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Dragon and CB

Dragon and CB

Nov 20, 2020, 05:5511/20/20

Dragon and CB




I have been following suggestions on Ayumi but I cant seem to put together a team with snyergy.  I am Dragon 13 and Brutal CB at 5M per key.  

Suggestions please.  

Nov 20, 2020, 07:4211/20/20
Nov 24, 2020, 07:40(edited)

Hmm, maybe something like this. Some of the champions really depend on being booked. Masteries are also a priority.

For Clan Boss:

- Sepulcher Sentinel (+25% DEF Aura leader) for Increase DEF and Block Debuffs buffs, and Decrease ATK buff

- Frozen Banshee as your main poisoner

- Lightsworn for Decrease ATK debuff, Revive on Death and Increase DEf buffs

- Fayne for Decrease ATK and Decrease DEF debuffs and some additional posion

- Scyl of the Drakes as your AoE healer and single target reviver

For Dragon:

- Zargala (+40 ACC Aura leader) for 3-hit AoE Decrease DEF debuff and getting through the waves in general 

- Dracomorph as your AoE poisoner, and for Weaken and Decrease DEF debuffs

- Sepulcher Sentinel for Increase DEF and Block Debuffs buffs, and Decrease ATK debuff 

- Scyl of the Drakes as your Turn Meter manipulator, stunner, AoE healer and single target reviver 

- Lightsworn for single target Decrease ATK debuff, Revive on Death and Increase DEf buffs

You may have to change the composition a bit depending on the affinity of the stage.

I would recommend working on your Tag Arena teams too. You really want that Drexthar Bloodtwin to become your tank and +70 ACC Aura leader. Start hoarding those gold bars as soon as possible. If you do not want to advance to where you would lose too many offensive battles, leave your defensive teams with only a single naked level 1 Rare each.😉

Nov 20, 2020, 17:2311/20/20
Nov 20, 2020, 17:27(edited)

To greatly improve clan boss results equip everyone with Lifesteal set and get Warmaster. 

Teams can be different, may be Sepulcher, Dracomorph, Rhazin, Lightsworn, Kreela. 

If debuff slots are never full, add FB or Fayne, it may depend on your speeds and books. Also on who you don't want to equip with Lifesteal and therefore can't successfully use for clan boss. There is also Bulwark is you want to invest in him.

Nov 20, 2020, 19:5311/20/20

These champs are either partial booked to level 3-4 or no books.  

I have been spending gold bars to get a blue shard every week.  

Draco has been my main damage in CB.  He gets about 75% of the damage done.  I have used Frozen Banshee but she might do better with this mix.  

Which champs really NEED books and masteries?

Nov 20, 2020, 20:1411/20/20

These champs are either partial booked to level 3-4 or no books.  

I have been spending gold bars to get a blue shard every week.  

Draco has been my main damage in CB.  He gets about 75% of the damage done.  I have used Frozen Banshee but she might do better with this mix.  

Which champs really NEED books and masteries?

Scyl of the Drakes can do without books to some extent. If you get Drexthar Bloodtwin, he doesn't need books at all.

The rest of those I mentioned do need books to be as effective as needed.

All *6 / 60 champions do need Masteries, eventually, to be really effective.

Nov 20, 2020, 20:3611/20/20
Nov 20, 2020, 20:41(edited)

Every champion used in clan boss requires masteries. Don't focus on books yet. Lifesteal sets plus warmaster on 5 good level 60 champions (any of them more or less) will give you easy 2-key brutal, may be even 3-key nightmare. It's eigher Lifesteal or a good healer/shielder, but I don't see one in your roster. There is a benchmark if your healer is good: the first death should happen on Stun hit when most of the team is at high HP. And it should happen after turn 25, preferrably close to 40.

Then you will want to choose champs with Atk Down (100% uptime required), Def down, Weaken and as many poisoners as needed to fill 10 debuffs. Draco is an excellent champ that provides Def down, Weaken and Poison all in himself. He is also very much worth booking.

Nov 20, 2020, 23:3811/20/20

You should be dragon20 and NM cb with your roster, I suspect major gear issues.

ZELOTAH is a god tier shield/healer. He can carry on dragon20 and protect in NM cb without need for lifesteal on anyone. 

Draco for both as well, no Brainer. Gorgorab and apothecary for dragon.  Sepulcher for CB. 

Nov 21, 2020, 01:2211/21/20

What are the teams you are currently running Closed Poly?

Nov 21, 2020, 02:4411/21/20

CB is Sepulcher, Draco, Gogorab, Kallia, Apo.  Kallia and Apo are broken sets.  The rest are Lifesteal.  Draco is the only one who generates enough damage for Lifesteal to be meaninful.  

Dragon is Lord Chamfort, Gogorab, Frozen Banshee, Draco, Kallia.  Kallia is broken sets.  

Nov 21, 2020, 10:4211/21/20

CB is Sepulcher, Draco, Gogorab, Kallia, Apo.  Kallia and Apo are broken sets.  The rest are Lifesteal.  Draco is the only one who generates enough damage for Lifesteal to be meaninful.  

Dragon is Lord Chamfort, Gogorab, Frozen Banshee, Draco, Kallia.  Kallia is broken sets.  

Why are you using Kallia, on either one, when you have so many far better champions you could be using? Lightsworn, Rhazin, Scyl, Kymar, Fayne, Zelotah and so on... 

As for the part about lifesteal, that's because you don't have proper masteries yet then? With Warmaster/Giantslayer, any champion benefits from a lifesteal set. And having it on all five of your CB champions will add some millions of extra damage to your runs. 

Nov 21, 2020, 23:4911/21/20

@L9753....I have been experimenting with various mixes of heroes based on Ayumi ratings.  Trial and error.  When I tried the heroes you mentioned I didnt get any better results.  

Draco will be the first to get masteries.  Is this the right setup for his masteries?  


I have 16 legendary books, 67 epic and 63 rare books.  Who needs books the most?  

Nov 22, 2020, 10:4811/22/20

@ClosedPoly I really don't see how Kallia could be better than any of the champions I mentioned, nevermind all of them. All she really offers is a HP burn and some AOE damage for the dragon waves - that's not enough compared to what the others bring to the table. 

The masteries for Draco make sense, yes. There may be one or two that you could debate, but definitely you need to get to Warmaster and Master Hexer. 

And that's a lot of books! I guess you've almost never used books yet, then? Lego books to Draco I would think, epic ones to Sepulcher, Gorgorab, Fayne. Zargala requires tons of books, arguably worth it but then you have Draco, so not sure. For the rare books, Frozen Banshee, Apothecary and Coldheart all definitely need books for their key skills - not necessarily full books on all skills if you get lucky with where the books land. I just noticed that your FB isn't ascended at all - so her A1 isn't placing any poisons! You're under-using her, she could be placing not only the poison sensitivity on the dragon, but also adding poison herself. 

Nov 22, 2020, 20:4111/22/20
Nov 22, 2020, 21:36(edited)

I think a very good Dragon 20 team could be:

- Gorgorab  ----------------> Turn Meter + Increase Atk

- Dracomorph --------------> AOE Def Down + Weaken

- Kael, Athel, or Elhain -----> AOE Nuke

- Umbral Enchantress -----> AOE C.C (Takes the heat off your squishy heroes)

- Zelotah -------------------> Sustain (Team Shields + C.Heals)

I don't know what your best Clan Boss team is.

I would start with the core units below:

- Sepulcher ----------> Atk Down + Increase Def + Block Debuff Buff

- Dracomorph -------> Def Down + Weaken + 4x Poison

- Apothecary --------> Turn Meter Cycling

You would have to do different test runs for the last 2 units.

I would Fully Book the below units:

- Gorgorab

- Zelotah

- Sepulcher

- Kael, Athel, or Elhain - You only need 1 of them Fully Booked.

- Apothecary 

I would Partically Book the below units:

- Dracomorph A2 + A3 

- Umbral Enchangress A2 + A3


A lot of people would say just Fully Book Dracomorph.

Dracomorph is amazing.

The issue is your not swimming in legendary tomes.

16 Leggo Tomes might sound like a lot to people who have 0

However, the truth of the situation is Dracomorph Fully Booked will consume 10 Leggo books.

Than you are down to 6 left which isn't enough to even Partically Booked another Leggo.

Dracomorph A1 fully book can help you squeeze out more damage on the Clan Boss.

However, most of Dracomorph damage is coming from the poision any way.

Its better to save the tomes where you can.

This can give you more freedom to book another Leggo.

The same situation is happening with Umbral Enchantress.

67 Epic toomes sounds like a lot.

It's not a lot - Its barely 5 Epic heroes.

It all disappears in a flash. 

Nov 22, 2020, 23:5011/22/20

Good advice from J. Though I would say zelotah is fine without books.

Nov 23, 2020, 00:1311/23/20

A lot of what I have done has been trial and error.  Kael has full masteries because @Trips told me in the beginning to do that to make him successful as my farmer.  I will buy some gems and get the best champs to full masteries.  

Should Dragon 20 or CB be my priority?  I think Dragon 20 should be my priority because I do not have many pieces of 6* gear.  I need a lot more Lifesteal gear.  But, my clan needs to beat Brutal and I am the clan leader.  I have an obligation to help my clan.  

Thanks for all the advice.  

Nov 23, 2020, 00:1911/23/20

@L9753.....I have been using dupes to upgrade skills.  I saved the books because I didnt want to use them all up and then land a great player, only to be without books.  It is the same with brews and chickens.  I am a cautious player.  I like having items in reserve.  

Nov 24, 2020, 06:0811/24/20

@WatchdogCZ @SunnyRay @Trips @Player J @L9753 

Thanks everyone.  I beat Dragons 20.  Waves on the last 3 levels were hard but the dragon went down easy.  It took 3:32 but I know I can trim that down.  It was so much fun watching the dragon bar loaded with 5% poisons.   lol

Sepulcher, Draco, Frozen Banshee, Gorgorab, Apo

Gorgorab has no masteries and only Draco is booked.  FB has poor gear, but not for long.  

CB team went from 5m to 11m.  The core is Sepulcher, Draco, Apo.  I think BF and Zelotah will be the other pieces but still need to experiment.    

Nov 24, 2020, 06:0911/24/20

Correction.  FB not BF.   Too excited to type.   lol

Nov 24, 2020, 07:4111/24/20


Nov 24, 2020, 08:2411/24/20

I will give Zargala a try to help thru the waves.  

Nov 24, 2020, 12:4611/24/20

You don't really need Frozen Banshee or Zargala in your Dragon Dungeon.

The reason people use Frozen Banshee is for the Poison on the boss.

The reason people use Zargala is for the AOE Def Down on the waves.

Dracomorph is a 1 man army which does both.

Dracomorph can solo the Dragon if you get him to the Dragon.

You just need an AOE Damage Dealer to help chew thru the Trash waves.