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Clan boss set up!

Clan boss set up!

Oct 11, 2020, 19:3110/11/20

Clan boss set up!

Good day!

So I've been looking for an somewhat good team for the clan boss.

My team right now is good for 6m damage.

I think that can be higher. But I need someone to look at my team if possible!

Right now I'm using spirit host 6* as lead

Kael 6*

Blind seer 5*

Flesh-tearer 5* (for shield & health)

And switching between apothecary 6* and frozen banshee 5* because I heard she was good with the poison.

Sometime ago a guy joined our clan with lvl 60 and demolished the first clan boss and the second one with 30m..

So I guess I can do better!

Here are some pics of the champions I have.

Thanks in advance!

Oct 11, 2020, 20:1010/11/20

Yeah, I think there's a lot you could change... also, why do you use Spirithost at all anymore if you have Gorgorab AND Battlesage, both of which do basically everything SH does, but better? Some other amazing champs in the vault too, including Umbral Enchantress and Royal Guard. 

For CB, you generally want all of the following, with as close to perfect 100 percent uptime as possible:

- poison

- decrease attack

- decrease defense

- increase defense on your team and/or ally protection 

- healing/revives

- if you have the champs for them, counter-attack and/or unkillable setups; if not, being able to speed up your team can help too 

- also nice to have but less essential are weaken, HP burn, increase attack on your team, debuff extenders  

I don't immediately see a reliable decrease attack debuffer on your roster, that's a problem. For decrease defense, you could probaby use Royal Guard, who you should make 6* for dungeons anyway. For poison, FB is better than Kael (the problem is his weak poisons which just get in the way, remember there's a maximum of 10 debuffs at a time on the CB), although since Kael is level 60 and perhaps has warmaster already, don't switch just yet. Not sure if you could use both - you could try, but you may have the problem of the 10 debuffs max and if Kael's weak poisons prevent you from placing strong poisons or important debuffs like decrease defense, that will hurt you. Blind Seer is excellent for shielding, healing, revives, definitely keep her - and put her in lead! Her defense aura is great, more important on CB than the speed aura you could get from Battlesage. Flesh Tearer... debuff extension plus some healing, I guess worth keeping if you have a spot free anyway. 

So in short, you should have Blind Seer lead, Royal Guard or some other decrease def, FB eventually but maybe Kael for now, Flesh Tearer and then either FB/Kael if it works to have both, or Apo, or maybe Drexthar but I don't think he'd be worth it for the HP burn alone. But you really need a decrease attack champion as well. 

Oct 12, 2020, 07:3710/12/20


Thank you so much for the info.

This game can be a little bit too much sometimes if you don't know where to start or which champions to focus on.

But I'll take your advice and I'll go with royal guard.

I'm getting used to my current team so I'm having a hard time playing around with other champions, certainly at the arena I know there's room for improvement as my current team is: kael SH apo & blind seer.

As you said I heard umbral enchantress could be amazing, but I need aan pointer for which team to go with..

But first I'll invest in royal guard, I have 9 epic books, which I presume I should use on him?

Oct 12, 2020, 08:1610/12/20

jAny 6* is 10 time stronger than the same with only 5*.  So you need all 6* for CB. 

You are lucky to have Gorgorab.  Build him so that he stays alive and can revive your dead heroes. 
Oct 12, 2020, 15:4710/12/20

ClosedPoly said:

jAny 6* is 10 time stronger than the same with only 5*.  So you need all 6* for CB. 

You are lucky to have Gorgorab.  Build him so that he stays alive and can revive your dead heroes. 

Let me just add that you need your team at 6* so you can have Tier 6 masteries on them. Warmaster and Giant Slayer will greatly contribute to your damage, and will sustain your HP if you have your team equipped with a LIfesteal set. 

Like L9753 pointed out, you'd need a champion that can apply Decrease Atk on their A1. Sepulcher Sentinel, Jareg, or Tayrel are the really good epics for this role, but rares like Bogwalker or Coffin Smasher can also do the job. 
Oct 12, 2020, 18:0210/12/20
Already busy said:


Thank you so much for the info.

This game can be a little bit too much sometimes if you don't know where to start or which champions to focus on.

But I'll take your advice and I'll go with royal guard.

I'm getting used to my current team so I'm having a hard time playing around with other champions, certainly at the arena I know there's room for improvement as my current team is: kael SH apo & blind seer.

As you said I heard umbral enchantress could be amazing, but I need aan pointer for which team to go with..

But first I'll invest in royal guard, I have 9 epic books, which I presume I should use on him?

For arena, you should use your Zargala for AOE decrease defense and obviously replace Spirithost by Gorgorab. I guess that means losing Blind Seer, which is a pity but Gorgo can revive too. If your team is fast enough, with some help from Gorgo's aura, you could replace Apo with Umbral Enchantress, but that may require super strong gear, probably keep using Apo for now. Or have both options and switch depending on the opponent team.