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am i unlucky? day 189 and only pulled 1 leggo!?

am i unlucky? day 189 and only pulled 1 leggo!?

Oct 11, 2020, 06:3810/11/20

am i unlucky? day 189 and only pulled 1 leggo!?

Hey generally do my dailies everyday. Do the normal things and the only leggo I ever pulled was cillian.

He's not so great either. 


How long does it generally take to get a legendary?

Feel like I am patiently waiting!

Oct 11, 2020, 13:2310/11/20
My first lego was around 2 weeks before the Scyl daily login reward
Oct 11, 2020, 18:5310/11/20

There is no exact time to get a legendary, my first legendary was at 3 months and it was completely useless, my second legendary was the fusion of foli. However, there are users who get a good legendary their first week and who have been 6 months without any.

My advice: Focus on clan boss is what will give you the most shards and then open all your shards when they have x2. That will incredibly increase your chances of get a legendary.

Oct 11, 2020, 22:3110/11/20

Been playing just over 2 months and thought i would never get a lego.

Pulled mediocre epics from sacred shards and was so dissapointed.

Then on tues got 2 rare shards on the same page in the market

and got Kreela from the first one.

Totally wasnt expecting a lego, thought it would be some poor rare.

Then got epic Spider from the second shard.

So it can be done you just have to wait and pray a little. 

Good luck to you.

Oct 12, 2020, 02:1610/12/20
Oct 12, 2020, 02:17(edited)
Day 263.  Pulled Martyr 2 weeks ago with 1 single sacred shard, and just got Khoronar 2 days ago with 6 void shards.  Just have to wait and be patient.  Somebody said it before:  don't expect to get the best, and you will never be disappointed.
Oct 12, 2020, 02:4510/12/20
JimJam said:

Been playing just over 2 months and thought i would never get a lego.

Pulled mediocre epics from sacred shards and was so dissapointed.

Then on tues got 2 rare shards on the same page in the market

and got Kreela from the first one.

Totally wasnt expecting a lego, thought it would be some poor rare.

Then got epic Spider from the second shard.

So it can be done you just have to wait and pray a little. 

Good luck to you.

Spider is vastly underrated, will help you more than Kreela. Useful everywhere. Needs books but worth it.
Oct 12, 2020, 04:0410/12/20

so it is extremely difficult then to get a legendary . i thought i was just incredibly unlucky.

Then it is proof that the people who have many legendaries are dropping massive amounts of money

Oct 12, 2020, 04:0610/12/20

now i kinda wish i bought the season pass back when it was out. Was pretty cheap and offered that lich king legendary guy at the end. 

Still haven't dropped any money on this game.

I just don't see any good value in any of their offers. 
Oct 12, 2020, 04:0810/12/20

Pipsie said:

There is no exact time to get a legendary, my first legendary was at 3 months and it was completely useless, my second legendary was the fusion of foli. However, there are users who get a good legendary their first week and who have been 6 months without any.

My advice: Focus on clan boss is what will give you the most shards and then open all your shards when they have x2. That will incredibly increase your chances of get a legendary.

i never got a single shard from clan boss.

I am doing the highest chest on brutal now. Is that not high enough?

Seems to manage any higher difficulties than brutal just need better heroes which i don't have. 
Oct 12, 2020, 08:2410/12/20
Part of this game is luck.  I spend some money to guy gems for energy so I can grind more.  I would not buy shards.  Buying shards is like playing a slot machine.  You might hit it big.  You might get nothing. 
Oct 12, 2020, 18:1410/12/20

You can count if you are unlucky or not. May help a bit with preserving sanity.

Every sacred shard is 12% of legendary if opened with double chance, 6% if without (try not to open them without double). Blue shards are 1% on double (0.5% without, don't do it too).

Sum all the percentages. Every 100% is 1 legendary. If you have more than expected, you are lucky. If less, you are not.

Days in game have nothing to do with this. Shards do. It's really easy to make a mistake and think that you opened a lot of shards and should have got a lot of leggos. 200 ancients may seem like a lot if you open them one by one over 200 days, but that's 1 expected legendary.

There is also an easier way to measure luck. Count how many epics you got from shards not including fusions and free ones. It's easy if you've never used them as food, needs memory if you had. You should have 16 times less legendaries than epics. My count is 28 epics, 1 legendary. This is slightly unlucky, but far from unusual: expected number of leggos is still less than 2. The unlucky thing is that my 1 legendary is Bystophus pulled on 10x Martyr event, but that's another story, and it's nothing unusual too.