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Anyone notice artifacts costing more to upgrade?

Anyone notice artifacts costing more to upgrade?

Oct 1, 2020, 21:2310/01/20

Anyone notice artifacts costing more to upgrade?

I don't mean cost per attempt.  I haven't analyzed it that in depth.   I just mean taking an item from 1 to 16.   Typically I spend between 900K silver to 1.3 million silver depending on 5 star artifacts/accessories, and many 6 starred ones.   However, since the latest update I seem to have far more "fails", costing me significantly more silver.   I just spent 2.2 million on a 5 star accessory and I STILL didn't get past 15.   I understand bad luck and all, but seems so coincidental that my costs went up like a flip of the switch upon the latest update.   

Is it just bad luck?  Or anyone else seeing the same pattern?  I will admit, I am most unlucky in any "game of chance", so that wouldn't surprise me at all.  Just asking for due diligence and all that...
Oct 1, 2020, 21:3210/01/20

You have had bad luck, that cost falls within the range of bad luck that you can have, an object needs approximately between 1 and 35 attempts per level using the tools to go up a level or go up to level 16. If you use the yellow button there is no limit of unsuccessful attempts, each attempt has an X% to go up and directly you can have very bad luck or good luck

Oct 1, 2020, 22:0010/01/20
Everything on this game is a "silver wakuum "expecely lvl up gear , interesting than i am a very bad luck too ?
Oct 1, 2020, 22:4710/01/20
Oct 1, 2020, 22:47(edited)
First i ran into a few artifacts which were rather cheap to rank, then suddenly it took me more silver than it seemed ever before. Not sure yet what is going on. Maybe a coincident ... one way or the other
Oct 2, 2020, 02:5310/02/20
Oct 2, 2020, 02:54(edited)

I have to say that, I feel it too, but still need to check further, because I only have 2 artifacts upgrade events to compare to.

The first time around it took me 15 mil silver to get ALL of the prize on the artifact upgrade event, but the second one with the same amount of silver it only get me 2/3 of the total points to get the full reward

But again this is just a conjecture, and there's a probability that there's a different use of the upgrade (more +12 upgrade on more heroes vs +16 on fewer heroes)

Oct 2, 2020, 05:0910/02/20

You should start counting the number of fails each level, in the past the number should never pass 32. If it passes 32, means Plarium already increase the fail limit. 

However, sometimes your feeling is correct, although it's not proven (because everything is vague).
Oct 2, 2020, 13:0810/02/20
I thought the same at first, and maybe they have increased the limit.  But they have increased the frequency of artifact events significantly, whereas prior I was always waiting with artifacts sitting at +15.