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This game has Deep Strategy!

This game has Deep Strategy!

Oct 31, 2020, 13:5510/31/20

This game has Deep Strategy!

I love this game and spent  my share  of coin on it so far ;) I however am only scratching the surface when it comes to understanding game combat mechanics and team assembly, so a lot to learn yet :)

I have 2 Legends and 2 epics  on my arena team. Its a quality team I think and have upgraded them with very nice gear which has taken me to arena gold 4. I am happy :)

However to all you who think you are not worthy without a Legend think again. I still get beat by teams  of 3 epic and 1 rare in Gold 4.  I tip my hat to those teams with envy as their understanding  of this deep strategy game  is  way more comprehensive than I :D

So chin up Free to play and learn the game and research its archives to better  build teams with the heroes  you get and be just as happy when you do get a epic 

To be good we will need to invest many hrs of grinding and collecting the free rewards. I do not believe I will ever be able to say "All done , I beat/won Raid Shadow Legends". TY Raid team for creating this game :)

Oct 31, 2020, 14:3110/31/20

Spot on. 

This is what keeps me motivated. Even as a F2P player, there's always something to learn, always something to work on. You just need to figure out how to progress with what you have. I just think of the times I get really lucky with pulls as an extra sweetener to the whole grind.  

Oct 31, 2020, 16:3110/31/20

Your joined date is impressive. 

Oct 31, 2020, 19:0510/31/20

Your joined date is impressive. 

Do not be fooled by that :)

Plarium encompasses all their games when it comes to that "join date"

I am only on my 120 day logins 'rewards' for RAID

But am really enjoying this game and have deleted all other games from my computer to play RAID 24/7 LOL. I play no other game currently , not even the  older Plarium games which I logged  into those forums  back then

Oct 31, 2020, 20:5310/31/20

I love the love positive feedback! Ive been player 1 year almost 3 months. I run 5 clans and multiple accounts. This game does take a lot of strategy and focus as a free to play.  I was level 58 before my first legenday! But patience and determination is need and you will get very far! Keep up the positive attitude @PriestGuardian. 

Oct 31, 2020, 21:2810/31/20

I like the challenge.  I learn one piece of strategy, take a step forward.  It feels good.  

I like the friendly people on the forums and in the clan who are willing to share their knowledge.  The other players make this a better game than those I have played in the past.