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Legendary characters from shards

Legendary characters from shards

Oct 21, 2020, 22:0910/21/20

Legendary characters from shards

I was just curious as to how many shards you have to open before u can get a legendary character. Been playing more than 3 months, opened a lot of shards (even spent some real money on it) not one legendary character. I'm about done with this game.
Oct 21, 2020, 23:2910/21/20

My first legendary drop 2 weeks before the Scyl daily reward, so that's almost 6 months before I get my first legendary.

So 3 months is not that long for me... You better just concentrate on getting books for your epics than worrying about getting a legendary.

Oct 22, 2020, 00:3410/22/20
OzzLee said:

My first legendary drop 2 weeks before the Scyl daily reward, so that's almost 6 months before I get my first legendary.

So 3 months is not that long for me... You better just concentrate on getting books for your epics than worrying about getting a legendary.

Oct 22, 2020, 00:3710/22/20
Almost all of my epics are already maxed other than masteries. Still cant compare in the arena when most of the people I'm up against have no less than 1 legendary. Usually 2 or more. Hard to keep up with that.
Oct 22, 2020, 00:5510/22/20
Oct 22, 2020, 01:00(edited)

mikey2640 said:

Almost all of my epics are already maxed other than masteries. Still cant compare in the arena when most of the people I'm up against have no less than 1 legendary. Usually 2 or more. Hard to keep up with that.

Yeah that happens to me, but at lower tier, epics are as good as legendaries if you know what combination of heroes you use and how to synergise their move sets.

Legendaries only matter when you want to go to fight in the top tier, specially now that Plarium have their "accident" that every now and then there's a page full of easily beatable bots in classic arena.

My arena line up before my legendary consists of Skullcrusher, Jizoh, Doompriest and Lightsworn for the longest time! And was hanging out in silver 1/2 before Plarium give the bots, now I am holding my team at Gold 3 (I intentionally hold my team to not enter gold 4 yet)

Oooh yeah by "Max out" do you have them at lvl 60 ascended 6* only? How about their books? 

You said you haven't done any of the masteries, well Masteries actually helped A LOT!

Also gears... How's their artifacts? Have you maxed them +16? Have you glyph them?

My Jizoh and Doompriest were the first to get all +16 5* gears and accessories, all glyphed to the best glyph I can get.

Oct 22, 2020, 03:3310/22/20
You have to play and wait till that time, may be 6+ months or tomorrow. It does not mean your first legendary will be useful, I even got 2 useless legendaries: 2 Grohak. 
Oct 22, 2020, 06:4110/22/20

We all went through this.  The game requires patience, some luck and willing to do research to build the best team you can. 

Have you done the Rhazin fusion?  Its a lot of work but he is worth it. 

The fusion that is running right now has 2 epics, Kaiden and Fayne, that are as good as many Legos. 
Oct 22, 2020, 10:3710/22/20
ClosedPoly said:

We all went through this.  The game requires patience, some luck and willing to do research to build the best team you can. 

Have you done the Rhazin fusion?  Its a lot of work but he is worth it.  

This. Another good thing to practice would be to save your shards for the 2x weekends like the one that's coming tomorrow. 
Oct 22, 2020, 12:5310/22/20

^ My only legendary drop on 4th month. I'd rather have another epic.

^ You don't need legendaries in current arena. You don't have to attack teams you can't beat.
Oct 22, 2020, 22:2810/22/20

at least 4 free legend champions you can get for free. Just play the game for free and they will come

Then add all the shards your going to get for free and Legends will come. save the shards for special events though ;)

But if  your not into grinding daily for the long term rewards, maybe the game is  not for you as a free to play
Oct 23, 2020, 19:3210/23/20
I've been waiting for 2x chance for the ancient shards, so I patiently waited for my 900 gems to buy the 11 ancient shards. I then doubled up on the ancient pack containing 25 ancient shards (dropping $40). had a couple ancient shards already. So that's 38 ancient shards. Not one Legendary. I'm Level 45..This game is meant to make you crave that legendary and spend money. I learned my lesson on buying micro purchases and will never again. The creators of this game could care less, they're making good money off our idiotic purchases.
Oct 23, 2020, 20:1210/23/20
Oct 23, 2020, 20:13(edited)

jheim said:

I've been waiting for 2x chance for the ancient shards, so I patiently waited for my 900 gems to buy the 11 ancient shards. I then doubled up on the ancient pack containing 25 ancient shards (dropping $40). had a couple ancient shards already. So that's 38 ancient shards. Not one Legendary. I'm Level 45..This game is meant to make you crave that legendary and spend money. I learned my lesson on buying micro purchases and will never again. The creators of this game could care less, they're making good money off our idiotic purchases.

Well, even during the 2x event, each Ancient shard only has a 1% chance of a Legendary.

Try to slowly collect the rares (or even directly the Epics, if you are lucky) needed for Rhazin's fusion, and wait for your Scyl of the Drakes. Both are great champions, and Scyl of the Drakes is free and takes no other effort than logging in daily for a few months.

Do your daily quests and spend your Clan Boss keys every day, at as stronf a Clan Boss as you can get the top tier reward from. Advance your campaign (Athel or Kael are each enough to get you through to the end of Brutal), assemble some Faction Wars teams and do the stages you can manage to beat. You will get some higher tier shards for free that way. Save them for 2x events. You will eventually get something good.
Oct 23, 2020, 20:2610/23/20

jheim said:

I've been waiting for 2x chance for the ancient shards, so I patiently waited for my 900 gems to buy the 11 ancient shards. I then doubled up on the ancient pack containing 25 ancient shards (dropping $40). had a couple ancient shards already. So that's 38 ancient shards. Not one Legendary. I'm Level 45..This game is meant to make you crave that legendary and spend money. I learned my lesson on buying micro purchases and will never again. The creators of this game could care less, they're making good money off our idiotic purchases.

If you're going to spend money on ancients, the smart way to do is to buy the monthly gem packs - which will get you far more ancients per dollar, though of course you get the gems spread out over a long time so it's more of a long term thing. 

Alternatively, a bit faster but a bit more expensive, though still better than what you did now, you can buy 1 ancient shard for 1 USD every day. 
Oct 23, 2020, 23:4110/23/20
I was saving for fusion next week but relooked at champ and decided I didn't need.  I pulled all my shards  34 ancients, 3 voids and 2 sacred.  Got alot of crap but I pulled a few new champs in  Seeker, Lyssandra and Dutchess so I'm stoked
Oct 23, 2020, 23:4610/23/20
I had 23 blues and got Trunda.