £10 a month gem pack was a reasonable enough spend for me. You used to be able to hoard the gems from that and spend during the fusion to complete it.....but the direction is certainly starting to feel like they are trying to squeeze every penny out of their consumers and the end result of that is usually a dead game with a few whales in it.

Things I have noticed in the past few months:

Less Epic/Lego books from the final chest in the CB - more offers to buy books in the shop.

Black Friday "deals" that are worse than the regular time limited offers.

Artifact set "deals" and void shard pack "deals" that exceed the monthly cost of a full entertainment package bundle for broadband, television & films.

So many new champions with very situational skills which really makes them kinda useless in the wider gameplay.

This might just be my unsubstanciated observations with no data behind it to prove tweeks in the marketing approach but it certainly makes me think about my long term spend on the game.

This nonsense with all new champs in the latest fusion is feeling like the last straw for me. Just tell us up straight that all champs appear to have a one time use and we wont bother hoarding them - guess that makes you no money......nothing like a bit of uncertainty in a volatile market to push those consumers to spend spend spend..

Dec 3, 2020, 00:2712/03/20

having played for almost two years, I can say that things have been gradually improving as of late. but I can't help but share your frustration. Just know this : The devs are aware of our concerns and really want to change things around. I presonnally i'm optimistic. 

Dec 3, 2020, 00:4912/03/20

Eesh, I didn't realize keeping champions and expanding my vault would turn out to be such a waste of food champs and silver. I sure hope this isn't the shape of things to come. 

Dec 3, 2020, 14:2212/03/20

If they're all new, at least make them all from a new faction, you know, the 3 faction that should've been in the same pact as the dwarves...

Dec 3, 2020, 17:1212/03/20

I work in a company that has "values". The main one is "customer happiness is above everything else". And it's not a PR thing, it's an internal policy that actually means that if we have a solution that improves customer happiness but reduces immediate income, we implement it. If it's the other way around, we don't. It's a long-term business model.

Dec 3, 2020, 22:0212/03/20

Plarium has numbers to meet with the NEW investors. They want a return on their money

I get it, coming from a company Owner myself

But this is leaning on the top of the fence towards GREED. We all know what happens to a game when that kicks  in

Sure hope I am wrong because I do love the game. I am $1000's in on this game now, but the wallet is closed after Black Friday disappointment until I see real price changes

Dec 5, 2020, 18:3012/05/20

they project a monthly revenue of 8 million. 

yeah noone is ever satisfied lol. 

Dec 5, 2020, 18:3112/05/20

Plarium has numbers to meet with the NEW investors. They want a return on their money

I get it, coming from a company Owner myself

But this is leaning on the top of the fence towards GREED. We all know what happens to a game when that kicks  in

Sure hope I am wrong because I do love the game. I am $1000's in on this game now, but the wallet is closed after Black Friday disappointment until I see real price changes

you spent 1000s? holy !!! 

on what?? 

Dec 5, 2020, 18:3312/05/20

We used to try and get ahead of the curve a bit by hoarding rare champs to try and prepapre for these fusions which are very time and resource intensive. This means that the non "whale" players could still have fun and enjoy the game a bit.  

I don't mind paying for my entertainment and the £10 a month gem pack was a reasonable enough spend for me. You used to be able to hoard the gems from that and spend during the fusion to complete it.....but the direction is certainly starting to feel like they are trying to squeeze every penny out of their consumers and the end result of that is usually a dead game with a few whales in it.

Things I have noticed in the past few months:

Less Epic/Lego books from the final chest in the CB - more offers to buy books in the shop.

Black Friday "deals" that are worse than the regular time limited offers.

Artifact set "deals" and void shard pack "deals" that exceed the monthly cost of a full entertainment package bundle for broadband, television & films.

So many new champions with very situational skills which really makes them kinda useless in the wider gameplay.

This might just be my unsubstanciated observations with no data behind it to prove tweeks in the marketing approach but it certainly makes me think about my long term spend on the game.

This nonsense with all new champs in the latest fusion is feeling like the last straw for me. Just tell us up straight that all champs appear to have a one time use and we wont bother hoarding them - guess that makes you no money......nothing like a bit of uncertainty in a volatile market to push those consumers to spend spend spend..

hate to tell you , but if you have been spending money on this game you have already lost and plarium has already had it's way with you. 

I'd throw in the towel and get in some sports programs invest in yourself and not in your champions. 

Dec 5, 2020, 19:0412/05/20

hate to tell you , but if you have been spending money on this game you have already lost and plarium has already had it's way with you. 

I'd throw in the towel and get in some sports programs invest in yourself and not in your champions. 

If only we could leave workout on auto while we are doing other stuff.

Dec 6, 2020, 21:4612/06/20

you spent 1000s? holy !!! 

on what?? 

Many different packages, mostly Sacred shard packages or void shards and even ancient shards

Books / potions / gems / energy etc...

But hey I am sitting  on over 50,000 energy at the moment :/ 24,000 gems  and 100,000,000 silver

Tons  of stuff  in my mail box , hope I get to use it all

Dec 6, 2020, 23:1912/06/20

If only we could leave workout on auto while we are doing other stuff.

If we had more than 30 auto battles a day, they would sell more gems for the energy needed.  

Dec 7, 2020, 01:2712/07/20

I'm just glad my Nintendo Switch has arrived now... Off to Hyrule for now, see you again some time in the future Teleria!