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Nov 20, 2020, 13:5911/20/20


Just pulled souldrinker..see no chats regarding him.he seems like he would be a powerful damage dealer..any thoughts?

Just wondering what pack is most worth the money? Was thinking about getting the 3 void 1 sacred shard pack.. i dont have any of the really good players yet..but i dont wanna keep on dumping money into shard 

Nov 20, 2020, 14:1611/20/20

I don't have Souldrinker myself, but maybe Ayumilove's website might shed some light on his usefulness.

As for spending money, I would recommend energy packs. Every activity costs energy. Having enough energy will allow you to farm more to level up food champions, and also give you more silver to upgrade your gear.

Maybe buy some Gems too, if you are still new to the game, becasue you will be able to fully upgrade your Gem mine and unlock Market slots. Maybe unlock some Sparring Pit slots too. You can also buy full Masteries for 800 Gems for your Campaign farmer (usually your starter champion).

Nov 20, 2020, 14:2111/20/20

I have seen many players and loads of energy, I have realised that if you play the missions and challenges you can never run out of energy or at least you will have sufficient to keep playing all day

you do not have to spend money to have loads of energy.

Ditto for Sacred Shards, there is no guarantee to get a legendary with a Sacred Shard.

Nov 20, 2020, 15:0211/20/20

True all thr advice u guys have given is good.. i follow the missioms and challenges and farm etc.. but i thought it acceptable to splurge on a pack .. the daily grind of farming and endless challenges and missions is really tiring without at least havng some toys..espexially since im a new player. I got 800 gems.from the pack plus 1000 energy.. shouild i spend to unlock the mine?  Its a long term investment for sure..  i usually have enough energy to last a while.but like i said..being able to pull a few players and getting my first sacred shard was just a little treat to keep me going:)... Ive got 2 players at 50.. im.building upsome chickens to eventually have 5 to 6 star athel.. corpse collector is my other 5 starred player..i dont think shes worth a 6 star.. thanks for the input guys

Nov 20, 2020, 15:3311/20/20
Tas Tsementzis

True all thr advice u guys have given is good.. i follow the missioms and challenges and farm etc.. but i thought it acceptable to splurge on a pack .. the daily grind of farming and endless challenges and missions is really tiring without at least havng some toys..espexially since im a new player. I got 800 gems.from the pack plus 1000 energy.. shouild i spend to unlock the mine?  Its a long term investment for sure..  i usually have enough energy to last a while.but like i said..being able to pull a few players and getting my first sacred shard was just a little treat to keep me going:)... Ive got 2 players at 50.. im.building upsome chickens to eventually have 5 to 6 star athel.. corpse collector is my other 5 starred player..i dont think shes worth a 6 star.. thanks for the input guys

Fully maxing one's Gem mine should ne a priority for anyone who plans to stay for a while. It will pay for itself in 100 days, and sicne then, it is free Gems every day. Speaking of Gems, the daily Gems packs that lasts a month is one of the best packs you can buy.

Unlocking all Market slots will allow you to get some nice gear, Mystery shards, and rarely, an Ancient shard too for 200k silver.

The offers do differ for each player (also, the more you buy, the more expensive packs you will be offered), but in addition to the daily "Rookie" pack with a single Ancient shard, I sometimes buy the "Mini Max" pack too, containing a an Ancient shard, an energy refill, a one day XP boost, a Classic Arena token refill, a Clan Boss key, and 30k silver.

One important thing concerning shards is to save your Ancient or better shards for 2x rarity chance events. It is tempting to open them immediately, but the double chance for an Epic or a Legendary is not to be underestimated. Mind, that Void shards are essentially the same as Ancient (blue) shards, but only producing Void affinity champions. They are not some kind of "Epic" shards. The chances are the same as for Ancients.

I am now almost happy with non-Void Rare duplicates, which I can immediately feed to my food champions (or use them as such), saving me a lot of energy.

A Christmas fusion is on the horizon, and that means a HUGE LOT of energy if you want to participate. Newer players may not be able to, due to the lack of the champions needed for the fusion, though. Fusion is not only about levelling the champions up, but also about a wagonload of potions. That means even more energy, or a lot of real money.

As for Athel, she is still my Campaign farmer even at account level 70. She will help you a lot in early Arena and in dungeons too, especially in Fire Knight (3-hit A1) and in Spider (her AoE hits like a truck). I find her awesome.

If you are not in a Clan, join one. The daily rewards for Clan Boss are not negligible. Really nice sets drop there. Sometimes books and shards too.

Put together three Tag Arena teams, no matter how strong or weak. Try to have at least one team a bit stronger, so that you can start collecting gold bars. You can get a very good Legendary there, Drexthar Bloodtwin. It will take you a long time though. Stay low for starters, leave only some solo level 1 champions in your defensive teams to prevent getting promoted, becasue the lowest tier teams will often offers some easy wins, preventing a waste ot the precious tokens. I do that too. It also helps new players to score some guaranteed wins and to get some gold bars.

Nov 20, 2020, 15:3511/20/20

Just pulled coldheart from the couple of void shards the pack gave me also painsmith the dwarf. Cool I know coldheart is coveted, looks like she will really rely on artifacts though for hp .. 

Saving my sacred shard till theres an event

Nov 20, 2020, 15:3811/20/20

Ive already opened all market slots just from grinding and saving up for that.. yeah it sucks without the extra slots.

Ok il spend some on gem mine, and im saving what i can.back to grinding and farming..:)

Nov 20, 2020, 15:4711/20/20
Tas Tsementzis

Just pulled coldheart from the couple of void shards the pack gave me also painsmith the dwarf. Cool I know coldheart is coveted, looks like she will really rely on artifacts though for hp .. 

Saving my sacred shard till theres an event

Congratulations, I finally got Coldheart today too.😎

She is awesome for Spider and Fire Knight. I am currently getting her to level 50, so that I can *6 her.

In my opinion, Painsmith is not really worth investing resources in.

Nov 20, 2020, 16:2111/20/20

Ill  use painsmith for Fwars for now. My dwarf team is still very basic.

Just got coldheart to 40..gonna 5 her by end of the night hehe:)  

The other void rare i pulled was daywalker ..his self revive looka great for arena.not much of a damage dealer at first glance

Nov 20, 2020, 20:5511/20/20

Congratulations, I finally got Coldheart today too.😎

She is awesome for Spider and Fire Knight. I am currently getting her to level 50, so that I can *6 her.

In my opinion, Painsmith is not really worth investing resources in.

I got Coldheart too. The 4th one.

I remember how great it was to get the 1st one, so congratulations to you both :)

But she wasn't super powerful at low dungeon stages. She started to shine closer to 20.

Nov 20, 2020, 21:4711/20/20

I got Coldheart too. The 4th one.

I remember how great it was to get the 1st one, so congratulations to you both :)

But she wasn't super powerful at low dungeon stages. She started to shine closer to 20.

Thank you.

I already gained my Arbiter, so Stage 20 all across the board for me. I wanted Coldheart to allow me to farm Spider 20 and not feel like I am slowly tickling the boss to death. She should be instrumental in reducing the time.

Nov 20, 2020, 21:5811/20/20
Tas Tsementzis

Ill  use painsmith for Fwars for now. My dwarf team is still very basic.

Just got coldheart to 40..gonna 5 her by end of the night hehe:)  

The other void rare i pulled was daywalker ..his self revive looka great for arena.not much of a damage dealer at first glance

Keep in mind that at your stage of the game, Coldheart won't do very much except on Fire Knight where she's good at any stage and to a lesser extent on Spider. She's more of a mid-late game champion. It's because her Heartseeker, scaling off enemy max HP, becomes ultra-powerful (well above 1 million damage per hit under the right circumstances) against bosses with a ton of HP, so the ones in the high stages of dungeons. On bosses in lower stages, Heartseeker doesn't do such great damage yet (although its turn meter depletion is still great on those bosses whose TM can be depleted, especially Spider). 

Nov 21, 2020, 00:5811/21/20

Yes  ill use her for knight as im stuck on the 10hit requirement level for shield penetration. 

Shes a long term player for sure

Shes also fun to use so far

Nov 21, 2020, 00:5911/21/20

You can play Soul Drinker 2 different ways.

- You can play Soul Drinker to be a Fast Nuker

- You can play Soul Drinker to be a Slow Nuker

The below screen shot is my Soul Drinker.


I wrote an entire Arena Guide on Soul Drinker.

My Soul Drinker Strategy is based around a Slow Nuking style of play.

You can read about it in the below thread: Scroll all the way to the end of the guide.

You can read the guide from the beginning if you want too.

I just didn't cover Soul Drinker till the end of the Guide.

I use the other thread to go over interesting Arena Strateiges.

Than I explain the team set ups & go over the team strategy to help people understand.

All of this is designed to help improve players knowledge so they can do better in arena.

A lot of people have told me my thread was helpful.

It was able to get them to Silver Tier in Arena.

A few even said they managed to get to Gold Tier in Arena following some of the strategies.

Nov 21, 2020, 16:5711/21/20
Nov 21, 2020, 16:58(edited)

Nice ty for the souldrinker is about to go level 50 . Hes already proving good in arena