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Help with Visix and gear

Help with Visix and gear

Oct 19, 2020, 21:5410/19/20

Help with Visix and gear

       I put this question for one of my clan member and actualy for myself too , just wondering. What gear to put on Visix for spider from lvl 15 till 20 ? What do you suggest?

And i will use this post also for my question --> this "forge" gear , do you use it and if so, on what champs?

Oct 20, 2020, 09:1110/20/20

I suppose you got to build her fast with decent survivability and accuracy. She'd probably be most effective with Relentless gear. 

this "forge" gear , do you use it and if so, on what champs?

Which set from the forge?

Oct 20, 2020, 10:2610/20/20
Oct 20, 2020, 10:26(edited)
She is one of the worse legendary champs ever. Do not waste legend skill books for her -> she is more useless. Her skills are neither good nor bad, neither strong nor weak. You should not waste rss for her. 
Oct 20, 2020, 12:1410/20/20
Oct 20, 2020, 12:15(edited)

1) I actually put Swift Parry on her (defense stats, accuracy, crit and speed) on her and it is working great. 

2) Indent14 is incorrect. She is a Good Champion. 1) Void 2) AOE speed debuff (30%) which also shields her. (1 of 3 champs with an AOE speed debuff) 3) Decreases Turn meter 

3) Geared/mastery correctly she can be a beast.
Oct 20, 2020, 12:2010/20/20
Oct 20, 2020, 12:24(edited)
LMAO, I intend to make a thread calling Plarium re-build her but ... since you said I am wrong, I would wait till you make a Super Visix and prove it (let make sure you build her with full skill books & mastery), ha ha ha. 
Oct 20, 2020, 22:5810/20/20
Oct 20, 2020, 22:59(edited)

I would like to explain my Thought Process on how I Break Down Visix the Unbowed.

Here is a Picture of Visix the Unbowned A1 Move:

When I read this move, The first thing I think about is Accuracy.

Turn Meter Manipulation on the enemy always requires Accuracy.

The second thing I think about is what the Damage of the move scales based off.

We can see this champion A1 move Damage scales off of her [DEF].

Am I going to make her a Damage Dealer? I don't know.

I am just observing her moves and I am thinking out loud.

Some champions in the game are designed to be Damage Dealers.

Other champions in the game are designed to be Support Hero's.

It is unclear to me what Visix is at the moment.

Here is a Picture of Visix the Unbowned A2 Move:

When I read this move, The first thing I think about is Accuracy.

Decrease SPD is a debuff which goes on the enemy.

We always need Accuracy to land a debuff like this on the enemy.

The second thing I think about is the Shield Buff.

Visix does a Shield based on her Max HP.

The more HP she has the bigger the Shield she will do on herself.

The third thing I think about is what the Damage of the move scales based off.

We can see this champion A2 move Damage scales off of her [DEF].

Here is a Picture of Visix the Unbowned A3 Move:

When I read this move, The first thing I think about is Accuracy.

Provoke is a debuff which requires Accuracy in this situation.

The second thing I think about is the Ally Protection Buff.

Normally, Ally Protection is good for heroes which have Tons of HP.

Ally Protection (Shares Damages from your Allies) 

Instead of your teammates taking full damage - A small proportion of the damage will be redirected to Visix.

If Visix health is very low, She can die from this move.

If Visix health is very high, She will survive this move.

We are beginning to see a very clear picture of what this champion needs.

ACC --> HP ---> DEF ---> SPD


Every single skill I read had something in it which required ACC.

It was kind of repetitive.

I was even getting a little annoyed because it kept popping up with something new which needs Accuracy.

With Out Accuracy - This champion can't do any of her moves.

So the first thing we need to do is figure out how exactly we are planning to get Accuracy.

Most Stage 20 Dungeons need around 200 Accuracy in order to land debuffs.

How are we going to get our Visix to have 200 ACC?

I, personally, have my ACC Void Great Hall Maxed (10/10).

I will gain 80 ACC as bonus from my Great Hall.

I, personally, own Amulets which have ACC in the Substats.

I will gain 25 ACC as bonus from my Amulets.

I, personally, own 6 Star Banner which has ACC.

I will gain 95 ACC as bonus from my Banner.

In Total, I will have 80 + 25 + 95 = 200 ACC on my Visix.

Why is this information important to know? Because it affects our gear + substats 

I don't need any Accuracy gear or Perception gear on my Visix because I already have enough ACC.

I don't need any Accuracy in my Gears Substats because I already have enough ACC.

Again everyone account is different.

I am just going through my thought process + what my account situation is like at the moment.

This will help me figure out how I plan my gear going forward!

The Second thing I am thinking about is HP.

I am thinking of getting HP from the Primary Stats.

HP% Gloves --- HP% Chest --- SPD Shoes

The question is what should the gear be?

Normally, I like using 4 piece sets on Legendary hero's.

The reason why is because most Legendary heroes have very good base stats.

You don't need tons of set bonuses to build up the heroes stats since they are already very good.

Out of all the 4 piece sets in the game.

The 4 piece set which I am thinking about using is the Shield Set.

The reason why is because I want her to have tons of HP.

My plan is to use Visix for Faction Wars.

Visix has a Defense Aura for Faction Wars which is very powerful 37%

Visix base Defense is very strong 1,476.

The Defense Aura + Strong Base Defense + DEF % substats should push Visix Defense High Enough.

I don't need Gloves + Chest to have DEF % Primary if her Defense is already high due to all of the other stuff.

You can almost see how the Champion is building herself!

We have the ACC from Great Hall + Amulet + Banner.

We have the HP from Gloves Primary + Chest Primary

We have the DEF from Aura + DEF % Substats combined with her Very Good Base Defense.

We have the SPD from Shoes Primary + SPD Substats

What should our 2 piece set be?

I have several Options:

- Basic HP Gear 

- Divine HP Gear 

- Immortal HP Gear

- Basic DEF Gear

- Basic SPD Gear

- Divine SPD Gear

- Resilence Gear (Mixture of HP + DEF)

I don't know which 2 piece gear set I will use, but I know I am on the right path!

We know what this Champion needs.

- She needs ACC to land her Debuffs.

- She needs HP to give herself bigger Shield + Share Damage with her Ally Protection.

- She needs DEF to do some damage from her moves.

- She needs SPD to have a turn - With out Speed she will not move.

I am thinking about the Masteries for this hero.

The Support Tree seems like hands down the best Tree for this champion.

- All her moves could benefit from Accuracy.

- A few of her moves are doing a Shield + I am thinking of putting Shield set on her.

This means I will get double benefit from using any of the Shield Support Masteries.

The Defense Tree seems to be like good 2nd option.

- I can make my Visix extra Tanky.

- I also like the idea of having Rejuvenation (Defense Tree Tier 2 Mastery) + Shield Breaker (Support Tree Tier 2 Mastery)

Visix will increase the Value of Shields she makes + increase the Value of Shield she receives!

Isn't that a beautiful combo?

I am thinking it will be wonderful.
Oct 21, 2020, 01:2410/21/20
Oct 21, 2020, 01:26(edited)

Maybe I could upgrade someone (human) rather than calling Plarium upgrade a character. 

You interpret your thought great, the way you think good, but not great. 

There are many kinds of people thought, for example, when seeing a lion, the first thought of people are different, one may think where he was, another one may think where he is right now and another one think where he will go. When see a thing, one may think how it is made, one may think what it is made from and one may think how it is used. 

Back to Visix, I'm more on how her skills are used on battle field, you are more on how her skills are. How it is interpreted ? I am more practical, you are more theory. 

P/S: the another guy above us is much worse, he does not think at all. 

Oct 21, 2020, 02:1310/21/20

Player J said:


My plan is to use Visix for Faction Wars.

Visix has a Defense Aura for Faction Wars which is very powerful 37%

Visix base Defense is very strong 1,476.

I am thinking it will be wonderful.

I edit your post just to save space, but my thoughts kinda bit the same that she's going to be used for FW.

I think that's what Plarium intended her for anyway, since in other areas, there are better heroes to use.

Sadly, I still am concentrating on Sacred Order factions right now, but there's some good insight I get from your post. Thank you!

Oct 21, 2020, 02:3810/21/20
Oct 21, 2020, 02:42(edited)

Just share a thought. 

When someone said: he/she (a champion) good for FW. 

I thought: omg, does he/she (a human) know what he/she say ? (or just blah blah blah, lol) 

If there are 50 players who clear all FW, they will show you at least 50 different teams for each Faction. The term: "good for FW" does not mean anything, people have to use whatever they pulled from shards to clear FW, when it comes to a certain level, it's done. Every epic/legend champs could be "good for FW" if they are not useless. 
Oct 21, 2020, 18:2710/21/20

OzzLee said:

I edit your post just to save space, but my thoughts kinda bit the same that she's going to be used for FW.

I think that's what Plarium intended her for anyway, since in other areas, there are better heroes to use.

Sadly, I still am concentrating on Sacred Order factions right now, but there's some good insight I get from your post. Thank you!

Visix can be used in Arena as well.

The issue is the set up you would use her in is very specific.

Visix is a Move Order Manipulator.

You can use Visix to screw up the Turn Order of the enemies heroes.

For example: Lets say you had the following heroes:

1st move: Apothecary ----> Turn Meter Filling + Speed Buff

2nd move: Gorgorab ------> Turn Meter Filling + Increase Attack

3rd move: Warmaiden ----> AOE Defense Down

4th move: Skullcrown -----> AOE Nuker

We see a very common Arena Nuking set up.

Now image what would happen if Visix was to take a turn.

Visix takes a turn and does Provoke to the Warmaiden + Ally Protection to your team.

If the Warmaiden is provoked, She will not do her AOE Def Down.

This will cause the Skullcrown to do a weaker Nuking move.

It destabilizes the nature flow of the enemy team.

Visix could also do the A1 move on Warmaiden.

It would cause her to lose Turn Meter which could cause the Skullcrown to move 3rd ahead of Warmaiden.

Again it is a very specific strategy.

You don't see it used all the time.

The only time a strategy like this gets used is in long arena battles.

Most times Arena fights are 1 or 2 turns.

Than the fight is over.

However, when you get into prolonged fights which last 5 mins+.

A lot of other factors begin to play a role in the fight.

- Hero Cool Downs

- Hero Move Orders

- Hero Masteries

Oct 22, 2020, 00:3810/22/20

That could actually play into my Arena set up, I usually just let the enemy do their thing, nuke me, and I just survived it before messing up with their order and picking them up one by one.

That could actually let me drop a few resistance points in order to put into more damage dealing stats.
Oct 22, 2020, 20:4210/22/20

So, in the end do you guys think she would help in Spider higher levels? 

I need help in to move past 14 into 15, so if she can help I may give her some gear and try her out. 

I understand now how TM is so important, and Clan member suggested Arminger and Alure to be added to my team. My Arminger is naked at 40, and Alure is at 60, but dies too often and Scyl is working overtime reviving.

J, sweet explanation. 

No matter if you are practical, theoretical, methodical, half cup full or empty, it was very helpful. LOL

Oct 22, 2020, 22:2710/22/20


If I was to grade Visix for Spider, I would give her a 2.5 rating.

Against the Spider:

- You want Turn Meter Manipulation

- You want Ally Protection

- You want Shields or Healing

- You want Enemy Max HP affects.

- You want Crowd Control

If you look at the moves Visix can do, You can see she does some of these things I am saying.

- She does Turn Meter Manipulation on A1

- She does Ally Protection to keep your Squishy champions alive such as Alure

- She does Decrease Speed which is a type of Crowd Control.

- You can also build Visix in a Stun set so she causes the Spiderlings to skip there turn.

On paper, Visix is amazing!

Visix is a totally misunderstood hero on paper.

Visix has all the stuff you would hope to have in the Spider Dungeon.

You might say if she is so good why give her a score of 2.5 instead of 4.5.

Well the biggest draw back of Visix is she needs Legendary Tomes to fully function.

I have been playing the game for over a year.

I haven't bought any Legendary Tome pack offers in shop.

With over 1+ year of playing this game, I only have 3 Legendary heroes full booked.

It takes me on average 5-6 months to fully book 1 Legendary hero.

This is the Legendary Tome going rate.

If your not spending money buying the Legendary Tome packs, You are looking at slow grind.

You will get 1 or 2 Legendary Tomes per month.

Most Legendary heroes may need on average 12 books.

Visix needs 10 books which is like 5 months to get.

And to be completely honest with you.

The lack of access to Legendary Tomes really kills Visix score.

When you go to book a Legendary hero, You want that Legendary hero to be good every where.

You want them to be so good your using them in every team.

It is because Legendary Tomes are so difficult to get.

I own over 30 legendary heroes on my account.

I only have 3 legendary heroes fully booked.

If I was to book a 4th hero, I would want the hero to be amazing in dozens of locations in the game.

This is why Visix suffers.

On paper - We have a 4.5 hero.

In practice - We have a 2.5 hero because no one wants to book her.

Why book Visix when you can fully book your Arbiter?

And use Arbiter everywhere?

You might not have Arbiter at the moment.

However, you will finish her missions eventually.

You will need to save books for when you do get her.

In Faction Wars, If Visix doesn't land her debuffs because she isn't fully booked.

It will not matter because I can always quit the battle & restart the fight.

You don't lose keys for quitting the fight in Faction Wars.

In Dungeons, If Visix doesn't land her debuffs because she isn't fully booked.

You can't quit the fight because your wasting energy every time.

It's a night & day difference.

In closing, Visix is probably amazing in Spider.

I don't recommend using her.

The Legendary Tomes are to precious.

If you want to book a Legendary hero, I recommend booking Arbiter or Scyl of Drakes.

When I started playing the game, We didn't have Daily Login reward heroes.

My first Legendary which I booked was Arbiter.

But if I had Scyl of Drakes early on - I would have fully booked her.

Resurrections heroes are very universal + powerful.

It is always a good idea to have them booked.

Oct 23, 2020, 20:3410/23/20
Thanks to all answers, suggestions , thougs , advices ect.
Oct 25, 2020, 18:2210/25/20

Vicky said:

Thanks to all answers, suggestions , thougs , advices ect.

Your Welcome
Oct 27, 2020, 01:0710/27/20

Player J said:


If I was to grade Visix for Spider, I would give her a 2.5 rating.

Against the Spider:

- You want Turn Meter Manipulation

- You want Ally Protection

- You want Shields or Healing

- You want Enemy Max HP affects.

- You want Crowd Control

Thanks J,

Gonna post a separate question with my roster for getting past Spider 15.