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Rewards Ultra and Nm

Rewards Ultra and Nm

Nov 6, 2020, 13:0311/06/20

Rewards Ultra and Nm

Why have the rewards been so limiting rare books gone good but little to know reports in clan people getting Epic or LEGO in its place also sacred and voids seem really low been tracking for months 14 in clan doing top chest in NM and 5 in ultra lucky if group gets 1 to 2 for whole group and that is not each day! 

Nov 6, 2020, 15:4411/06/20

Hey, sorry to hear that you haven't received good loot from clan boss chests lately, but I can ensure you that sacred/void shards and epic/lego tomes drop like they should.

I hope your next chests will give you better rewards =)

Nov 25, 2020, 21:1111/25/20
Nov 25, 2020, 21:11(edited)

It looks like you should get used on that 


     Sad part is Plarium know its guaranteed that players will log in every single day, but they can not guaranteed to us a decent chest rewards????!!!

White FlameCommunity Manager
Nov 26, 2020, 13:4811/26/20

Hello! I understand that it's upsetting when the CB rewards do not meet our expectations. Unfortunately, it happens quite often - RNG is sometimes really annoying. And who wouldn't want to get Sacred Shards, or Legendary Tomes as a reward all the time? : )

 Still, we haven't changed anything to the CB Chest rewards (towards drop rates)- our devs double-checked this and confirmed that it was only a visual change (we mentioned it earlier: now you see how many Brews you have received and of which Affinity separately). 

Nov 27, 2020, 17:3211/27/20

Lol any chance u could undo the change ? I dont care about seeing individual brews and it did change something on our end. 

Nov 28, 2020, 10:3611/28/20

I'm sorry @White Flame but that is absolute nonsense. Plarium's (and any other game developer) default is to fall back on and blame RNG. 

RNG is only as good as the algorithms that determine the possible outcomes, which are in turn determined by the developer.

Without any doubt at all, there has been a fundamental shift in Clan Boss rewards to XP Brews since the update on November 18th, and any suggestion nothing has been changed is an outright lie.

My clan are seething because of it, and several on the verge of quitting. If Plarium wants to retain any of the player base that still remains (after so many examples of incompetence) then I suggest it addresses this and not brush it off as acceptable.

CB drops aside, XP brews do not constitute a reward for anything, unless you're a very new player! It's bad enough that, as a 2 year player, they are so prevalent in Dungeons as rewards, never mind now CB NM & UNM. Ultimately they represent a punishment or booby prize, not a reward. There is a history of Plarium over valuing certain items (especially shards) within Raid. 

This has successfully achieved one thing though, it's has successfully converted me from a player happy to buy a couple of packs per week to now entirely F2P, so congratulations on that. I will not continue to spend my hard earned cash on a product that then invests it in 'developments' such as the laborious Tag Team Arena then continues to try and rip its community off.

If I were employed by Plarium, I would actively encourage them to listen to the feedback on this subject.

Nov 28, 2020, 11:5011/28/20

@ELLETTTHFC It's really not nonsense. In the last week I've actually been getting excellent rewards from the top UNM chest - a void or sacred shard almost every day, yesterday even both a sacred shard and a legendary book. Of course you now see all the XP brews separately so visually it's more obvious how many of them you get, but it's not as if they are crowding out or replacing the more important rewards. Some people have had bad luck with RNG recently, happens to everyone, no doubt my own streak of good luck will end soon, but since there has been this visual change, they blame it on that instead. 

Nov 28, 2020, 13:3411/28/20

Also want to state again, that although I have not yet fight the UNM CB, my drop rate of books and shards in NM doesn't seem to be changed.

Nov 28, 2020, 18:3011/28/20

@L9753 Thank you for your comment, and I genuinely hope that your good luck streak continues, but you misunderstand me.

Since the update on the 18th I personally have pulled just 1 Ancient shard from CB rewards. I'm aware of the visual change but the majority of my clan and I have experienced a fundamental reduction in shards and tomes as rewards. A visual increase in XP brews does not account for the lack of what we would all class as justifiable and decent rewards.

I would suggest your fortune is very much the exception.

Nov 28, 2020, 21:1811/28/20

@ELLETTTHFC It's really not nonsense. In the last week I've actually been getting excellent rewards from the top UNM chest - a void or sacred shard almost every day, yesterday even both a sacred shard and a legendary book. Of course you now see all the XP brews separately so visually it's more obvious how many of them you get, but it's not as if they are crowding out or replacing the more important rewards. Some people have had bad luck with RNG recently, happens to everyone, no doubt my own streak of good luck will end soon, but since there has been this visual change, they blame it on that instead. 

I'm just curious, do you have any proof to back up what you say or do you just say anything?

Nov 28, 2020, 22:3611/28/20

I'm just curious, do you have any proof to back up what you say or do you just say anything?

Do you mean proof of what I pulled? I don't take screenshots just in case some guy on a forum is going to ask for proof, no. 

If you mean do I have proof that the developers definitely didn't change the drop rates, well, they've repeatedly said they didn't, but if you believe they're lying, I suppose that's possible and I can't prove that they aren't lying. But then, the people who are complaining don't have any proof, either. And personally, I need some pretty convincing evidence before I'll believe that people are blatantly lying about something.