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Nov 5, 2020, 20:5611/05/20


omg day after day especially around 4am australian time channel - english - 666 gets bombarded with spam bot with his super annoying messages whether rude crude and just wrong to just a simple .

is there a way you can put something into place to put someone onto chat cooldown or something if they are posting comments so quickly in a short time frame eg pretty much a comment every second 

not the first time this clown has done this and not the only channel but i think he has found a home in 666 because we get a bit of a conversation out of him before he unleashes on us 

Nov 6, 2020, 00:4811/06/20

Hello scrim, I have seen that spammer personally , and so have other moderators. We have raised the spammers to the support team and hopefully they can do something, unfortunately the moderator team doesn't have any ways to intervene directly in the in game chat at the moment, but we are waiting on the reinstatement of such tools in the near future, which should help us put an end to toxic behavior more swiftly.   

Nov 6, 2020, 02:1211/06/20
Rufus Shinra

Hello scrim, I have seen that spammer personally , and so have other moderators. We have raised the spammers to the support team and hopefully they can do something, unfortunately the moderator team doesn't have any ways to intervene directly in the in game chat at the moment, but we are waiting on the reinstatement of such tools in the near future, which should help us put an end to toxic behavior more swiftly.   

sounds good thanks for update,  basically locking us out of using that channel as chat, let alone the personal attacks on those of us using it.

i have the official raid discord however i cant access posting as asking to verify my phone number but no area for me to put it in? 

i think i may have a screenshot of the spambots main account from some of the comments he wrote terms of whether to turn macros on or off etc and what to make the spam say which i can send through or if you can point me in the right direction of where you would like me to send it