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What belongs there ?

What belongs there ?

Oct 24, 2020, 17:2510/24/20

What belongs there ?

Lower right corner of the main screen in the game has a very nice empty area. I am sure it will be filled with something in the future, have any suggestions?

I hope the Yule tree for Christmas will appear there. Should that area be reserved for special events?

How about some kind  of a Trade market between the player base? Anything you would  like to see  in the  lower right corner of the game screen say now or forever  hold your tongue

If  by some future  miracle a trade  market did appear it would have to be  player  lvl 20 restricted to stop bots from spamming the market
Oct 24, 2020, 17:4210/24/20

Realistically speaking, I don't think we're ever gonna get a trade market in the game. (But who knows lmao)

Also since you've brought it up- I've also been wondering if we're even going to have a tree for the holidays, since the usual spot has been taken by the Forge. 
Oct 24, 2020, 17:5910/24/20
Oct 24, 2020, 18:42(edited)

Lxzy said:

Realistically speaking, I don't think we're ever gonna get a trade market in the game. (But who knows lmao)

Also since you've brought it up- I've also been wondering if we're even going to have a tree for the holidays, since the usual spot has been taken by the Forge. 

A market can work and even be beneficial to Plarium.

Just trade artifacts  on market for silver . The silver amount for sale can have a cap to stop those very unique  items from selling for millions  of silver

The player level access to the market can help control the  bot/trade infux

+ some  players will likely be  buying silver from Plarium if they are short to make a purchase

Limit the  # of posts  on the market a player can make relevant to their player  lvl example a LVL 20 player can only make 1 post for sale and  increases as they go up in lvls

Also limit the time  of a post on the market to 24hrs as max. Maybe at lvl 20 you can only post one item for 6hrs  on market. At lvl 25 you can only post a max of two items  on market for each at a max  of a 12hr duration.....etc

Some will say they never  buy silver.....well if you are using  silver  on the market to buy something your coming  up short in other areas. So you may need to buy energy to farm more silver. win / win for plarium no matter  how you cut the cheeze

Lets not forget the commission Plarium can charge for a sale or post of  items  on the trade center. More silver  being used.

But this does  not have to be a trade market area. Got an idea for something else? Lets hear it
Oct 24, 2020, 18:5710/24/20

PriestGuardian said:

A market can work and even be beneficial to Plarium.

Just trade artifacts  on market for silver . The silver amount for sale can have a cap to stop those very unique  items from selling for millions  of silver

The player level access to the market can help control the  bot/trade infux

+ some  players will likely be  buying silver from Plarium if they are short to make a purchase

Limit the  # of posts  on the market a player can make relevant to their player  lvl example a LVL 20 player can only make 1 post for sale and  increases as they go up in lvls

Also limit the time  of a post on the market to 24hrs as max. Maybe at lvl 20 you can only post one item for 6hrs  on market. At lvl 25 you can only post a max of two items  on market for each at a max  of a 12hr duration.....etc

Some will say they never  buy silver.....well if you are using  silver  on the market to buy something your coming  up short in other areas. So you may need to buy energy to farm more silver. win / win for plarium no matter  how you cut the cheeze

Lets not forget the commission Plarium can charge for a sale or post of  items  on the trade center. More silver  being used.

Artifact trading wouldn't work imo. 

What would you sell in the first place? Clean, potentially good gear with nice substats, or gear whose rolls went awfully wrong? You wouldn't sell clean gear, you'd have to roll them to see if you can even use them in the first place. If the substat rolls to the undesirable stats, who'd want them? 

This doesn't even begin to discuss who would sell to whom. 

End game players who may have replaced a certain gear with a better one will just put said replaced gear on another champ in need of better gear. If they even think about selling said gear, who'd buy? Other end game players (who would be nitpicky with stats) wouldn't, considering how this gear was even put up for sale in the first place since the stats (and rolls) weren't so good. Early/mid game players struggling with silver probably couldn't afford these either. 

Speed boots may be the only lucrative item to sell here but then again, you're always working on another champion in need of speed boots. I may be wrong, but I just don't see the exchanges to be made in artifact trading to be good in the first place. 

Since we're on the topic of trading, and I know that someone here is bound to bring it up- I think champion trading would ruin the game. 

Oct 24, 2020, 19:4710/24/20
Oct 24, 2020, 21:41(edited)

I respectfully disagree. EVERYONE would sell artifacts  of all shapes and sizes FACT!

Play many MMO's with markets? Well I have!

Everyone sells everything and they would here as well and  make some silver  on the side.

Ever hear the saying one mans junk is another mans Treasure? its true. Why do you think yard sales  in RL are a real thing?

Same for this game, Auction house for artifacts would be real. Everyone would  participate and sell artifacts from many sources be it forge / campaign / Dungeons / tournament rewards etc. Its  going to be a fact that it works ,simple math

But if Plarium implements  it  into the game  is another question.

But the thread is about what players think  should go into the lower right spot of  the game screen, apparently no one cares what plarium does with that spot so all good

I do not want to hear the complainers cry when it happens because they never shared their thoughts before time

or you know as a white Knight  I will bring up this thread  in their face :P
Oct 25, 2020, 10:2710/25/20

I'm pretty sure a trade market between players will never happen because it would stop people spending trying to get the champion they want. But maybe for some sort of friends chat, FAQ..who knows

PriestGuardian said:

Lower right corner of the main screen in the game has a very nice empty area. I am sure it will be filled with something in the future, have any suggestions?

I hope the Yule tree for Christmas will appear there. Should that area be reserved for special events?

How about some kind  of a Trade market between the player base? Anything you would  like to see  in the  lower right corner of the game screen say now or forever  hold your tongue

If  by some future  miracle a trade  market did appear it would have to be  player  lvl 20 restricted to stop bots from spamming the market