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really annoyed !!!

really annoyed !!!

Oct 20, 2020, 14:0910/20/20

really annoyed !!!

So I worked hard and got all my epics ascended ready to fuse the new legendary.i had been lucky to get 2 of the epics from events as well. I fused the legendary wanting to get it done just in case I was prevented from fusing during the week. I then saw it disappeared. I now have a bunch of rares I have been prepping to fuse into the epics and now cannot as the option is gone !! Totally sucks. The event is not timed out so I should not be prevented from fusing the epics. Please sort this. Very unhappy.
Oct 20, 2020, 14:4610/20/20
Oct 20, 2020, 14:49(edited)

Fusing a one time fusion instantly removes the fusion option of the whole fusion tree altogether.

You should've fused from the bottom up...

Oct 20, 2020, 14:5510/20/20
This has always been the case for fusions. Next time fuse the epics first if you want an extra copy before fusing the legendary.
Oct 20, 2020, 15:5710/20/20
Oct 20, 2020, 16:07(edited)

So where does it explain that ??  I have read through the fusion guide and the specific news for this fusion. Nowhere is this stated. I would respectfully ask that this is looked at. Because I chose to do them an alternative time frame I do not understand why I should be penalised. Particularly if not clear on any guidelines. I have not played the game that long so why should I be expected "just to know it works that way".  Thank you.

Oct 20, 2020, 17:0510/20/20

pomdude said:

So where does it explain that ??  I have read through the fusion guide and the specific news for this fusion. Nowhere is this stated. I would respectfully ask that this is looked at. Because I chose to do them an alternative time frame I do not understand why I should be penalised. Particularly if not clear on any guidelines. I have not played the game that long so why should I be expected "just to know it works that way".  Thank you.

Well to be fair the only clue about it would be the statement on the fusion screen that states 'Vergumkaar can only be fused one time'. The instinctive thing to do anyway is to fuse from the bottom up- like OzzLee said. I understand how frustrating this is but it is very unlikely that this will be reversed.

There was this one time during a fusion (I don't remember which- it was probably Harvest Jack) that we got an extension for the time limit on the fusion, and that extension coincidentally made the fusion tree reappear to the ones who already finished the fusion. This is the only situation that I can think of that may help you but unfortunately the chances of this happening again are gonna be really slim.

I can only really tell you what you can do better next time but with that being said, I will pass this on. Hopefully we get a warning of sorts during the next fusion.
Oct 20, 2020, 17:3610/20/20
I agree instinctive. Sadly I did not know how much time I had to fuse all of them so went for the leg. Tough with work commitments to be upgrading all those champs. I take the points and would probably say the same to another in my circs. It is just annoying as sat now with 8 useless rares and wasted  potions on them. If only the leg was worth it!  Only hope by posting it does not happen to others. Thanks anyway.
Oct 21, 2020, 23:3810/21/20

pomdude said:

I agree instinctive. Sadly I did not know how much time I had to fuse all of them so went for the leg. Tough with work commitments to be upgrading all those champs. I take the points and would probably say the same to another in my circs. It is just annoying as sat now with 8 useless rares and wasted  potions on them. If only the leg was worth it!  Only hope by posting it does not happen to others. Thanks anyway.

Well I am sorry but I don't think that can be used as an excuse, there's a CLEAR and OBVIOUS timer on the fusion page that indicates how much time you have until the fusion option is gone.

On the right of Vergumkaar picture, on the fusion page a timer shows that there are X weeks X days X hour for Vergumkaar fusion.

And if you do it from bottom up, you'll also see that the option to fuse the epics are only once, after you fuse the epics, the fusion option for that epic is also gone.

Now that is already happened, all I can say is, not all of those rare are useless, the Dwarves rares from those fusion materials are quite good. Dilgol is a must to get to 6* and Avir is the very few healer you can get for Dwarf faction wars