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how long it take you to get a full 60 dungeon group?

how long it take you to get a full 60 dungeon group?

Oct 14, 2020, 03:1710/14/20

how long it take you to get a full 60 dungeon group?

day 170 here.
Oct 14, 2020, 03:2410/14/20

A full 60 dungeon group ? What do you mean ? What do you want to compete/compare ? 

How about how fast you did each task ?
Oct 14, 2020, 07:5510/14/20

This will depend on a lot of factors. If you just need 5 level 60s, it won't take long, but each dungeon has specific needs if you want optimized success rates/ run times. It's one thing to rank up champions to 6*, but you also gotta consider that you'd sometimes need to wait for specific champions to avoid wasting the effort of getting the not-so-good ones to 60.

You can check out some Youtube videos about people using just 1 team to run every level 20 dungeon, but like I said, it's champion specific and requires some gear.

I finished Arbiter missions in probably like 6-7 months, so that's about the time I got my 20 dungeon teams set, but it definitely took longer to have them optimized (especially Spider 20). 

Oct 14, 2020, 09:5310/14/20

Talking about Abiter is my pain, 2 things that delay my Abiter achievement are: Harder Arena and Rotos nerf. 

And as I said before at the time I got Abiter I don't really need her, yes, it is, I never use her since. 

Oct 16, 2020, 04:2410/16/20

Lxzy said:

This will depend on a lot of factors. If you just need 5 level 60s, it won't take long, but each dungeon has specific needs if you want optimized success rates/ run times. It's one thing to rank up champions to 6*, but you also gotta consider that you'd sometimes need to wait for specific champions to avoid wasting the effort of getting the not-so-good ones to 60.

You can check out some Youtube videos about people using just 1 team to run every level 20 dungeon, but like I said, it's champion specific and requires some gear.

I finished Arbiter missions in probably like 6-7 months, so that's about the time I got my 20 dungeon teams set, but it definitely took longer to have them optimized (especially Spider 20). 

guess im just slow , or wasn't efficient with my time you sure did it alot faster than me? 

Some factors that slowed me down, i am completely free to play.

I never got much luck, only legendary i ever pulled was cillian. Also didn't get much good epics, guess my best would be pedyma or even cagebreaker. 

I am asking because i finally got my rank 6 full dungeon team, meaning first 5 60s basically. Am i slow??? Feel like im on this thing a lot, and by on it usually just looking at my screen and pressing a button while doing something else  then looking back 5 mins later and clicking again lol.
Oct 16, 2020, 08:0210/16/20

As a F2P player, I could reach lvl 29 in 1 day, I tried 3 accounts and reach lvl 22, 25 and 29 in 1 day, that was during the Hard Arena, I was stuck in an Arena Mission. If I try again now, maybe I could reach lvl 30 in 1 day.

If you want to compete how fast you could do, try to compete 1 day challenge. 
Oct 16, 2020, 08:3410/16/20

gabeperron11 said:

guess im just slow , or wasn't efficient with my time you sure did it alot faster than me? 

Some factors that slowed me down, i am completely free to play.

I never got much luck, only legendary i ever pulled was cillian. Also didn't get much good epics, guess my best would be pedyma or even cagebreaker. 

I am asking because i finally got my rank 6 full dungeon team, meaning first 5 60s basically. Am i slow??? Feel like im on this thing a lot, and by on it usually just looking at my screen and pressing a button while doing something else  then looking back 5 mins later and clicking again lol.

It's a lot of factors- I was just extremely efficient with energy and resource management; I also finished it free to play. 

Don't worry about how long it takes, we all have different champion and gear situations so we all work on our own pace. You can show us your dungeon team and champion roster here maybe we can suggest some strategies that can help you.
Oct 17, 2020, 21:1110/17/20

Lxzy said:

gabeperron11 said:

guess im just slow , or wasn't efficient with my time you sure did it alot faster than me? 

Some factors that slowed me down, i am completely free to play.

I never got much luck, only legendary i ever pulled was cillian. Also didn't get much good epics, guess my best would be pedyma or even cagebreaker. 

I am asking because i finally got my rank 6 full dungeon team, meaning first 5 60s basically. Am i slow??? Feel like im on this thing a lot, and by on it usually just looking at my screen and pressing a button while doing something else  then looking back 5 mins later and clicking again lol.

It's a lot of factors- I was just extremely efficient with energy and resource management; I also finished it free to play. 

Don't worry about how long it takes, we all have different champion and gear situations so we all work on our own pace. You can show us your dungeon team and champion roster here maybe we can suggest some strategies that can help you.

i guess it all depends because we have different definitions on end game since there really is no end and it goes forever. For me the hardest challenge was getting a full group of 60s. For awhile i was completely deadlocked at having only 2. I was locked for two reasons; one being i didn't have any other heroes that were good enough to have a permanent 60 spot, and second it takes a heck of a lot of grinding so i just kinda didn't bother and did other stuff, to what i know realize has been inefficient. 

I currently have on 100% success auto rate

17 Dragon

15 Ice Knight

13 Fire Knight

13 Spider Den

I now realize the true end game is getting 20 on all end game content. 

So that is my next goal. 

My current 60 line up (having only 5)

Pedyma  (atk down debuff buff steals, shielding)

Cagebreaker (def down high atk)

Kael (poison)

High Khatun (sPeed buff)

Scyl ( Heals)

That's the role i have them trying to keep them as versatile as possible. 

I realize for things like ice knight i need to slow down my damage and speed and have more healing to go higher.

For fire knight i need more auto attacks to take his shield down.

For spider i need more powerful AOE heroes.

As of yet no definitive plan just hoping i eventually draw some better heroes and getting gear and more food.

For you i am curious to hear a bit about your story and how your success is going and your rotations.

Oct 17, 2020, 21:1310/17/20

my faction is also somewhat decent and has been sapping alot of time trying to equip a whole pile of other dudes.

Currently on part 6 (268/335)

So yeah to summarize true end game is different to all for me it could be

All 20 dungeons on auto farm (avg about 15)

All faction teams buffed & equipped & complete 3 stars all the way through (loooong way to goooo)

Nightmare campaign all 3 star (currently 210/252)

Arena Gold 4 or plat (currently gold 2)

Oct 17, 2020, 21:1410/17/20
Indent14 said:

As a F2P player, I could reach lvl 29 in 1 day, I tried 3 accounts and reach lvl 22, 25 and 29 in 1 day, that was during the Hard Arena, I was stuck in an Arena Mission. If I try again now, maybe I could reach lvl 30 in 1 day.

If you want to compete how fast you could do, try to compete 1 day challenge. 
theres no point for me to even consider 1 day challenge with another account when my current account has so much struggle