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With a shrinking player base why not start to losten to players suggestions

With a shrinking player base why not start to losten to players suggestions

Nov 12, 2020, 10:0011/12/20

With a shrinking player base why not start to losten to players suggestions

With the way the game is currently steadily losing active players due to numerous frustrations about several things. Or the fact they've absolutely got bored ofthe game. Because they never could get certain pieces of gear or certain ratings of gear. No matter how much energy they spent. Maybe even something so simple as pulling  a rare hero to fuse to make in to something else. 

You have been searching for a golden parachute to either slow the tide of out going players to match the slowly trickling down numbers of new players to join the ranks. And possibly have it generate some in flux of new money because lets face it those that have already dropped large amounts of in the past are sitting at a point they dont have any reason to drop much more money into the good old war chests of plarium. And theirs reallly no enticement for the mid-range Spenders that lets say spend 20 bucks a month to change their spending habits to make up for the loss of most of the whales that are retiring from the pgme or already walked  

You have been searching for a golden parachute to either slow the tide of out going players to match the slowly trickling down numbers of new players to join the ranks. And possibly have it generate some in flux of new money because lets face it those that have already dropped large amounts of in the past are sitting at a point they dont have any reason to drop much more money into the good old war chests of plarium. And theirs reallly no enticement for the mid-range Spenders that lets say spend 20 bucks a month to change their spending habits to make up for the loss of most of the whales that are retiring from the game or already walked away. 

 So two months a go you guys where running every possible way of teasing and leaking information on the void tower, hero shards and the tag arena hoping this would be that giant  golden parachute that fell flat because they are not living up anywhere close to as advertised. 

Maybe this will help if you actually would stop the. Oh we never admit a mistake and if the guy down the hall dosent say somethings wrong then the players have no clue what they are talking about. Attitude thats brought the game to the current state of shrinking player and cash pools.

As I have been saying to my clan mates they should offer three different legends one  support one attack  and a defense or how ever and three different epics the same way each month.  You only earn legendary or epic generic shards and you don't have to only get them in tournaments or events. There could be arena payouts since it's a generic shard that can be used however you like.

And let's say their offering 3 leggos you already have and don't want dupes or what ever. Ok not a big issue they can roll over to the next month. However to make it fair and level you can only buy one copy of said offered hero's. Oh and don't think you can save up for like six months either because their is a 200 shard cap and you only earn 100 shards of each rareity a month. 

Oh and you won't have to worry about repeatedly seeing the same ones pop up. Once the month their featured in is gone legends can't come back for a year. And epics 18 months to give a fair rotation. And any new release hero can be exempt from this and be featured the month of its release and no less then 3 months after release.

That's how this whole Shard system would made way more of an impact on the game. And really would have made the player feel like they have some type of actual control over what their rosters look like without spending a crap ton of money. Or waiting and waiting and waiting for something to never pop up. 

I mean perfect example I have Erinyes, Tourture Helm, and blood feather, all sitting at lvl 50 waiting on one stupid pull. The lich or magus to drop but havent seen a single one in nine months so no scarhide for me. 

But my clan leader has four magus and needs slitherbrute that I have a spare of if only their was some way we could help each other. Oh wait theirs is one possibility but its absolutely not being even discussed about. A way to trade between players. I could even make a great pillar for it right now. The only heros you can trade a start a common and stops at epics. Absolutely no legendaries allowed. Oh and guess what their is also a way to turn just that system in to cash flow. For instance for you to be able to start tradeing at all you have to build  a tradeing post first. Lets put a gem value on this property 1000 gems and 2 million gold pieces. 

 Well how do we maintain this new revenue stream welll hmmm maybe we charge gems for each trade say 24 for a common 50 for a uncommon 100 for rare and 200 gems per epic being traded. The cost is split between both players paid only after they get to inspect the incoming hero to make sure it is what was agreed upon. Once the gems isare paid by both players it is never able to be reversed by tech support. Gear is not allowed on the hero to be traded and you cant cheat the system by trying to get a epic but pay for only a common. Because the highest rarity sets the price but yes I could send some one a rare and receive a epic only if that was the original plan. And theirs a 2 hour clock that starts once the first hero is viewed and if both sides haven't paid by that time it gets canceled. 
