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Suggestions regarding who to prioritize for Legendary books

Suggestions regarding who to prioritize for Legendary books

Nov 15, 2020, 02:4511/15/20

Suggestions regarding who to prioritize for Legendary books

Right now I have a total of eight legendary champs, most of whom are not booked. What books I've gotten, I've used on Turvold and Kreela Witch-Arm. Right now I am sitting on 12 legendary books and I am not sure how to spend/prioritze them. Here is where I currently stand.

1. Turvold - I've booked his A2 & A3 all the way and his A1 only needs 1 more to be full booked. I don't think an extra 10% to apply a Weaken Buff is worth it.

2. Kreela Witch Arm - I've fully booked her A3 and her A2 is booked to be 100%. One more book into her A2 would reduce the cool down, but I'm cautious to spend anymore because her A1 is kinda of blah.

3. Ghostborn - Great champion and it would be nice to get his A2 to 100% with a 1 turn cooldown. 

4. Tyrant Ixilimor - Same with Ghostborn, great champion and it would be nice to fully book his A2. Not sure about dumping books into his other skills.

5. Scyl of the Drakes - Great champion. Seems like a good champ to fully invest books into.

6. Rhazin - Really good champ, but I haven't fully utlized him. Re-gearing him would be the trick, but do others find that he is worth the book investment?

7. Shirimani - In genreal I like her and she's great for the arena, but I feel like the other champs take priorty. I have a duplicate of her so I am not sure if it's worth using the dupe as a free book, as a 5 star chicken or wait to see if Plarium comes up with a system for duplicates. It seems like she needs to be fully booked to be worth the investment.

8. Drexthar Bloodtwin - From what I read, he doesn't necessarily need any books. Do others agree?

In about another month or six weeks, I should be done with the Arbiter missions. Should I just save all my books for her?

My gut says if I am going to spend any books now, to try to get Ghostborn's A3 maxed out and then to dump the rest into Tyran, Scyl or Rhazin. This is possibly short sided, so, again, why I am posting my thoughts here.

Any thoughts or insights are appreciated. Thank you for the help!

Nov 15, 2020, 07:0911/15/20

I can confirm that Drexthar Bloodtwin is a very good Legendary without any books. He is the leader of all my non-potion dungeon teams.

My Scyl of the Drakes has no books either, yet she was still instrumental in completing the final Arbiter missions. I would like to book her eventually, but she is still great without the books.

Speaking of Arbiter, she is definitely much better booked.

My Kreela Witch-Arm is stil at *5/50, with no books, currently only used in Faction Wars. When I finally do get to ranking her up, I think she will need books.

I am still training my *6 Rhazin Scarhide to reach level 60 and I would say he indeed needs books.

I do not have the other champions in your list.

Nov 15, 2020, 20:5711/15/20

I think based off what you said and my own experience, Drexthar is fine to leave unbooked. Arbiter is worth waiting for. I'm still debating about my earlier plan though, which is to book Ghostborn until his A3 is full. 

Nov 17, 2020, 04:3011/17/20

Normally, you want to book the heroes who are on your Clan Boss team.

Are you using any of the above heroes in your Clan Boss team?

Nov 17, 2020, 04:5011/17/20

The team changes depending on affinites, but from that list, I only use Turvold, Kreela and Rhazin. I would use Tyrant but there is a bug in his AI where he won't use his A2 ability if the clan boss is below a certain percentage (I think 50% or 75%). My clan always has the boss down to 20% when I wake up in the morning, so would rarely get a chance to use him until I create an unkillable team.

As always thank you for your thoughts!