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Roster and Future Plans

Roster and Future Plans

Sep 29, 2020, 21:0209/29/20

Roster and Future Plans

Hello all,

Attached is my current roster. Currently I am at Dragon 20, but only have a 40% to 50% success rate (Royal Guard doesn't always survive and Occult Brawler doesn't survive the waves at the moment). I am farming Spider 16, FK 16 and Ice Golem 15/16. My existing champions can work, but they themselves need better gear. I do feel leveling some of the following champions and attempting to gear them will make progression go faster and help me get to a higher success rate for dungeons runs.

Top Priority:

Sycl of the Drakes - About to acquire her. Will use her for Dragon, Spider and Ice Golem.

Tayrel - Looks like I could use him everywhere. He may even replace SS as my main tank for CB.

Not sure of Urgency:

Bellower - I don't need him as a farmer, but looks like he would fill a good spot in Dragon, 

Zargala - With all of these bot teams showing up lately, I don't feel the need to get her ranked up over some of the other champs. I am fine to hang out in G1 and G2 until I have the resources for her.

Not as Urgent:

Alure - I've seen enough videos that leaving her at level 50 is fine. Once I gear with enough HP, Speed and 100% crit rate, I will try to start working to FK 20.

Cardinal - I understand the overall strategy for her, but I am not quite ready to implement it.

Jinglehopper - I see how he can be better than HK, but I still rather use her just for her A2 ability. 

ManEater - I don't have a 2nd one or a pain killer to make a budget unkillable team.

Valla - Probably would be good for arena defense, but that doesn't seem as urgent.

In short, I am looking to level my champs in the following order. SotD --> Tayrel --> Bellower --> Zargala --> Cardinal and so forth. Does this seem like a good use of time and resources?

As always, thank you for all of your input.

Sep 29, 2020, 21:4509/29/20
Sep 29, 2020, 22:3609/29/20

I've no idea what you would do with Bellower in dragon, considering the great champs you already have... or did you mean Spider? 

I'm also not sure you really need Royal Guard there, actually. Turvold, Ghostborn, Miscreated Monster, OB and Apo, or indeed Scyl when you get her, seems like it should work? Rhazin and Sinesha are also very decent options otherwise. 

Tayrel is great but seems less important when you have Ghostborn already. Same for Zargala. But depending on your need to have debuffing champions in different builds for different teams, it could still make sense - and it would be a lot easier to get Tayrel to 100 percent chance to apply than to do so for Ghostborn, although Ghostborn's 'cannot be resisted' is pretty neat. 

Maneater has his uses outside of CB unkillable teams, too. If you build him fast enough (which anyway will be required for unkillable), he can prevent speed nukes in arena or tag team arena with that unkillable/block debuffs. The same ability, as well as his Siphon that fully depletes turn meter, make him very useful for Spider as well. 
Sep 30, 2020, 03:5509/30/20

L9753. Thank you for your post! Yes, I did mean Spider. I reviewed some videos from Chosen and Ash (as well as rankings from Hell Hades) and Bellower has uses in Dragon, but mostly for the wave clears. 

I'm finding that a good strategy is having Royal Guard use his A2 ability as the main damage output (as long as a decrease defense gets applied). I'd love to bring Turvold back into the fold since I've infested so much into him, but I find he wasn't contributing the same as others in order to make it through the waves. I think having Tayrel for a consistent AOE decrease defense would be helpful with Scyl of the Drakes there to heal and revive (instead of Shirimani). Ghostborn could work, but I find he is targeted first due to affinity. I will keep trying OB to see if I can make it work.

I agree Man-eater has uses and I think he should move up the priority list.  

Trips, you know I always love your input. I agree Zelotah looks like a solid champion, but in the short term, I feel like the other three or four I listed would solve the issues I'm having (which is progression as well as 100% success rates).

My apologies if I am sound like I am being defense. I am taking in your suggestions and I agree, my current roster seems like I should be able to reliably accomplish more content. Gear is an issue. I have some good pieces, but I need more. I am hoping that certain champs offer more in terms of overall utility to allow me reliably down content so that I can get gear, etc. etc. 

Anyways, thank you for the thoughts! Any others are appreciated.

Oct 1, 2020, 15:3610/01/20
Zelotah will get you 100% on dragon20 and golem20 imo. Can be used in cb and team won't need lifesteal and with an atk down debuff and def up buff get you to round 20
Oct 1, 2020, 16:0710/01/20
Oct 1, 2020, 16:09(edited)

You will hate me from now on. 

With those champs you still got troubles in Dragon 20 ???? What you did with the S-rank legend champ ? You geared them all wrong, so noob. You don't have to make any new champs, only re-gear current legend/epic champs is enough to swipe most dungeons. 

Oct 2, 2020, 18:2410/02/20

Thank you for the feedback.

Trips - I see your point as his kit would offer me some good sustain in those areas. I just pulled Madame Serris and Drexhtar Bloodtwin, so now those are taking priority. I think I may listen to you and make him higher on my to level up list (Right now its, Madam Serris, Drexthar, Tayrel, Zargara and then Zelotah). I will basically be leveling for the next month.

INDENT14 - No hate and I don't entirely disagree with you. I do my best to research & mimic the guides that I watch/read on the web, but at the end of the day I have the gear that I have. It's kind of a catch 22. I've been looking at my setup and believe that some of my issues will be resolved by making Royal Guard less of a glass cannon. Apo also keeps getting the short of the straw as a far as gear, so he needs to be made a priority. As far as gearing an S character, do you mean Tulvold? Lifesteal may not be THE best gear on him, but it works in a lot of ways for me at the moment. That being said, either a more offensive set or Relentless set would ultimately be better (I think). 

Again, you are absolutely right. I think re-gearing is really the issue to get Dragon 20 to 100%. I also make these posts to confirm that the order I want to 6 star my next few champions is correct.

As always, thank you for the help.

Oct 3, 2020, 00:5510/03/20

If you have a gun that can't kill, don't waste time upgrade a knife, spend more time make your gun killable. 

Actually you did not see your problem, you have very good champs but you can't use probably, what make you believe you could upgrade & use new champs better ? 

Oct 3, 2020, 22:2810/03/20
Scyl is probably the best choice for you 
Oct 4, 2020, 01:0810/04/20
Oct 4, 2020, 01:10(edited)

The Dragon Dungeon is fairly straight forward.

You want several things in the fight:

- Turn Meter Filling - It helps speed up your run time

- AOE Increase Attack - It helps your damage dealers put out more damage

- AOE Decrease Enemy Defense - It weakens the enemy defense so they absorb more damage

- AOE Damage Dealer - Someone who is there to kill the trash waves

- Poison for Boss or Max HP Enemy Nukes - Someone who is there to kill the Dragon Boss

- Cleanser or Block Debuff Buff - Someone who can remove the pesky debuffs the Dragon Boss does

- Sustain Champion (Shields, Heals, Unkillable, or Reviving) - Someone who can keep your team alive.

- Crowd Control Champion (Provoke, Freeze, Sleep, Fears, or Stun) - Someone who stops waves from doing damage

Based on the above Criteria, I think your Dragon 20 team could be:

- Apothecary ----------------------------------------> Turn Meter filling + Heals

- Ghostborn -----------------------------------------> Increase Atk + Decrease Enemy Def

- Kael  ------------------------------------------------> AOE Damage Dealer + Poison Boss Killer

- Doompriest ---------------------------------------> (Sustain Hero) Healing + Cleansing

- Shirimani ------------------------------------------> (Crowd Control hero) Freezing

The above set up is just one example using hero's which you already have level 60.

You have a lot of good heroes which can be substitutes.

Golden Reaper & High Khatun can be used in place of Apothecary

Tayrel, Madam Serris, Zargala, & Bellower can all be used to do Def Down in place of Ghostborn.

Royal Guard can be used in place of Kael

Man-Eater & Zelotah can be used in place of Doompriest

Miscreated Monster & Bellower in Stun set can be used in place of Shirimani

You also mention Sycl of Drakes who does Stuns.

She can be used as a Stand in champion for Shirimani as well.

You have several different HP based champions.

You could consider adding one of them to your set up in a Shield set.

Zelotah - Miscreated Monster - Man-eater

As far as Top Priority goes, You don't need one for Dragon!

You should be able to win right now with what you already have leveled up.

I am assuming the champions I mentioned are fully masteries + fully geared + fully booked up.

They will win with 100% win rate.

Any champions you build up at this point for Dragon will be just for fun.

As far as Top Priority goes for other dungeon, You should focus on Spider next.

You will need better Accessories for your heroes. 

Miscreated Monster + Royal Guard will be an Auto include into your Spider team.

100% you want them in your Spider team.

Not running them in your Spider team would be a disaster.

As far as what the rest of your team should be.

I can't really say with out more information from you to be honest.

Have you pulled any Coldhearts?

Have you pulled a 2nd Royal Guard?

Have you pulled a Renegade?

Have you pulled any HP Burn Champions?

Oct 4, 2020, 03:4310/04/20

Player J, thank you for the constructive walkthrough! 

Everything you said matches what I've been seen in other videos. I've tried to mimic what I've studied, but I haven't been able to execute with a 100% win rate, usually I would say about 40%.

My team has been Royal Guard, MM, Apo, Shirmani and S Sentinel (for block debuts and Aura). I will try the setup you mentioned and then swap out from there. I recognize I do have a lot of great champions that can do this. I think switching the setup around as well as swapping some gear will get me to where I need to be.

To give you a breakdown, here is everyone's current status as far as masteries and books. They are all fully geared, but not all of them have set bonuses. Again, getting a 100% win rate dragon team will help fill these guys out a lot more.

MM - Fully booked and full masteries

Royal Guard - Fully booked and full masteries.

Ghostborn - Full Masteries, no books

Shirimani - Masteries done to Tier 6 on Offense Side, Tier 4 on Support side, no books

Tulvold - Full Masteries, A2 & A3 fully booked, A1 partially booked

Kael - Fully Booked, Masteries only to Tier 4

Kreela - A2 & A3 Booked, A1 partially booked, Full Masteries

Rhazin - Full Masteries, No books

Scyl - Full Masteries, No Books

Doompriest - No books (not needed) and only Tier 3 Masteries

Sinesha - Fully Booked and Tier 5 Masteries

OB - No books (not needed) and Tier 6 Support and Tier 5 Offense masteries unlocked)

S Sentinel - Fully booked, Tier 5 Masteries unlocked

Madam Serris - A2 & A3 fully booked - No Masteries yet (Just got her)

Apo - Fully booked, Tier 5 Masteries unlocked

The rest aren't worth going into at this point.

To answer your other questions, I do not have Renegade, however, I just pulled Coldheart and Drexthar Bloodtwin. I watched the spider 20 team setup that had Drexthar setup as the main tank, so that will be my next goal. It will take me a while to do, so I may focus on a FK 20 team since I have multiple champs (including Alure who can stay at level 50), who have multiple hits on their A1.

Madam Serris is almost done. I think I am going to go level up the characters in the following order: Coldheart - Zargara (Arena team), Drexthar, Man Eater, Tayrel, Painkeeper (for CB unkillable team), Zelotah, Bellower, Jingle Hopper, HK, Cardinal, Valla. Basically, I am not going to open any shards for a while....

Oct 4, 2020, 05:2310/04/20
Oct 4, 2020, 05:36(edited)

Mdubbs818 said:

Player J, thank you for the constructive walkthrough! 

Everything you said matches what I've been seen in other videos. I've tried to mimic what I've studied, but I haven't been able to execute with a 100% win rate, usually I would say about 40%.

My team has been Royal Guard, MM, Apo, Shirmani and S Sentinel (for block debuts and Aura)...

Based on the new information you gave me, It changes everything!

The set up I told you isn't going to work very well.

The set up you are using isn't going to work very well either.

Thus, we have to go back to the drawing board.

- Turn Meter Filling 

- AOE Increase Attack 

- AOE Decrease Enemy Defense 

- AOE Damage Dealer 

- Poison for Boss or Max HP Enemy Nukes 

- Cleanser or Block Debuff Buff 

- Sustain Champion (Shields, Heals, Unkillable, or Reviving) 

- Crowd Control Champion (Provoke, Freeze, Sleep, Fears, or Stun)

Apothecary is an Auto include in this team because he does Turn Meter + Spot Healing + Def Dungeon Aura.

Doompriest is a good option because she can do Increase Attack + Cleansing + Healing.

With these 2 heroes we are checking like 4 boxes.

We need a hero with 100% chance to do AOE Def Down.

Ghostborn with no books only has 75% chance to do his AOE Def Down.

He isn't going to work.

Tayrel would be insane for this Job.

Tayrel fully booked has 100% chance to do AOE Def Down.

Tayrel can hit really hard as well.

Tayrel has better Aura vs. Apothecary.

You didn't mention if your Tayrel was fully booked or not.

Right now, you are using Royal Guard for AOE Damage Dealer.

I don't recommend using him right now.

The reason why is because Royal Guards AI is very fickle.

Royal Guard AI doesn't like to do his nuking move, until the enemy has Defense Down on them.

Royal Guard AI will wait till Def Down is on the enemy before it does its Big Nuke.

Your previous team has no one doing Def Down.

The AI computer would sit there and wait till Royal Guard put up Def Down.

Royal Guard can put Def Down on 1 target with his A1 move with horrible percentage.

So your win rate was being determined by Royal Guards ability to put Def Down on the enemy with his A1 move.

Most end game players build a Dragon team around Royal Guard AI.

I think you are better off using Kael for now.

I would build Kael till you figure out your whole AOE Def Down hero situation.

The last champion you need is a Crowd Control hero.

Shirimani has no books - Her cool downs are to crazy long

Scyl of Drakes has no books - Her cool downs are to crazy long

I would try using Miscreated Monster.

I would put Miscreated Monster in a Shield set to help your team live.

- Apothecary

- Doompriest

- Tayrel

- Kael

- Miscreated Monster

Yeah, I would try that team out.

Make sure Tayrel has the Lowest HP in the team + Highest DEF in the team.

Put HP % chest plate on Apothecary + Doompriest + Kael + M. Monster

Put DEF % chest plate on Tayrel

Keeping your other heroes with high HP will trick the mob waves.

The mob waves like to go after the hero with lowest HP because they think the hero is about to die.

You want the mob waves to go after your Tayrel 

Tayrel will be the "Mob Wave" target.

Tayrel will need to have crazy high defense push for over 4k+.

Tayrel will need to have 5k Total Health Lower vs. all your other heroes.

Don't upgrade Tayrel Helmet!

You might gain to much HP from upgrading the Helmet to +16.

Oct 4, 2020, 05:5810/04/20

Tayrel has no books and is only level 50. Gearing him, booking  and leveling him will be my next goal. You hit the nail on the end regarding my win rate being tied to him landing his Defense Down. I. I will try your suggestions and see what I come up with. Once I have an Accuracy banner on Madam Serries, I will throw her in to see how she pairs with Kael and everyone else.

Thanks again!
Oct 6, 2020, 08:4010/06/20

Mdubbs818 said:

Tayrel has no books and is only level 50. Gearing him, booking  and leveling him will be my next goal. You hit the nail on the end regarding my win rate being tied to him landing his Defense Down. I. I will try your suggestions and see what I come up with. Once I have an Accuracy banner on Madam Serries, I will throw her in to see how she pairs with Kael and everyone else.

Thanks again!

I think Madam Serris isn't going to be ideal for your Dragon Team.

The reason why is because Madam Serris AI is very fickle. 

Madam Serris AI doesn't like to do the AOE Def Down as its first move.

Madam Serris AI likes to do the Block Debuff Buff move on its first move, unless specific requirements are met.

1 - If your team already has Block Debuff Buff up, Madam Serris AI will do the AOE Def Down.

2 - If the enemy team has more than 1 Buff on them, Madam Serris Ai will do the AOE Def Down.


In this situation, You have no one on your team doing Block Debuff Buff.

In this situation, You are fighting against dungeon waves who don't have any Buffs on them.

Thus, Your Madam Serris AI should be doing the Block Debuff Buff move.

This is of course extremely bad.

Your Kael is going to do his Big Nuke with out Def Down on the enemy.

This is really going to hamper your time efficiency in clearing the dungeon.

You might still win using Madam Serris, but it might be a longer fight.

Now - What I will say is players did complain about this to the Game.

They wanted Madam Serris to do Def Down move as first move in Dungeons.

The game was suppose to fix Madam Serris AI so she does do Def Down as her first move in Dungeons.

The game did fix this so Madam Serris AI did do AOE Def Down first in the Dungeons.

However, I have a friend who owns Madam Serris.

My Friend told me in 1 of the patches - Madam Serris isn't doing her AOE Def Down as her first move.

I don't own a Madam Serris so I can't tell you 100%.

Now, let me be clear.

My friend didn't tell me about Madam Situation in a normal way!

Let me set the stage for you!

My Friend is in my Clan as well.

I login to the game.

I see my friend raging in the chat.

He is going ballistic!

He is cussing out the game.

He is saying the game is garbage.

He is saying every patch update they do screws up everything.

I mean he is just going off man.

I am login trying to understand what is happening.

I find out his Dragon Dungeon team is losing battles.

My friend was using Madam Serris + Royal Guards in his set up.

If you remember what I was saying with Royal Guards, You can see how things started going bad. lol

And my friend ended up losing fights which made him start raging at the game.

Obviously, I saw my friend suffering.

I did what any respectable friend would do.

I decided to pour more fuel on the fire.

I started raging in the chat saying how much I love Plarium.

How I wish all the bugs happen to Madam Serris AI.

I was Congratulating Plarium on a Job Well Done!

My friend got so mad.

He logged off & didn't even want to talk to me for 2 days.

Clearly, I was doing all of this because I am a Salty Non-Madam Serris owner.

Every Single Void event which features Madam Serris.

I have pulled shards.

I still can't get her.

Now that you understand the situation, You can see why I think the way I think.

My friend wouldn't be raging in chat for no reason.

It simply isn't like him to just go off for nothing.

I don't think the game ever fixed this.

I haven't seen any patch which says they fixed Madam Serris AI.

I believe she is still messed up.

My Friend ended up leveling up Zargala.

He put Zargala in his team.

Zargala was made for Dragon 20 Dungeon in my opinion.

Zargala total beast.

Stage 20 is Magic.

Zargala is Force.

Zargala hits crazy hard + AOE Def Down.

She is the perfect for this dungeon.

I know you own Zargala.

I did see her in your Roster.

I just didn't have the heart to tell you to build her up.

Don't get me wrong!

Zargala is an Amazing Champion.

Zargala is a beast!

But she has 1 draw back which I don't like.

Zargala has a crazy book requirement.

I think she needs like 15 Epic books or something.

All Zargala does is Read Books + Destroy People.

I just feel like there is no need to go total ham on booking 1 champion.

Zargala is amazing, but come on.

You need books for other heroes too.

Tayrel takes like 12 Epic Books, but you don't really need all of them in most cases.

You only need his A1 + A2 to be booked which if your really lucky is only like 8 books.

8 Books compared to like 15 is a huge different.

It's almost double.

1 day - You will have 50 level 60 champion.

You will have 200+ Rare Books.

You will have 100+ Epic Books.

You will have nothing to do - Total End Game player.

When that day comes - Go ahead book up your Zargala.

Go out and crack skulls with her.

You have resources to spare + your bored.

It's totally fine!

If you didn't own Madam Serris + Tayrel + Bellower, It would be a totally different situation.

You would be struggling to get AOE Def Down hero.

Your only option would be Zargala.

There would be nothing wrong for you to book Zargala in that spot.

You have a different situation.

You have the luxury to pick & chose which AOE Def down hero you want to use.

You have several different options.

This is why I recommend Tayrel.

Also the set up you use for Tayrel is the same for Clan Boss - Dungeon - Faction Wars.

People want Tayrel to take the stun for Clan Boss.

People want Tayrel to take the hits from the Dungeon.

People want Tayrel to take the hit from Faction Wars.

You want him very Defensive + very Accurate.

Same Masteries.

Tayrel is also a hero which you will use to beat All of High Elf Faction.

Tayrel is part of the Stage 21 High Elf team.

Once, you pull Arbiter from the Mission.

You will beat that Faction.

You have all the High Elf Champions to win.

- Apothecary

- Arbiter

- Tayrel

- Royal Guard

- Shirimani

Some people use Lyssandra vs. Apothecary.

Some people use Royal Huntsmen vs. Royal Guard.

I have seen screen shots of all of them winning though so it doesn't really matter.

Obviously, you shouldn't be focusing on Faction Wars.

You should be focusing on your Dragon team to get better gear for these heroes.

I'm just putting the information out there so you are aware of it.

I don't want you to think I'm telling you to level up a hero your not going to use.

I have seen people say stuff like below:

You told me to level up this hero - Than I never used him again!

This is clearly not the situation.

This champion is amazing.