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Newbie at 45 days, need help to decide who to level

Newbie at 45 days, need help to decide who to level

Nov 20, 2020, 01:3511/20/20

Newbie at 45 days, need help to decide who to level

Hi, new to game. Been playing about 45 days. Starting to get the hang of it. I'm trying to figure out who to put most effort in. I guess at this time I'm looking to finish campaign in all levels and farming for potions and artifacts.
Got 3* on normal campain, working on same in hard. I have not broken through the level 10s in dungeons yet.

I'm leaning towards Valla or Mausoleum Mage (leveling and giving them the books) since both seem overall well rounded. I'm working on leveling up some greens to sacrifice. There's also Warpriest, Apothecary, Spirithost, Valerie....ugh, so much!

Thanks for any and all help. 

I have 6 blue books and 6 purple (Elhain is maxed in skill), no chickens. Do I wait to see what I get in next summon event before putting effort into any champs? (Not a lot of shards) 

I won the 5* relentless set just now from the Dragon event, who should get that? (not a lot of gold to keep changing gear). 

I allow myself to spend 20-30 $ a month, and not sure where money is best spent (Wildcard Pack with the potions? Monthly pack with shards? Mini mix pack with chickens?.....)Thanks

Currently my 5*
Elhain, Zargala, Grohak the Bloodied, Septimus

My 4*'s.
Apothecary, Warpriest, Shaman, Bulwark, Warmaiden, Spirithost, Mausoleum Mage, High Khutan, Graybeard, Soulbound Boyer, Jizoh, Knight-Errant, Teshada, Karam, Valla, Valerie, Chaptain Temila, Ursine

Some of the 3's. B Sniper, Skinner, Shieldguard, Sorceress, Arcanist, Mystic Hand, Rocktooth, Templar, Hyria, Sentinel, Retainer, Myrmidon, Grinner, Hexweaver, Preserver, Berserker 

Seriously, thanks for any help.  I'm trying to read the guides and watch some of the YouTube stuff.  I'm not a regular type gamer.  Just an older lady trying to pass the time.

Nov 20, 2020, 04:0711/20/20
Nov 20, 2020, 04:08(edited)

The First thing you want to do is get a Campaign Farmer who can Solo Brutal 12-3 or 12-6.

The best way to do it is to get a level 60 hero.

This requires a lot of grinding.

You have to leveling up green heroes.

Than you have to use the green heroes as sacrfice food to rank up your main hero.

The hero most people 60 first is the starter champion they picked at the beginning of game.

In this case, Your Elhain is your starting hero.

You already max your Elhain skills.

You should probably focus on trying to get her to 60.


As for the rest of the stuff you are mentioning:

- Save your Blue Books.

- Save your Purple Books.

- Save your Yellow Books.

- Save your Relentless gear

- Save all the champions you own - Keep them in your Vault or Roster.

All of the above things will be useful later on when you start doing other stuff.


Right now, Dungeon's slow you down.

The reason why is because Brutal Campaign gives you the Best XP + Best Silver.

The more XP you get per campaign run.

The faster your heroes level up.

The more Silver you get per campaign run.

The faster you can upgrade your gear.

Once, your heroes are max level + gear max level.

You will steam roll a lot of the dungeon levels with brute force.

All the stages you are stuck on will just fly by because you will be over powered.

Stage 1 - 15 in Dungeons, You can often brute force your way to win.

Stage 16+ in Dungeons, You will often need to use specific strategies to win.

You won't be able to just brute force win it any more as the monsters are very stronger.

Nov 26, 2020, 00:2911/26/20

Thank You Player J!!

Yes it was brutal, I fianlly got Elhain up to level 60 and can solo her up to the Durham Forest in brutal and then need to add another hearo or 2 to help on the bosses for stages 5-7 and then need help for all levels of Valdemar Strait.   Gear seems to be the issue and I will be farming the Strait for better Lifesteal gear.

Meanwhile I can rank up another 5* during that farming.   I already ranked up Apoth.  I'd like to do better in the little arena fighting I'm doing.  Who would be the next 3 to work on as I'm farming and need the support?

Nov 26, 2020, 00:5011/26/20

Mausoleum mage was mine main help from the begin till late game everywhare, if this helps you a little. I suggest you watch some videos bout champs its big help when it comes to take decissions who to lvl first who would bring more benefits to your team and where.

Nov 26, 2020, 01:4111/26/20

Great detailed advice from J, wish I knew this when I first started.

You have some nice champs to get you started. I would suggest your second 6* be Apo, he will help in so many areas of this game. 

I don't have Valla or Mage, but think you will want them at 6* as well. I don't like going against either of them in Arena.

From your other champs, I can advice the following.

Zargala is a great champ that I am working on to be my next 6*, mainly for Classic/Team Arena.

The following champs have helped me in different areas and are worth at least getting to 50, and maybe even 60: Bulwark-CB, Spirithost-Arena/Dungeon, High Khatun-Arena/Dungeon, Warmaiden-Arena/Dungeon

I also used Mystic Hand and Rocktooth for some of the Keeps, but only to 40, as I eventually got better champs.

Recently Classic Arena will randomly have easy teams after a refresh. I do suggest you get a team to win these easy matches to start building your Great Hall.

Maybe: High Khatun lead for speed Aura, Apo  fastest on team to go first and do 30% speed boost, Zargala for def down debuff and Elhain to nuke everyone. Some may suggest Spirithost instead of Zargala for her inc atk. 

Nov 26, 2020, 03:3011/26/20

1. Apothecary 

2. Maus mage 

Nov 26, 2020, 14:0811/26/20

Thank You Player J!!

Yes it was brutal, I fianlly got Elhain up to level 60 and can solo her up to the Durham Forest in brutal and then need to add another hearo or 2 to help on the bosses for stages 5-7 and then need help for all levels of Valdemar Strait.   Gear seems to be the issue and I will be farming the Strait for better Lifesteal gear.

Meanwhile I can rank up another 5* during that farming.   I already ranked up Apoth.  I'd like to do better in the little arena fighting I'm doing.  Who would be the next 3 to work on as I'm farming and need the support?

If your goal is to do Arena Offense, I would recommend the following team:

Leader: High Khatun - Speed Aura 19%

1st move: High Khatun -----> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff

2nd move: Spirithost -------> Increase Attack

3rd move: Warmaiden ------> AOE Def Down

4th move: Elhain ------------> AOE Nuker

Now here are a few things which are very important:

1st - You want your best Speed gear on High Khatun

The game has a filter system in place now.

Look at every gear you own.

Find the gear pieces which give you the fastest speed.

You want those gears on High Khatun.

2nd - A few mins ago, I gave you a recommendation to use Warmaiden.

Some people replace Warmaiden with Zargala.

Zargala can do AOE Def Down + hits a lot harder vs. Warmaiden.

However, Zargala takes tons of Epic Tomes.

Zargala loves reading books - Very Book Intensive.

I don't know how many Epic Book you have on your account.

I don't know your Epic Book Situation.

Maybe, you have tons of Epic Books.

Maybe, you have no Epic Books at all.

For this reason, I decided to tell you to use Warmaiden.

Warmaiden is a "Book Free" option.

Warmaiden is a farmable champion you can get at Chapter 9.

You can farm multiple copies of Warmaidein in Chapter 9.

You can use the dupe copies of Warmaiden's as Tome Skill ups.

Nov 26, 2020, 16:5311/26/20

Plus 1 on free books for warmaiden. Better to farm her while getting xp for chickens, than waste energy farming lifesteal gear in campaign. Level your champs and get the gear in dragon. 4* epic/lego gear can be better than the common gear at 5* or 6*