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A Newbie so forgive me.....

A Newbie so forgive me.....

Nov 3, 2020, 21:1811/03/20

A Newbie so forgive me.....

I'm trying to figure out the progression of items i.e. common-Epic-Lengendary-Rare. I've figured that common is the low man on the totem pole but from there, I've no clue. I just don't want to be sacrifing the wrong artifacts and going the wrong direction. Also what about all the artifacts in my storage (?) are they idle and don't count towards my total team power or should I just sell all my common ones I'll never use again? I'm talking about the artifacts that are not being used to equip my Champions. 

Nov 3, 2020, 23:5511/03/20
Nov 3, 2020, 23:55(edited)

- Common (White) 

- Uncommon (Green) 

- Rare (Blue) 

- Epic (Purple)

- Legendary (Yellow)

Common are considered to be the worst.

Legendary are considered to be the best.

This applies to Artifacts & Champions.

The Rule of Thumb is to Save Rares, Epics, & Legendaries.

This applies to Artifacts & Champions.

It can be extremely tough getting your hands on higher quality things.

For Example:

Common Heroes are very easy to get.

You can get them from Market.

You can get them from Campaign.

Legendary heroes are close to impossible to get.

You can only get them from a Shard which has a very low chance percentage.

Nov 3, 2020, 23:5911/03/20

Common < Uncommon < Rare < Epic < Legendary

You may want to focus more on the stars than the rarity on your Artifacts.

As for your champions, do not get rid of Epics and Legendaries. Namely, do not sacrifice your free High Khatun when you get her. She is awesome.

Your team power is a strange number you shouldn't really sorry about. The algorithm is so weird, one shouldn't pay attention to the number unless it is extremely low or extremely high. The power of your champions is based on their current stats, equipped Artifacts, trained skills, and unlocked Masteries.

Nov 4, 2020, 17:1111/04/20
Player J

- Common (White) 

- Uncommon (Green) 

- Rare (Blue) 

- Epic (Purple)

- Legendary (Yellow)

Common are considered to be the worst.

Legendary are considered to be the best.

This applies to Artifacts & Champions.

The Rule of Thumb is to Save Rares, Epics, & Legendaries.

This applies to Artifacts & Champions.

It can be extremely tough getting your hands on higher quality things.

For Example:

Common Heroes are very easy to get.

You can get them from Market.

You can get them from Campaign.

Legendary heroes are close to impossible to get.

You can only get them from a Shard which has a very low chance percentage.

Thank you for all of your help! I had some of the order wrong and now I know. You've all been a BIG help!!!! Am very appreciative!!!!!

Nov 4, 2020, 19:2111/04/20

No Problem - If you have any other questions, Feel Free to ask.

It is what we do here.

Nov 11, 2020, 19:0211/11/20

Do all of my unused artifacts count towards anything, i.e. all my common artifacts, etc. can I sell them back or dump them and not affect my team points? I wish the Tomes weren't so danged hard to get! I really don't want to spend $$ to get them but they're soooo few and soooooo far apart! I've got Champions maxed and can't upgrade them any further. Thoughts?????

Nov 11, 2020, 19:2011/11/20

Do all of my unused artifacts count towards anything, i.e. all my common artifacts, etc. can I sell them back or dump them and not affect my team points? I wish the Tomes weren't so danged hard to get! I really don't want to spend $$ to get them but they're soooo few and soooooo far apart! I've got Champions maxed and can't upgrade them any further. Thoughts?????

Your team power is based on the champions in that specific team - their stats, level, ascension, booked skills, Masteries, artifacts (stars, level, glyphs), Great Hall and Arena Tier bonuses. Each team has its own power value, indepepndent on any other teams you may have put together. Your Arena team may have power of 120,000, while your Spider team may have powwer of, say, 150,000, because they contain different champions with different setups.

Unused Artifacts and glyphs do not count towards a specific team's power.

As for the skill books, join a clan and start hitting the Clan Boss every day. You can get 4 Clan Boss keys for free every 24 hours. They replenish 1 key every 6 hours, but only if you have 0 or 1. If you have 2 keys already (or even more from some rewards, etc.) you won't get any more, until you use enough keys to get below 2 keys. Clan Boss chests may contain skill books among the other loot.

Unless you have already maxed your Gem Mine, do so as soon as you can. Do NOT waste your Gems on Energy or anythign else until you have maxed out your Gem Mine and preferably also unlocked all Market slots. The sparring pit slots will also save you lots of energy.

Nov 11, 2020, 19:3911/11/20

"Team points" mean nothing if you are referring to power. Don't try do make them high, don't try to make them low. They matter not.

You can sell useless artifacts in you storage for silver. That's the only thing they are good for. Keep those that may be good for your future champions, sell all the trash and use silver to upgrade good artifacts your champions wear.

Tomes are hard to get, that's how it is. The best you can do is know how precious they are and only use them when you are sure you want that champion booked. Never use epic tomes on rare champions and legendary tomes on epic champions. Basically, don't use epic and legendary books at all until you get a worthy champion of the same rarity (High Khatun is not worth using books on). Use rare books on your starter and may be some good rares (warpriest is not good enough imo).

As to acquiring books, at a stage when you ask about common gear, you probably shouldn't worry about books. You mostly get them from the clan boss, high points in events and tournaments, tag arena, missions and challenges. Out of all these missions and challenges and clan boss are what you may focus right now. Not for the books specifically, but for their rewards and progression in general. I wouln't advice focusing too much on clan boss at this stage either, spend your 2-4 keys, but don't spend too much resources on your CB team, campaign progression to Brutal is more important.

For farmable rare champions like Warmaiden don't use books, farm duplicate Warmaidens instead and sacrifice them for skill points.

Nov 11, 2020, 19:4611/11/20
Nov 11, 2020, 21:36(edited)

Do all of my unused artifacts count towards anything, i.e. all my common artifacts, etc. can I sell them back or dump them and not affect my team points? I wish the Tomes weren't so danged hard to get! I really don't want to spend $$ to get them but they're soooo few and soooooo far apart! I've got Champions maxed and can't upgrade them any further. Thoughts?????

By the way, what do you mean "got Champions maxed"? Is that level 60 with all masteries?

Forgive me if I'm wrong, question about common gear usually doesn't arise if that is the case.

If your champions are level 30, 40 or even 50, then the best you can do to upgrade them is upgrade their rank.

Nov 11, 2020, 21:2111/11/20

With Artifacts you are going to be rewarded higher quality Artifacts from the Dungeons compared to Campaign 

Nov 12, 2020, 16:1411/12/20

There is a quest where we are supposed to win a classic arena defence battle, how do I win that, it seems all i can do is to go to classic arena -> defense -> set my team and then wait, is there anything else I can do?

Nov 12, 2020, 16:2111/12/20

There is a quest where we are supposed to win a classic arena defence battle, how do I win that, it seems all i can do is to go to classic arena -> defense -> set my team and then wait, is there anything else I can do?

That is the point. Wait till someone loses against your team. Making your team as strong as possible helps.

Nov 12, 2020, 16:2611/12/20
Nov 12, 2020, 16:32(edited)

There is a quest where we are supposed to win a classic arena defence battle, how do I win that, it seems all i can do is to go to classic arena -> defense -> set my team and then wait, is there anything else I can do?

Mostly wait, yes. Mission will complete itself eventually.

Set up a trap team if you can. Like a speed nuke team of low power without a speed lead to deceive attackers into thinking that it's a slow team.

You can also set up a defense team of level 1 champ for some time to drop into lower tiers, so that players attacking you are weaker, then switch to a good team.

Mar 18, 2023, 18:2303/18/23

Is it smart to put EPIC gear or even legendary gear on RARE heroes ( top ones of course) or do they suffer penalty for having gear higher then them, same for Legendary gear on EPIC heroes.

Or should rares wear rare, Epic heroes epics and so on ? 

tnx ! 

Mar 18, 2023, 19:0703/18/23

No penalty.