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Arena 3V3 its possible ?

Arena 3V3 its possible ?

Oct 18, 2020, 06:5410/18/20

Arena 3V3 its possible ?

After a 10 hour break I noticed that my 3v3 team had NO defense fights, how is that possible knowing that a refresh is done every 15mn, be 4 per hour which is equal to 36 teams or 36 fights possible per hour, is that in 10H (be 360 fights) NOBODY has attacked a team composed of: 1 personal level 1.1 star X3 (3V3)?


Me, I see one: the 360 possible teams are all fans of BEAU GAME and that without any irony OR not

Oct 18, 2020, 15:5310/18/20

Yes it happens, I think there are certain times of the day that I get attacked the most. Maybe it's the times where most people are awake/active in game. 

Another factor would be that the arena reset is getting close, so the players more active in 3v3 (who would be the ones more likely to attack you) are already higher up in the tier where single team defenses aren't in. 
Oct 18, 2020, 15:5910/18/20

To be honest, I get the impression that the large majority of players just doesn't care about 3v3 arena. Personally, I usually do the 5 attacks a day required for the advanced quests, though not always, and I don't bother trying to maximize my wins with those 5 attacks. And looking at my Bronze III tier, most other players I see have ratings very close to 1000 - because they, too, are doing few if any attacks. 

Safe to assume that even if you could refresh every 15 minutes in theory, almost nobody is doing more than a few refreshes per day. 
Oct 18, 2020, 16:1510/18/20

The 3v3 arena do not regenerate coins so it will be way less active than the classic arena.

Also, like L9753, most people just do the required daily most likely due to not being able to assemble 3 or even 2 good teams.

However, I would try to use all the 3v3 arena coins, as my goal is not to beat all 3 teams in a battle, but to beat at least 1 team.  Each team you beat will get you 10 gold bars, which will add up since you have a total of 20 battles each day.

Oct 19, 2020, 16:4410/19/20
Oct 19, 2020, 16:46(edited)

I have a bit different issue with Tag Team arena.

I changed my defense from real one to level 1s earlier today after the reset.

Last 2 defense battles in battle log show a win in 1 of 3 teams. In a spot where my most powerful team used to be. These battles happened after I put level 1s there.

I suppose something is wrong with defense update, and people still attack my defense that was there yesterday.

It may be the reason nobody attacks CHERUBIN31's defense as players still see a full defense instead of level 1s.

Oct 19, 2020, 17:1810/19/20

SunnyRay said:

I have a bit different issue with Tag Team arena.

I changed my defense from real one to level 1s earlier today after the reset.

Last 2 defense battles in battle log show a win in 1 of 3 teams. In a spot where my most powerful team used to be. These battles happened after I put level 1s there.

I suppose something is wrong with defense update, and people still attack my defense that was there yesterday.

It may be the reason nobody attacks CHERUBIN31's defense as players still see a full defense instead of level 1s.

I had a similar discussion on discord the other day - when you think about this, it makes perfect sense. When you refresh (or get a new slate of opponents in some other way), either in arena or tag team arena, you can keep the same list of opponents for quite a while - up to a week, I guess, if you aren't attacking, aren't refreshing and aren't changing tiers due to defensive battles. 

And so once you have that list of opponents... just imagine if the game allowed a defending team to be changed while it was on your opponent list. You prepare to hit one team but then once you actually hit, whoops, you're fighting an entirely different team? Doesn't happen, because once you have that list, the teams on it don't change anymore. 

So yeah, it's entirely logical that if you change your defending team, you can still have defensive battles against people who fight your old team for a long time - several days and in theory up until the next weekly reset. Though of course most of your defensive battles are likely to be against fairly active players who refresh far more often than that.