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Plarium fix your ridiculous dupe system ASAP

Plarium fix your ridiculous dupe system ASAP

Oct 31, 2020, 07:4010/31/20

Plarium fix your ridiculous dupe system ASAP

Here is my story.

Maybe 2 months ago i made a fusion and got finally Rhazin Scarhide. What i pulled next time from 2x event from over 80 blue ancient shards ? Of course, a Rhazin Scarhide.

I was sad a littlebit, but i thought about it, maybe i would be luckier next time.   

The days passed and i reached after 180 days loyalty reward, Scyl of the Drakes.

What i got from 2x event after i use over 60 shards ? (ancients,epics and sacred)

Of course, a Scyl of the Drakes. Was so annoying...

All right maybe next time.

I waited again one month to 2x event and i used again over 70 shards. and finaly got a new lego Robar, but...

Today at the 10x event... what i got ??? A Robar!!!

Dear Plarium coders, how many chance to get this ??? 

From almost 100 possible legendary characters, and i always pull a dupe lego characters whom i got before ?

This is a bad joke ?

Oct 31, 2020, 09:0410/31/20
Oct 31, 2020, 09:15(edited)

Getting duplicates is actually more common than people might ezpect.

On other thread I've calculated that by having 10 unique lego increase your chance of having a lego duplicate by 55%

And just by having 28 unique legendary the chance of getting a duplicate shoot up to 99%

And it's all about statistics...

Oct 31, 2020, 10:2210/31/20

Hey, Guys!

I know it's frustrating, I have a lot of dupes too... obviously I still prefer a dupe lego to a dupe epic, but some months ago Devs said they were working on it, so just be patient and wait for one of their cool ideas. :)

Oct 31, 2020, 10:5810/31/20

Hey, Guys!

I know it's frustrating, I have a lot of dupes too... obviously I still prefer a dupe lego to a dupe epic, but some months ago Devs said they were working on it, so just be patient and wait for one of their cool ideas. :)

On the other hand, a dupe Epic you don't need at all is basically a free *4 chicken, saving you a lot of Energy.

Oct 31, 2020, 11:3110/31/20
Oct 31, 2020, 11:32(edited)

With how greedy I am, a dupe epic is permanent -1 to vault capacity.

Oct 31, 2020, 16:5310/31/20

Hey, Guys!

I know it's frustrating, I have a lot of dupes too... obviously I still prefer a dupe lego to a dupe epic, but some months ago Devs said they were working on it, so just be patient and wait for one of their cool ideas. :)

It's not just simple frustrating. When anyone have just few lego and get same lego from the next pulling which he have, when he could to get other one from almost 100 legendary heroes?

From three pulling got 3 dupe ? Thats really just an accident or game manipulating ???

When pull at 10x event. When accordingly, should be reach other event legos from 10 event, but again pull a dupe lego, what take it from last successfully pull ?

This is just simle frustrating ? At least Plarium developers could be resolve that, would'nt be possible to pull again the last lego to dupe.

But from 3 pulling and 3 dupe just like as the last one ?