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New six star void champion

New six star void champion

Oct 25, 2020, 20:5910/25/20

New six star void champion

I am very close to finishing the progression missions and taking arbiter.

 However, I found with horror that the missions "ascend a spirit / magic / force / void champion to level 6 of ascension" are not retroactive. We could discuss extensively how unfair and disgusting this is, if it hadn't already been done extensively in the past. 

All my six-star champions are already at ascension level 6, so now I should six-star 4 champions, one for each affinity. Don't worry Plarium, I am free to play and I will remain so, with patience everything is done, you will not see a euro from me. 

Luckily I had several 5 star useful monsters to upgrade to six stars, and this is an opportunity to enhance dungeons. But I have a a problem with void affinity. My only really good void champion is coldheart, who is already full ascended to six stars. The only other I use occasionally is Battlesage, for the leader skill in the arena and for the attack buff, but it does its job very well even at 5 stars. I know it can also be used for spiders, do you think it would be a good choice? Problem is, I don't have any valid void affinity champions, the only other one might be Bulwark for clan bosses, but I'm not sure that's a good choice. What do you recommend? Either one or even wait for a better champion? The problem is that the void shards do not rain from the sky: atm I have two, and from the missions I will get two more and one from the monthly quests for a total of 5 in a few days, but honestly I was thinking of keeping them for the next summon double chance void, so waiting for a valid void champion could require very very long time. Any advice please?

Oct 25, 2020, 21:2410/25/20

Can you post a ful llist of your Void champions? Maybe you are sleeping on someone useful.

I would definitely advise saving your Void shards for a 2x event. Use your Clan Boss keys, do your quests, you will get some more Void shards. Do not rush, concentrate on upgrading everyone else, prepare your food champions, stock up on the free XP brews.
Oct 25, 2020, 21:3510/25/20
Keep in mind Faction wars  completion gets a legend and Doom Tower  is coming which will require Rare teams and Uncommon Teams for the special rooms if you want them. Perhaps the heroes you have would  be suitable for those applications when upgraded?
Oct 25, 2020, 22:5710/25/20

Yes, i know faction wars and doom tower also exist and i do clan bosses and quests daily.

I didn't mention the others void champions because from the idea I got them they are pretty useless or very situational. Howeverthe others are Retainer, Amarantine Skeleton, Ragemonger, Haruspex, Veteran, Seducer and Reliquary Tender. Of those, i think retainer and amarantine skeleton are really useless. Others can be useful: for example ragemonger could be good for cb (but i already have kael and frozen banshee for poison), or reliquary tender for cleanse and revive (but i have battlesage which is a better version i guess), haruspex maybe could be a good turn meter boost for faction wars, or seducer could be a good support unit. 

but the fact is that bringing any of these to six stars seems like a waste to me, because there is very little improvement they can give me.

I know that I have to prepare the food first, but I already had some accumulated food previously and with all the gems I received as rewards, I have already taken Vergis (spirit), Frozen Banshee (Magic) to six stars and I'm almost done the food for Mausoleum Mage (Force), so in a week i guess I'm ready for the void.

Oct 25, 2020, 23:2910/25/20

Bulwark is good. If you happen to have 2nd coldheart, that's another option.

Oct 25, 2020, 23:5410/25/20

diddoluz said:

Yes, i know faction wars and doom tower also exist and i do clan bosses and quests daily.

I didn't mention the others void champions because from the idea I got them they are pretty useless or very situational. Howeverthe others are Retainer, Amarantine Skeleton, Ragemonger, Haruspex, Veteran, Seducer and Reliquary Tender. Of those, i think retainer and amarantine skeleton are really useless. Others can be useful: for example ragemonger could be good for cb (but i already have kael and frozen banshee for poison), or reliquary tender for cleanse and revive (but i have battlesage which is a better version i guess), haruspex maybe could be a good turn meter boost for faction wars, or seducer could be a good support unit. 

but the fact is that bringing any of these to six stars seems like a waste to me, because there is very little improvement they can give me.

I know that I have to prepare the food first, but I already had some accumulated food previously and with all the gems I received as rewards, I have already taken Vergis (spirit), Frozen Banshee (Magic) to six stars and I'm almost done the food for Mausoleum Mage (Force), so in a week i guess I'm ready for the void.

Seducer is a great rare, especially for Faction Wars. 

I would *6 Reliquary Tender, as she is a great champion. You have been sleeping on her in my opinion. Compared to Battlesage, her revive is better (no requirement to use it prior to a specific champion's death) and she has a nice heal in addition to the cleanse.

Oct 26, 2020, 06:2010/26/20
Does it really matter which one you 6* and ascend?  Its just part of the mission to get Arbiter. 
Oct 26, 2020, 06:4810/26/20
ClosedPoly said:

Does it really matter which one you 6* and ascend?  Its just part of the mission to get Arbiter. 
It does, as it takes a lot of resources to make a *6 and wasting those resources on a completely useless champion who would guard your Vault would be, well... a waste.
Oct 26, 2020, 07:5010/26/20

WatchdogCZ said:

Seducer is a great rare, especially for Faction Wars. 

I would *6 Reliquary Tender, as she is a great champion. You have been sleeping on her in my opinion. Compared to Battlesage, her revive is better (no requirement to use it prior to a specific champion's death) and she has a nice heal in addition to the cleanse.

Thanks for your opinion. Yes i know reliquary tender is a great champion, but the fact is i already have 2 cleanser: Battlesage and Mausoleum Mage (full booked), which has increase def, block buff, increase c.rate and heals a lot too. So i'm a little bit reluctant to have a 3rd cleanser.

I'm noticing that none of you are suggesting me Battlesage for spider, maybe she is not good as i thought?

Instead, as sunnyray suggested a little while ago, i'm thinking about Bulwark for clan boss.

I saw the next clan boss missions and i got scared: inflict 65M and 100M damage to nightmare clan boss. How can i do?

My team is: Vergis(L) Kael Frozen Banshee Apothecary Stag Knight  and i can do barely 6.5M per key at nightmare.

But it must be said that Vergis and frozen don't have t6 masteries and are not lvl 60 and full ascended at this moment (vergis is not booked).

Can Bulwark fit in this team in order to increase damage on clan boss?

For the user  wondering if it mattered who 6*: of course it matters. I'm completely free to play, so 6* a champion require me a lot of time and resources, and is always an accurate choice

Oct 26, 2020, 09:2410/26/20
Oct 26, 2020, 09:24(edited)

I believe Bulwark fits most CB teams with Frozen Banshee. It's mini-Vizier. 

I haven't leveled mine yet, but I see him in teams that deal 30M (with skullcrusher) and 40M (with maneaters) per key to NM boss. I'm leveling Arbiger for the same reason you are leveling void at the moment.

I think missions don't require you to deal damage in a single day. At least I finished 15M one dealing 14M before CB reset and some more after. I don't remember if I dealt more than 15M with one key on the second day, but I remember that the counter on a mission had showed 14M before I made that attack.

Oct 26, 2020, 09:2710/26/20
Oct 26, 2020, 09:32(edited)

SunnyRay said:


I keep spelling Armiger like this writing about Arbiter missions :)

I don't suggest Battlesage simply because I know nothing about her.

Oct 26, 2020, 09:4810/26/20

diddoluz said:

WatchdogCZ said:

Seducer is a great rare, especially for Faction Wars. 

I would *6 Reliquary Tender, as she is a great champion. You have been sleeping on her in my opinion. Compared to Battlesage, her revive is better (no requirement to use it prior to a specific champion's death) and she has a nice heal in addition to the cleanse.

Thanks for your opinion. Yes i know reliquary tender is a great champion, but the fact is i already have 2 cleanser: Battlesage and Mausoleum Mage (full booked), which has increase def, block buff, increase c.rate and heals a lot too. So i'm a little bit reluctant to have a 3rd cleanser.

I'm noticing that none of you are suggesting me Battlesage for spider, maybe she is not good as i thought?

Instead, as sunnyray suggested a little while ago, i'm thinking about Bulwark for clan boss.

I saw the next clan boss missions and i got scared: inflict 65M and 100M damage to nightmare clan boss. How can i do?

My team is: Vergis(L) Kael Frozen Banshee Apothecary Stag Knight  and i can do barely 6.5M per key at nightmare.

But it must be said that Vergis and frozen don't have t6 masteries and are not lvl 60 and full ascended at this moment (vergis is not booked).

Can Bulwark fit in this team in order to increase damage on clan boss?

For the user  wondering if it mattered who 6*: of course it matters. I'm completely free to play, so 6* a champion require me a lot of time and resources, and is always an accurate choice

Reliquary Tender will help you a lot in Faction Wars, if nothing else. Since you need to fully ascend a Void *6, I would still say she is your best choice if you do not want to waste your resources, unless you really will need Bulwark for the Clan Boss.

As for the Nightmare Clan Boss, you really need to do more damage per key. The Warmaster Mastery is essential to increase your damage. An AoE counterattack buff champion also helps a lot. You wouldn'r happen to have someone like Martyr, would you? Oh, and drop Kael from the CB team, his weak Poison is only taking up slots that Frozen Banshee can use for her strong Poison. Can you post a list or a screenshot of your champions roster, please? We may be able to suggest some more effecient team compositions.

As for the Arbiter Clan Boss missions, contrary to what SUNNYRAY said above, they actually do require that you do the damage in one day. The thing is when does that one day start and end. It may not be counted at Clan Boss reset, though, rather at the same time as daily login rewards reset, which I suppose is the case.

Oct 26, 2020, 10:0710/26/20
Oct 26, 2020, 10:12(edited)

WatchdogCZ said:

As for the Arbiter Clan Boss missions, contrary to what SUNNYRAY said above, they actually do require that you do the damage in one day. The thing is when does that one day start and end. It may not be counted at Clan Boss reset, though, rather at the same time as daily login rewards reset, which I suppose is the case.

Good to know. May be I dealt 15M with 1 key there, so it's unclear when the day ends.

So, the mission is to get to 20M per key and use 5 keys. Shouldn't be much harder than clearing all stage 20 dungeons, but who knows. Can also wait for gifts or buy more keys for gems.
Oct 26, 2020, 11:1610/26/20

It is true, unfortunately it must be done in a single day, this is the real problem.

I know perfectly well that I need counterattack, but I don't even have one :( .

I also know about the importance of the t6 mastery, in fact kael, apothecary, big'un, coldheart and stag knight have t6 (coldheart crit.dmg, the others warmaster / giant slayer) and I am working on mausoleum mage frozen banshee and vergis asap (but now I stopped the minothaur farm for chickens).

I believe once banshee and vergis are full ascended and with t6 mastery I could do more than 6.6M per key.

Anyway, here's my roster

Oct 26, 2020, 12:0410/26/20
Oct 26, 2020, 12:30(edited)

Posting the image here would have been a bit more convenient:

Let's see. This may be an option:

Bulwark (+17 DEF leader): HP Burn, Weaken, increase debuffs on CB - he will need tons of HP and DEF

Sandlashed Survivor: (passive Ally Protection + Unkillable on herself), and increase debuffs on the CB, increase buffs on allies

Stagknight: Decrease DEF, Decrease ATK

Reliquary Tender: healing, cleansing, and revive (you don't use a reviver, right?) - she will need tons of HP and DEF to stay alive

Frozen Banshee: poisons - she can be a leader too, to give you some extra Accuracy, but you may die sooner.

By the way, Vergis' Aura does nothing in Clan Boss, it only works in Dungeons. You need All Battles for Clan Boss. Nothing else works there.

Oct 26, 2020, 13:3310/26/20

yes of course, my bad. I use kael leader skill for cb,  and vergis in all dungeons.

I don't have Sandslashed Survivor, maybe you confused it with valla:)

So i have to replace kael with Bulwark for sure, so upgrading bulwark to six star could be a real option for me at this moment.

Oct 26, 2020, 14:1510/26/20
Oct 26, 2020, 14:35(edited)

The Clan Boss team I would try using with your Roster would be:

- Apothecary

- Stag Knight

- Frozen Banshee

- Bulwark

- Grizzled Jarl 

The above picture is a picture of my Clan Boss Team with Bulwark in the battle.

It isn't the same set up as yours, but it can give you some idea's of how much damage Bulwark can do.

You can see Bulwark did close to 6mil Damage.

My Bulwark was also the one in the Leader spot tanking the Clan Boss Stun.

Another thing which I want to mention is Grizzled Jarl.

You own a Grizzled Jarl.

Not everyone knows Grizzled Jarl so they can't implement a certain Clan Boss Strategy.

Some players use Grizzled Jarl in there Clan Boss team to prevent the Stun.

It is a strategy players developed with Grizzled Jarl.

Not many other heroes can copy what Grizzled Jarl does.

Grizzled Jarl does Block Buff on a 3 turn cool down when booked.

This allows you to synchronize the move to the Clan Boss.

This will prevent your Leader from getting Stun.

Lastly, You mention you needed to rank up + ascend each affinity.

I would recommend the following heroes:

- Bulwark ---------------> Void 

- Grizzled Jarl ---------> Magic 

- High Khatun ---------> Spirit

- Candraphon ---------> Force

And that is all.

Have a Great Day!
Oct 26, 2020, 14:3810/26/20
Oct 26, 2020, 14:43(edited)

Player J said:

The Clan Boss team I would try using with your Roster would be:

- Apothecary

- Stag Knight

- Frozen Banshee

- Bulwark

- Grizzled Jarl 

The above picture is a picture of my Clan Boss Team with Bulwark in the battle.

It isn't the same set up as yours, but it can give you some idea's of how much damage Bulwark can do.

You can see Bulwark did close to 6mil Damage.

My Bulwark was also the one in the Leader spot tanking the Clan Boss Stun.

Another thing which I want to mention is Grizzled Jarl.

Some players use Grizzled Jarl in there Clan Boss team to prevent the Stun.

Grizzled Jarl does Block Buff on a 3 turn cool down when booked.

This allows you to synchronize the move to the Clan Boss.

This will prevent your Leader from getting Stunning.

Lastly, You mention you needed to rank up + ascend each affinity.

I would recommend the following heroes:

- Bulwark ---------------> Void 

- Grizzled Jarl ---------> Magic 

- High Khatun ---------> Spirit

- Candraphon ---------> Force

Very interesting man, but let me clarify some things.

First, i have already ranked up Vergis (spirit) and Frozen banshee (Magic), so i need force and void now, and i cannot rank up grizzled in the short term.

Second, your advice for my team is very similar to what i had in mind, but why grizzled jarl and not Vergis or even Mausoleum Mage? My MM is full booked and almost full masteries (he miss only t6) and he can cleanse, heals a lot, increase def and crit rate, so he can sustain my team for long time i guess, but i never tried because he is 5* now and i planned to rank up him as a Force champion. Also, it can be very useful for all dungeons in the future.

 I can use bulwark for leader skill, so his passive can work also if he got a stun (i guess).

what do you think of these considerations?

Thanks anyway to everyone for the advice :)

Oct 26, 2020, 16:5810/26/20

diddoluz said:

Very interesting man, but let me clarify some things.

First, i have already ranked up Vergis (spirit) and Frozen banshee (Magic), so i need force and void now, and i cannot rank up grizzled in the short term.

Second, your advice for my team is very similar to what i had in mind, but why grizzled jarl and not Vergis or even Mausoleum Mage? My MM is full booked and almost full masteries (he miss only t6) and he can cleanse, heals a lot, increase def and crit rate, so he can sustain my team for long time i guess, but i never tried because he is 5* now and i planned to rank up him as a Force champion. Also, it can be very useful for all dungeons in the future.

 I can use bulwark for leader skill, so his passive can work also if he got a stun (i guess).

what do you think of these considerations?

Thanks anyway to everyone for the advice :)

I think Vergis is garbage.

Thus, I don't recommend using him.

The reason I recommend using Grizzled Jarl over Mausoleum Mage is because of Atk Down.

Stag Knight does Atk Down, but I don't think Stag Knight is reliable.

I own Stag Knight.

I have used Stag Knight in Arena + Dungeons.

I have seen the way Stag Knight plays.

Stag Knight A2 move isn't right.

Stag Knight A2 move only books up to 95% chance.

I added the Mastery Sniper to my Stag Knight hoping it would raise the 95% chance to 100%.

However, It didn't work.

This champion will not attempt to proc his Atk down or Def down at certain times.

The percentage chance is having an impact on this heroes ability to be consistent.

Stag Knight missing Atk Down or Def Down in Arena, Dungeons, or Faction Wars doesn't really matter.

Those Area's of the game are not very important.

You can often still win even if Stag Knight misses the occasional Atk Down or Def Down

However, Clan Boss is different.

If you miss landing Atk Down on the Clan Boss when you are 25 rounds into the fight, Your whole team gets 1 shot.

Your team will die on the spot.

If you add Grizzled Jarl to your team, You will have 2 different heroes who do Atk Down.

This will help make sure Atk Down is always on the Clan Boss.

Grizzled Jarl does Increase Defense + Block Buffs.

Grizzled Jarl has other benefits along with his Attack Down.

The Attack Down is just a back up safety net for you in the Clan Boss fight.

Mausoleum Mage is a God Tier Champion for what he does.

You will need him for Undead Hordes - Faction Wars Stage 20.

He is the only reason I can get through Wave 1 on Stage 20.

M.Mage is Force Affinity which is the Counter Affinity of Dragon Stage 20 (Magic)

M.Mage is amazing in the Dragon Dungeon.

- Blocking the Dragon Debuffs.

- Cleansing the Dragon Debuffs.

M.Mage is amazing in Arena.

I run M.Mage in my Arena team.

Maybe, you should consider saving your M.Mage for other Area's of the game.

If you build him for Clan Boss, you will be forced to put him in Lifesteal gear.

Lifesteal gear on M.Mage isn't great for other Area's of the game.

I have seen people run M.Mage in so many different gear sets.

- Immunity Gear

- Resistance Gear

- Shield Gear

- Defense Gear

- Immortal Gear

I, personally, like running mine in Immunity Gear/Immortal Gear.

You should 6 star M.Mage.

I agree - M.Mage should be 6 star 100%.

The question comes down to "WHEN" which leads me to my next topic.

You need to 6 star a Force hero.

M.Mage is a fantastic option.

However, I have to bring to your attention another Force hero which you own.

The other Force hero you own is Candraphon.

I don't know if anyone has told you this, but Candraphon is ranked number 4 in the World.

All the Legendary heroes in the game which do AOE Damage.

Candraphon is ranked number 4 out of all of them!

Whales & Spending players around the world are wanting to pull Candraphon.

Players are spending thousands of dollars hoping to pull this champion.

Even, I wish I had a Candraphon.

And here you are with a Candraphon.

Your Candraphon is level 50.

Your Candraphon isn't even ascended.

Your Candraphon doesn't even have gear on probably.

And you might wonder what on earth makes Candraphon so special?

Well, The game did a Champion Rebalance to shake up the Arena Meta.

In the process of doing the rebalance, They made Candraphon a God.

Candraphon was sort of a bad hero.

Than the game buffed Candraphon.

The buffs Candraphon received caused him to fly through the rankings.

Candraphon is ranked number 4 in the World for AOE DAMAGE.

I have seen a Candraphon do 140k damage to enemy Arena team.

Here is a video to prove it:

It is so disgusting.

I don't know how long he will be ranked number 4 in the World.

The game might do another Rebalance in a few months.

However, I think you could get a lot of value out of him in the short term.

He is doing some amazing things.

Again this is just something for you to think about.

You could go with M.Mage.

You could go with Candraphon.

1 day - you will probably have both 6 star.

It all comes down to when you feel like doing it.

I just wanted to bring some of the information to your attention so you can think about it.
Oct 26, 2020, 17:1110/26/20
Oct 26, 2020, 17:20(edited)

I didn't have enough room to show you the other video.

But here is the other video which goes over the rankings.

#1 - Trunda

#2 - Foli

#3 - (Damage) Hegemon

#4 - Candraphon

#5 - Rae

A lot of people agree with the Top 4 Ranking list.

I have seen people argue Ithos should be number 5 over Rae.

They were saying Rae should be at number 6.

However, The point is Candraphon still seems to be ranked at number 4 by a large group of people.

Candraphon does a lot of damage + takes a hit.

Again I wanted to show you this so that you didn't think I was just making it up.

It can be pretty hard to believe that he is so amazing, but it is true.

If you go to Classical Arena - Platinum Leader Boards, You will see Candraphon being used by Platinum players.

Oct 26, 2020, 18:1410/26/20
Oct 26, 2020, 18:27(edited)

Wow,that's a lot of information and opinions, thanks a lot mate!

You're right, Candraphon has been buffed recently and he's great in the arena, in fact I'm going to rank up sooner or later (I got it when it was still garbage, what a stroke of luck!).

But you have to consider where I am in the game: I'm not an endgame player, not even a midgame maybe! I'm at levels 15-16-17 of all dungeons, where it takes up to 2-3 minutes to finish them in certain case. In faction wars I have barely 140 stars, in clan boss I do 7M on nightmare difficulty.

Candraphon is extraordinary, but he is an arena champion, for endgame player.

I'll definitely take it to six stars, but maybe it's not the time. Perhaps it is better to focus on Mausoleum mage, which will surely make a major contribution to my progression in all areas of the game.

As for Mausoleum Mage in clan boss, I don't intend to use it definitively, but being forced to rank up a force champion, in order to have more performance in clan boss(and not only!) at the moment it seems to me it can fit well in my team.

You say that Grizzled jarl has an increase atk more than MM, but MM does all the things of grizzled jarl plus it has aoe cleanse and a massive aoe heal.

Look at it from a newbie's point of view, it makes me extremely comfortable to have more sustain right now.

You also rely on the fact that Stag Knight is not reliable. Ok it's your opinion, but instead I'm led to think the other way around, seeing him play inauto mode he always uses his second skill which almost always procs. I put so much accuracy on it for this reason and I have no complaints.

I think I've decided I would say, Mausoleum Mage for Force and Bulwark for Void. Thanks to everyone for the suggestions anyway!