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Tiering up advice

Tiering up advice

Oct 20, 2020, 01:0910/20/20

Tiering up advice

Hi all

So I may have went a little crazy on recent summoning and training events and have found myself with 9 5 star heroes upgraded from the 1 and 2 star green shards combined with 3 5 star chickens I had left over from when I built my dungeon team (its based on Ash F2P friendly stun team).

I am now thinking of getting a halfway decent arena team (both classic and tag team) as my current ones are garbage and I get 90% of my medals from the "pity rounds" where the game gives you 10 easy arena wins once you've lost a few or rerolled the list without fighting.

My roster:

Wurlim Frostking       - 60

Rhazin Scarhide       - 60

Fu-Shan                    - 60

Scyl of the Drakes     - 60

Kreela Witch Arm      - 60

Yannica                     - 60

Skullcrown                - 60

Luthiea                      - 60

Gorgorab                  - 60

Bellower                    - 60

Coldheart                  - 60

Warmaiden               - 60

Kael                          - 60

Athel                         - 60

Apothecary               - 60

Rhazin Scarhide       - 50

Rearguard Sergeant - 50

Sepulcher Sentinel   - 50

Zargala                     - 50

Thenasil                   - 50

Valla                         - 50

Stag Knight              - 50

Crimson Helm          - 50

Bellower                   - 50

Frozen Banshee      - 50

Drokgul the Gaunt   - 50

High Khatun             - 50

Towering Titan         - 40

Dark Athel                - 40

Fenax                       - 40

Basilisk                     - 40

Aothar                      - 40

Steelskull                 - 40

Whisper                   - 40

Gala Longbraids      - 40

Peydma                   - 40

Baroth                     - 40

Tainix Hateflower    - 40

Ursine Ironhide       - 40

Ursine Icecrusher   - 40

Yaga the Insatiable - 40

Kallia                       - 40

Missionary               - 40

Basilisk                    - 40

Relickeeper             - 40

Shaman                   - 40

Hexia                       - 40

Bonekeeper            - 40

Lich                         - 40

Luthiea                    - 40

Shatterbones          - 40

Lordly Legionary     - 40

Dark Elhain             - 40

Atur                         - 40

Tallia                        - 40

Sikara                      - 40

Jotun                       - 40

Canoness               - 40

Canoness               - 40

Grimskin                 - 40

Tayrel                      - 40

Hordin                      - 40

Royal Guard            - 40

Fayne                      - 40

Ghrush the Mangler - 40

Rock Breaker           - 40

Jizoh                        - 40

Cagebreaker            - 40

Bushi                        - 40

Woad Painted          - 40

Vrask                        - 40

Terrorbeast               - 40

Zelotah                     - 40

Baroth                      - 40

Kaiden                     - 40

Grimskin                  - 11

Tuhak the Wanderer - 10

Theres a few duplicates in there and a whole swathe of rubbish characters. I'm not far away from getting Arbiter so I could put my chickens on her and tier up some fodder to get her to tier 6. I'm leaning towards High Khatun and maybe Zargala as well as starting to get scrolls for my legendary lizardmen for an arena team as right now Im just using Bellower, Gorgorab, Coldheart and a (terribly equipped) Skullcrown for arena attacks unless anyone can see a better team in that list?

Using Ash F2P friendly team of Scyl, Apothecary, Bellower, Coldheart and Warmaiden I'm clearing 16-17 of the boss dungeons and dragon 19 so I can farm better gear if anyone can point me to a team that can actually compete.


Oct 20, 2020, 07:0010/20/20

Yeah, your arena team is really not well chosen, considering the champs you have... drop Bellower and Coldheart, put Stag Knight, Tayrel or Zargala in (all three have their advantages and disadvantages, but what they all have in common is they put AOE decrease defense, as well as some other stuff) along with Apothecary, then make sure the speeds work out (as in, Apo and Gorgo first in either order, then SK/Tayrel/Zarg putting aoe decrease defense, then your Skullcrown nukes). 

For the dungeons, you should have different teams per dungeon - and even within a given dungeon, being able to swap champions depending on affinity is useful. E.g. on dragon you don't get any benefit from TM reductions, but on FK or Spider those are absolute musts. On Ice Golem, you could use block revive, e.g. Fenax has it, to keep the minions down and make the fight much easier. And so on. Also, level your Royal Guard, Peydma, Tayrel - all three crazy good dungeon champions. 
Oct 20, 2020, 08:2010/20/20

Teyrn Loghain said:

Hi all

So I may have went a little crazy on recent summoning and training events and have found myself with 9 5 star heroes upgraded from the 1 and 2 star green shards combined with 3 5 star chickens I had left over from when I built my dungeon team (its based on Ash F2P friendly stun team).

I am now thinking of getting a halfway decent arena team (both classic and tag team) as my current ones are garbage and I get 90% of my medals from the "pity rounds" where the game gives you 10 easy arena wins once you've lost a few or rerolled the list without fighting.

My roster:

Wurlim Frostking       - 60

Rhazin Scarhide       - 60

Fu-Shan                    - 60

Scyl of the Drakes     - 60

Kreela Witch Arm      - 60

Yannica                     - 60

Skullcrown                - 60

Luthiea                      - 60

Gorgorab                  - 60

Bellower                    - 60

Coldheart                  - 60

Warmaiden               - 60

Kael                          - 60

Athel                         - 60

Apothecary               - 60

Rhazin Scarhide       - 50

Rearguard Sergeant - 50

Sepulcher Sentinel   - 50

Zargala                     - 50

Thenasil                   - 50

Valla                         - 50

Stag Knight              - 50

Crimson Helm          - 50

Bellower                   - 50

Frozen Banshee      - 50

Drokgul the Gaunt   - 50

High Khatun             - 50

Towering Titan         - 40

Dark Athel                - 40

Fenax                       - 40

Basilisk                     - 40

Aothar                      - 40

Steelskull                 - 40

Whisper                   - 40

Gala Longbraids      - 40

Peydma                   - 40

Baroth                     - 40

Tainix Hateflower    - 40

Ursine Ironhide       - 40

Ursine Icecrusher   - 40

Yaga the Insatiable - 40

Kallia                       - 40

Missionary               - 40

Basilisk                    - 40

Relickeeper             - 40

Shaman                   - 40

Hexia                       - 40

Bonekeeper            - 40

Lich                         - 40

Luthiea                    - 40

Shatterbones          - 40

Lordly Legionary     - 40

Dark Elhain             - 40

Atur                         - 40

Tallia                        - 40

Sikara                      - 40

Jotun                       - 40

Canoness               - 40

Canoness               - 40

Grimskin                 - 40

Tayrel                      - 40

Hordin                      - 40

Royal Guard            - 40

Fayne                      - 40

Ghrush the Mangler - 40

Rock Breaker           - 40

Jizoh                        - 40

Cagebreaker            - 40

Bushi                        - 40

Woad Painted          - 40

Vrask                        - 40

Terrorbeast               - 40

Zelotah                     - 40

Baroth                      - 40

Kaiden                     - 40

Grimskin                  - 11

Tuhak the Wanderer - 10

Theres a few duplicates in there and a whole swathe of rubbish characters. I'm not far away from getting Arbiter so I could put my chickens on her and tier up some fodder to get her to tier 6. I'm leaning towards High Khatun and maybe Zargala as well as starting to get scrolls for my legendary lizardmen for an arena team as right now Im just using Bellower, Gorgorab, Coldheart and a (terribly equipped) Skullcrown for arena attacks unless anyone can see a better team in that list?

Using Ash F2P friendly team of Scyl, Apothecary, Bellower, Coldheart and Warmaiden I'm clearing 16-17 of the boss dungeons and dragon 19 so I can farm better gear if anyone can point me to a team that can actually compete.


Of the list you provided I would definitely invest in Zargala, Stag Knight, Crimsom Helm, Fenax, Shatterbones, Tayrel and Zelotah. All of these can be of great use, especially in the arena as you are interested in. 

Oct 20, 2020, 17:5810/20/20
Oct 20, 2020, 18:00(edited)

Leader: Gorgorab - Speed Aura 23%

1st move: Apothecary -------> Turn Meter + Speed Buff

2nd move: Gorgorab --------> Turn Meter + Increase Attack

3rd move: Warmaiden ------> AOE Decrease Enemy Defense

4th move: Skullcrown -------> AOE Nuke

Zargala is another very good hero with AOE Decrease Enemy Defense.

The only problem is your Zargala is level 50 vs. Warmaiden level 60.

It could be an improvement later on though.

You can use the above set up in both Classical Arena + Tag Team Arena.

As far as another set up goes:

I would need more information from you to proceed.

What kind of Defense Gear - Resist Gear - Shield Gear does your account have?