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Budget Unkillable NM/UNM Team Issues - Stun Target

Budget Unkillable NM/UNM Team Issues - Stun Target

Nov 25, 2020, 22:4311/25/20

Budget Unkillable NM/UNM Team Issues - Stun Target

Hello all,

I've been working for a while on a budget unkillable NM/UNM team and I have run into some issues. I've been following guides and videos posted by Hell Hades and Deadwood Jedi regrading an Ally attacker based setup (in this case Kreela). According to the guides, I should be tuned and capable of having full runs. However, the stun target get's thrown off and my run is ruined. As anyone else tried a similiar setup?

I have Man Eater, Painkeeper, OB, Kreela and Bulwark as my team (Bulwark is the Stun target). I know the Stun Calculator doesn't account for Affinity, Crit Hits, etc. and maybe there is just not getting around that. If I can't figure it out, I can switch to an affinity based tanks that I swap out based on the boss.

In any case, here are my current HP/Speed/Def levels that I've inputed into the calculator. Does anyone see where I could be off and what I need to adjust (besides OB's defense needing to go up)? I would love to get this figured out so I can start dumping resources into other areas of the game.

Thank you for your input!!


Nov 25, 2020, 23:2511/25/20

Small Update. Tried running it again on NM. Followed the guide until Man Eater applies his second Unkillable buff and then went on auto. However, the turn order drifted after a round or two versus  the speed Calculator's order. I don't have any turn meter boost materies, so I can only assume that perhaps PK's A1 adjusted it too much? Not sure, but I can't think what else could be causing the issue.

If this keeps happening I may abadon the idea until I get a second Man Eater. 

Again, does anyone else have experience trying to run a team like this?

Nov 25, 2020, 23:4311/25/20

I struggled for a long time with the same issue on a similar team - no ally attack, but ME/PK unkillable, with Aothar as 'slow champ'. Not quite sure to what extent the same guidelines apply as for your team, but my intended stun target has quite a bit more HP than yours, around 45k, so also bigger gaps with the other champions' HP. And if you can get Bulwark's def even lower, do so - I had to make quite some changes to make my Aothar's def as low as possible, quite different from how you'd normally build... 

Another thing that might help is masteries - get your ME and PK the mastery to steal a bit of health on attacks while below 50 percent of HP, but your Bulwark not. If you get lucky and you get a warmaster proc, that may be enough to compensate for an unlucky crit from the CB that would otherwise throw off his stun. 

But yeah, even so, I still have 20 percent or so of my runs going south due to the CB critting on ME or PK in one of the first two AOEs, while not critting on Aothar. It's better than it was before, but not sure there is a way to ensure it always works regardless of CB crits. 

Can't help with affinities, as I've only ever run it on void CB so far. Although I would think that since ME and PK are void, they're less likely to get targeted on account of their affinity... and a stun on your OB or Kreela isn't a big deal, costs you a bit of damage but doesn't ruin the whole run. 

Nov 26, 2020, 00:0011/26/20

I have not try budget unkillable with an ally attacker so this comment can be wrong. 

But I have tried budget unkillable before, I suggest you try lowering Bulwark's def more and make his HP above 40k but not over 45k.

And also, make Painkeeper 2nd highest HP but not over 40k.

Make OB's def more than 2k

Nov 26, 2020, 00:5811/26/20

I will make those adjustments and see how it goes. The turn order on NM seems to be messed up, so I need to go throught that again.

I will see what I can do to lower Bulwark's DEF even more, short of giving him no shield.

Any additional comments are welcomed!

Nov 26, 2020, 07:5111/26/20

I will make those adjustments and see how it goes. The turn order on NM seems to be messed up, so I need to go throught that again.

I will see what I can do to lower Bulwark's DEF even more, short of giving him no shield.

Any additional comments are welcomed!

Just to make sure - you're sure you took the speeds listed in the guide for NM, not UNM or brutal? Those may be different: my own build works for UNM and brutal, though with different opening moves on brutal, but for NM I'd have to change the speed on one or two champs to make it work. 

Otherwise, a speed aura or Lore of Steel on speed sets can also throw turn order off, but I assume those are taken into account already in your calculator. 

Nov 26, 2020, 16:2611/26/20

During the turn when the stun happens, is kreela's shield on bulwark? If so that is what is throwing it off.

Nov 27, 2020, 19:4811/27/20

Yes, the speed needs to be adjusted on Kreela. Luckily, I have a banner with exaclty that much speed that I can swap out.

After rewatching some videos, I found that Kreela's and PK skill delays were slightly off. After making those adjustments, I had 4 perfect runs (2 NM Spirit CB and 2 Void UNM CB)!!

However, today, with a magic affinity CB, OB is getting targeted as the stun target. Sadly, I don't have any more gear to swap out to give him more defense without altering his speed. If I get a defense necklace that might help, but it's probably not enough.

If affinity is an issue going forward, I am going to have to swap in various leaders. I don't have a great low boi for Magic Affinity (Grappler is currently my most leveled up weakest spirit character). For Force Affinity I have a level 50 Frozen Banshee that should work perfectly (I am hoping she could replace Bulmark for increased DPS). 

This may be a long term plan becasue between swapping out and leveling up gear, I've exhausted my silver resources. We will see how it goes going forward.

Thanks again!