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Events / Tournaments for other (forgotten) game Areas

Events / Tournaments for other (forgotten) game Areas

Nov 1, 2020, 12:0311/01/20

Events / Tournaments for other (forgotten) game Areas

Hi there, 

I would like to see more different events or tournaments in the game, especially for game areas which have currently no event or tournament. 

I would love to see events e.g. for the Keeps, Forge and especially Mino. Events could look like our classic Dragon event or something similar. Or it could be a "Happy Hour" where you can get more roles / portions for a limited time. 

Creating events for such areas are good for late and early game. At the Beginning of the game I totaly ignored the most dungeons and especially the Mino. A event for those areas would leed to focus more on Masteries. I was level 70 or higher and played completely without masteries ... 

More different events would make the game more versatile.


Nov 1, 2020, 16:4611/01/20
I was level 70 or higher and played completely without masteries ...  

I am honestly more concerned about this right here my dude

Seriously though, I think a Forge event may be cool. Not entirely sure about the other ones (Mino, Keeps).

Nov 2, 2020, 00:4211/02/20

Tons of players have asked for a Minotaur Event in the past.

The game has never done them.

I still believe the idea of having a Minotaur Event is great.

I, personally, would love a Minotaur Event.

I have tons of heroes which need Scrolls.

It would be amazing to farm Scrolls while gaining rewards from a Minotaur Event.

Nov 2, 2020, 15:3411/02/20

Yeah - That's exactly what I mean. 

A Mino Event would lead to more attention on the Mino Dungeon. 

e.g. I would do some of the masteries just for fraction war champs. But without a event, it's not woth it.

Could not understand why such an important part of the game don't get an event. 

And to be honest, more different events = more fun. 

After a while it's kind of boring to just run dragon, figher knight and spider ... repeat.