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Share your dungeon speed teams

Share your dungeon speed teams

Oct 31, 2020, 17:0110/31/20

Share your dungeon speed teams

I thought of sharing my sub minute Dragon 20 and Sipder 20 team so you guys can copy the team that I am using. I hope I can share Golem 20 and Fire knight 20 team but I myself also looking for good team comp for these dungeons. So, I start by sharing the team I use in dragon and spider.  I will also share the speeds so you will know the turn order I use. And I also write the consistency of the runs just in case anyone is curious. 

By the way, the purpose of this is not to show how p2w this game, but to have a goal or have a champion to look forward to during 10x events. 


Venus - 221 speed

Seer - 211

Mausoleum Mage - 218

Royal Guard - 178

Renegade - 169

This team is very consistent I only saw it only fail once in probably hundred runs. 

Royal guard can be change to Coldheart, but I like Royal Guard more for consistency. Because, sometimes even with 270 accuracy Venus tend to miss her defense down on the dragon, so I like Royal Guard here to have another chance of defense down. 

Seer plus Mausoleum Mage combo clears the 2 waves in 18 seconds.

Venus makes the runs faster on the boss stage. She can place poison on the dragon while waiting for Seer and Royal guard's skill to be available. I guess if you have Draco, he will do much better than Venus. 

The speeds listed here can be lower. I just have Venus at 221 speed because I am using her in CB unkillable comp. The turn order is more important here. 


Venus - 221 speed

Coldheart - 204

Royal guard 1 - 178

Royal Guard 2 - 183

Renegade - 95

To auto Spider 20 with Coldheart and Renegade can be tricky if you don't know the correct speed tuning. 

I have my Coldheart at 204 speed. This is the Minimum. Since, Coldheart will do her a2 first, so we want her to move twice before Renegade do her decrease cooldown skill.

Renegade should not have any additional speed. This is why I have 2 Renegade, one with little more speed for Dragon and one with no additional speed for Spider. 

I am not sure if this can work with 2 Coldhearts instead of 2 Royal Guards. I intentionally use 2 Royal Guards for one reason. To  kill as much spiderlings as I can in my first round of attacks. The reason for this is to not overwhelm my void champions early with spiderlings, in case Venus misses her defense down. Yes it is still common for Venus to miss her defense down even with 270+ accuracy. I am still trying to push her accuracy to 300 for more consistency in her defense down skill. 

If you don't have Venus. A regular champion with decrease defense with no weaken will still work. I tried this with Tayrel and Spider, and still very consistent. 

I can say that this team is around 95%+ consistent. It can fail when Coldheart's decrease turn meter got resisted. 



And here are my fastest runs from Golem and Fire Knight. Far from sub minute runs so I will not share my team for now. Hoping to see someone post their teams too specially in Golem and Fk. Speed runs are very helpful during tournaments and fusion events. Like now that some of the events overlap so we need to finish one event/tournament quickly. 

Nov 1, 2020, 23:2811/01/20

Here is a picture of my Dragon 20 Run:


I think the team could have a faster clearing time, but my Royal Guards die to much. lol

The Royal Guards will die from Dragon.

Than have to wait to get revived by Arbiter.

The set up clears the Mob waves fairly fast 25 secs to 30 secs on average.

The Dragon Boss fight can be 1 min to 1:30 min on average 

The total run time is 1:25 min to 2 min

Improvements to my Run:

- I could pull a Dracomorph to replace Warmaiden.

Than I could use Dracomorph Poison to kill boss with out having to rely on the RG's to do it.

- I could get Legendary Gear pieces to make my Royal Guards stronger.

My Royal Guards are using Broken gear sets so they don't really have any set bonus.

- I could Max out my Great Hall Magic Health 10/10.

It might help my Royal Guards stay alive.

Here is a picture of my Spider 20 Run:


I think the team could have a faster clearing time, but my Coldhearts don't do enough damage.

I run the hero Spider who only applies Def Down majority of the time.

The set up is missing a reliable Weaken.

My Coldhearts can do roughly 1.5mil damage per nuke with only Def Down.

It isn't enough to 1 shot the Spider.

I think the Spider has 5.5mil Total Health.

My Coldhearts are doing roughly 4.5mil Damage.

The Spider often lives with low health (1mil) + heals up. 

I added Miscreated Monster to the set up to put up a Big Shield.

I use M.M Big Shield to prevent the Coldhearts from dying till there nukes cycle back.

Improvements to my Run: 

- I don't know.

Here is a picture of my Ice Golem 20 Run:


The team I used to get my Best Ice Golem Run Time of 1:15 is not recommended.

It isn't for the faint of heart.

Bascially, I swapped out my Rotos for a 2nd Royal Guard.

My Royal Guards started nuking.

Ice Golem Boss started going nuts with counter attacks ignoring defense.

Than my heroes would revive - It was total mayhem and chaos.

I own 3 fights in a row.

Than lost 4 fights in a row.

Than won 2 fights in a row.

It was just 1 of those days.

I wanted the fight to end in 1 min.

Win or Bust all in 1 min - I couldn't be bothered waiting.

Eventually, I decided to add Rotos to my team.

Rotos makes the fight a lot safer because he can block revive the minion's.

The only down side is the fight takes longer to win.

Improvements to my Run: 

- I think the set up I am using is completely wrong.

I think I need to change this set up to something esle.

The Mob waves take me 1 min to clear

The Ice Golem Boss fight takes me 1 min to 2 min to clear.

The total run time is from 2 min to 3 min.

Royal Guard + Stag Knight don't do enough damage to kill the waves.

I know people are using Seer + M.Mage to kill the waves

I don't own Seer.

I have been thinking of trying Elenerail + Taurus.

However, I don't know if they can kill the waves.

Here is a picture of my Fire Knight 20 Run:


I think Mortu Macaab doesn't really belong in the set up.

However, The only other Spirit Damage Dealer I have leveled up is Queen Eva.

Queen Eva is way to squishy to be used in this dungeon.

I think she wouldn't do very good.

Yeah - I am still trying to figure out a set up for Fire Knight.

Nov 2, 2020, 03:3311/02/20

Here's a trick in Ice Golem that I remember just now. I believe I saw this in youtube many months ago. But honestly, after I tried this before and it worked, I lost interest since this is more of a glitch than a technique and you basically "semi auto" the whole run which is not my goal. And I thought that this will be fixed soon. 

But apparently, this trick still works. And I thought of sharing this since it is still fun to see Royal Guard do his aoe nuke without any counter attack from the boss. And it can help lower dungeon run time. Be sure to still bring a reviver since it is always risky to use Royal Guard in Ice Golem. 

When you are using Royal Guard in Ice Golem, go full auto, and when you reach the boss stage, Manually target one of the minions. While you are targeting one of the minions, and Royal Guard do his aoe, the boss will Not counter attack even it passes the threshold where it should counter attack. 

If, the minion you are targeting died be sure to select the other minion. And of course, if both already dead then the boss can now counter attack. 

Nov 2, 2020, 05:0811/02/20

Thanks for sharing.  The more I read about HOW others build their teams, the more I learn the basic strategy.   The speed timing is a big help.  

Nov 2, 2020, 05:2711/02/20

Before Rotos nerf, when Rotos block revive a golem guard, Ice Golem never can kill him, no matter how strong Golem is or how weak Rotos is, Ice Golem became the first dungeon I cleared, 100% success. 

After the nerf, well, it disappeared. 

Nov 2, 2020, 17:5311/02/20

Rotos can Solo the Ice Golem Boss if you have some sort of sustain on him.

- Lifesteal Gear 

- Immortal Gear

- Regeneration Gear

Out of the 3 options Lifesteal Gear would be ideal.

However, You can still win if you pick the other gear option's.

My Rotos is built for PVP.

I have Extra Turn Gear on my Rotos.

My Rotos can't really Solo the Ice Golem Boss, but I have a Resurrection hero in my set up.

It would take a lot of bad RNG for me to lose the fight.

I might lose 1 fight vs. Ice Golem Boss out of 400.

The set up I got is really safe, but it is extremely slow.

I win between 2 mins to 3 mins.

I don't consider a 2 min to 3 min run a speed run.

I think a speed run should be around 1 min or less.

Yeah - I have a lot of improvement which I need to do.