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The new Dragon tournament: great idea bad design.

The new Dragon tournament: great idea bad design.

Oct 1, 2020, 22:2610/01/20

The new Dragon tournament: great idea bad design.

So first off, For some reason I can't post in the suggestions forum, it's locked. An odd thing to have...a suggestion forum that people can't put suggestions in. But it may just be my account here being new or something...dunno. 

But onto the topic: The new Dragon tourney is a great idea, but you executed it in a way that will simply kill player involvement.

1) it’s set up like a normal tournament, but you limit players potential via the ruleset (a.k.a. Dark elf fraction). Thus the rewards themselves are harder to get, and even less worth reaching for, and the gear you get from the dungeons you won’t use at all, so It’s literally wasted energy.

SOLUTION: reduce the reward requirements, and increase the rewards so players don’t feel like they’re just wasting energy. Give players a solid option to work towards like a rare or epic champ from that same line. Or perhaps a good one from a different line that will strengthen future tourneys with different factions. or even hero shards! cycle through the various sharded heroes, like in this event give us 5 kreela shards, and the next event can be 15 Hordin shards, etc. 

2) This is an overall problem with your events, but it’s exacerbated here: you DON’T GIVE US ADVANCE NOTICE. At least gives us a few days or more to prepare. Instead, It’s dropped on us, we have to respond immediately, and it only lasts a few days. So whatever energy we may have been able to use in preparation to build up that fraction is gone...we now have to decide to either waste energy playing dragon 6-7 levels below what benefits us, or spend that energy building up the team, and then run dragon less. People will probably just say screw it.

SOLUTION: Tell us which faction is going to be the ruleset so we can work on, build up, and prepare that group for the event. Allow us to do something simple and already in the game: click on the event, and see the details...BEFORE the event starts. Like a few days.

I’ve seen this concept work great in other games, but they actually design the events around the limitations and let people know in advance what to expect...And they tailor the rewards so that players of all levels benefit from doing it. Here you just slapped limitations on already poorly design eventsthat only reward you if you exhaust your resources. That’s not going to get players to try it out, they’ll just skip it and your experiment will fail.

Oct 1, 2020, 22:3610/01/20

we have been tallking before about these kind of events which only involves a few possible players, which doesn't give me the gear I need and it is already hard to get that gear. We all know it takes a long time to get gear. So, I agree, I'm waisting my time when I would do a dragon on a stage which doesn't give me what I need, besides what I can winn with it

Also, it was written in very small letters like a contract where you look over the small letters and feel you got manipulated into something you didn't want. It feels a bit like that

It seems that the new kind of rewards for the Forge gave you, Plarium, the opportunity to bring these conditions back in the game. I'm not sure, but for now ... there are so many priorities in the game, especially for ones who are not an end-game player, that rather than set my own priority. I have to. This is just too much
Oct 2, 2020, 16:2310/02/20
I burned 4000-8000 gems buying energy to do several tournaments/events, but it does not mean I would do all tournaments/events showed up. Everything is fine, bro, you don't have to do all events/tournaments, sometimes players should relax. 
Oct 2, 2020, 18:2210/02/20
Agreed. I could still try to go for it with my champions but it's just not worth it. This tournament offers nothing "extra" yet it forces us to restrictions that may or may not be serious. Yes, we don't need to farm every event and so on, but if the event is restricted, you'd expect some better rewads for the trouble. 
Oct 3, 2020, 08:3010/03/20
One of the mods posted that suggestions should be posted on their Discord account. 
Oct 3, 2020, 09:3310/03/20

Hello Temjiu

The suggestion section of the forum has been migrated to the official Raid Shadow Legends Discord server, you will find this server linked here

Thank you for your feedback on the faction based dragon tournament.

Kind regards