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Game-Breaking AI

Game-Breaking AI

Nov 21, 2020, 08:3111/21/20

Game-Breaking AI

Ok, the title is a little dramatic but I need
to get your attention, Plarium. 

I've dug through old posts on the forum and issues similar to the one I'm bringing up have been brought to you before. You're fresh out of excuses. 

Champion AI seriously needs to be addressed. My specific examples are as follows; 

Royal Huntsman won't use his A3 (the very skill that warrants his status as a legendary, mind you) against the CB or dungeon bosses. 

Spider won't use his A3 against the CB. It's a defense down/weaken ability, why on Earth would he hold that back?!

Kael won't use his A2 (his highest damage-dealing attack) against the CB or against dungeon bosses once all minions have been taken out. 

There have been many posts on here about broken AI yet I've seen very few fixes in your changelog. 

I don't mean to sound like "one of those guys" but I'll have to withhold any further financial investment into this game until major issues like this are addressed and I'll encourage others to do the same. 

Put yourselves,  the player's shoes; would you knowingly purchase a broken product, especially if the supplier has demonstrated no intent on fixing said product? 

Nov 21, 2020, 20:0111/21/20
Nov 21, 2020, 20:12(edited)



Lets talk about Elegaius (The Recent Fragment Fusion) using her A2 move vs. A3 move.

Single target cool down move vs. AOE decrease enemy turn meter move

Which one do you think Elegaius should prioritize?

Clearly, the AI thinks the A2 is best.

You are fighting vs. 4-5 enemies.

Elegaius runs up to 1 enemy and puts the enemy skills on cool down.

Its totally a Big Brain Play.

Elegaius is the type of girl which saves up 2k Mystery Shards.

Than tells a youtuber to do a Massive Shard Pull Session with Apothecary on Her Hero Wish List.

Nov 21, 2020, 20:4911/21/20
Nov 21, 2020, 21:13(edited)

Let me share my pain too. 

I read that Luria is good to get out of the infinite turn meter reduction cycle against block damage or unkillable with her A3 that removes buffs.

But she refuses to do it on auto! She faces a lone 1 HP Skullcrown with Unkillable and uses A1! She could finish the fight immediately, but she lets it continue. And that Skullcrown can kill her for that generosity.

Good news is that Plarium is going to improve multiple champions AI in the next update. I don't know specifics though.