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Average Speed in Tag Arena

Average Speed in Tag Arena

Nov 22, 2020, 22:0711/22/20

Average Speed in Tag Arena

In your experience what is the average speed in Tag Arena?

I'm in Silver 1 right now, and my lyssandra with 275 speed is not fast enough to go first in about 75% of the matches.  This seems absurd.

Nov 22, 2020, 22:5411/22/20

Not sure what the average is, but I can say that my Seeker with 286 spd and Lord Shazar's spd aura usually goes first.

Nov 22, 2020, 23:2411/22/20

I never put my best speed team against their best, so I don't really know. My third team can't win a fight, so it usually "fights" against enemy Arbiters and Lord Shazars using secret "skip battle" move. 

My 284 speed Arbiter usually goes first against their second best team.

Bronze 4. Middle of it.

Nov 23, 2020, 01:4211/23/20

I would say avg is somewhere between 270-300 in silver one.  My Siphi is 304 and goes 98% first and my arbiter 267 speed about 85% goes first 

Nov 23, 2020, 20:4611/23/20

my arbie needs better gear but is currently 289 and always 2nd against well built teams but thats ok the synergy amongst my team makes up for that and comes smacking home when its their turn lol 

im in g4 by the way sitting just outside platinum, i made it into plat brielfy last week and boy what a step up to the next level that is lol def need speed over 350 for their the teams there are very OP and i thought my team power which means not alot really besides high resist etc at 220 000 was ok then matched up with teams with 450 000 etc and although mixed it with some of them alot of them ripped me apart easily lol 

Nov 24, 2020, 01:0411/24/20

I am so sorry.

I think I am in Silver 1 Tag Arena.

If you get matched up with me, It's going to be totally unfair for you.

It's not my fault.

The game made the system

It's the game fault. 

Previously, The game did a 12 week Tournament Event for Tag Arena.

Players got limited time rewards based on their Tag Arena Tier.

The higher the player was in ranking.

The better the rewards they got.

It was a limited time deal.

I rushed up in Tag Arena to get as high as I could go.

I think I reached Gold 1 or 2.

After the prizes were giving out, I had no desire to keep going.

The problem is the length of each Arena Fight.

Every day I want to burn up my Daily Tag Arena Tokens.

Every battle in Gold 1-2 was lasting 1 hour.

It was taking me close to 10 hours to burn through 10 tokens.

I decided to put 1 champion in my Tag Defenses.

Other people where putting 1 champion in Tag Defense as well.

It allowed players to burn up Arena Tokens fast every day.

Than a bunch of bad things happened:

- I forgot to put my Main Team back into my Tag Defense at reset.

- I got demoted at reset - I went to sleep with my Main Team.

It said I was maintaining my rank - I woke up next morning demoted.

Long Story Short:

I have drop from Gold 2 to Silver 1.

I can't afford to drop below Silver 1.

If I drop below Silver 1, I can't buy the Accessories.

I will have to run my Main Defense teams in my set up the whole week to ensure success.

I think my teams are averaging 200k power - So your looking at about 600k total power

I think my Arbiter is averaging 310 speed.

Obviously, I don't want to be in Silver 1 Tag Arena.

Its totally unfair for you, but what esle can be said about the situation?