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Constructive critisism. By someone who is hooked on the game, long read.

Constructive critisism. By someone who is hooked on the game, long read.

Sep 25, 2020, 18:2609/25/20

Constructive critisism. By someone who is hooked on the game, long read.

First off. I enjoy the game emensly, I actually saw the adds, and had to check it out (im whaiting for World of Warcraft`s new expantion) but the humor and exellent CGI enticed me to have a go, even tough i realy don`t play mobile games, but was quite happy when i could use my PC as well.

As i said, i enjoy the game emensly, and think it should be a bigger thing, but i gues the pay to win model is killing that chance.

But after playing for around 3 weeks, and i spent around $150 on items in the store, on what? Energy, i enjoy the progression,

the farming and all these aspects of the game, it gives me the dopamine and seratonin and time killing it provides.

But there is a few issues i want to point out..

First off, the Energy, i absolutley hate that feature, becouse the "meaningless" grinding is such a integral part of the game,

that it feels necesary to buy energy to get anything done.

Watching a TV show, or a movie on netflix etc while i grind is something i enjoy, but running out of Energy and have to whait for

hours to get it back is quite irritating, and probably a reason i will stop playing this game at all later on.

My suggestion is simple.

I know you won`t remove it, its a good revenue, too good, but i sugest remove Energy cost from campaign, or atleast reduce it by atleast 50% or even 80%, So farming and leving food champs is somethig one can do with having to think about energy costs.

But keep dungeons and acending materials the same, that would make the game 100% more enjoyable, and more welcoming, atleast for new players as my self, and probably net you more income over time.

Also a idea, separating Arena and PvE abit more.

One of the things i hate the most about games like this is they make PvP a integral and needed part of game, not a choise in wich you do what you enjoy.

First, make Dailys PvP and PvP. If you want to PvP, you can do the dailys that rewards items etc that is needed for pvp, same for pve.

Also, like the forge, why not have a "forge" to convert energy to arena tokens or vice versa?

Can also say that for the challanges, and missions, as i dont care about PvP, having to get to silver 1 or above, to gather 50 items, to move on in them, i think is exeedingly stupid, but i understand it makes people buy more shards etc, but why not make this a GOOD game, rather, then just gouding people into using money?

There is a ton you do right tough, grinding towards a clear objective, is very well done.

And i dont mind the low chances for legendayrs etc, becouse its whats makes me keep going.

But reading alot of guides about artifacts and so on, makes me think and feel that 90% of the artifacts are usless.

As a RPG gamer from past 20 years, i wouldnt mind seeing more coherence in what artifacts do.

Its also confusing to understand how artifac rank vs colour (green, blue etc) actualy works, and with no clear way to

know what stats are good, and add in glyphs RNG on substats, its a mess, its just like early games i played 20 years ago...

You also might consider realising the API, so people can make addons, thats a good way to generate player happiness, and

see what players whant.

As it was with World of Warcraft, addons that became popular, and necessery, became implemented in the game as it evolved.

Things thats glaringly obviously, is the fact that artifacts are such a big thing in the game, but the ways you manage artigfacts, are abysmal.

I would love to have a champion, i spend alot of time on, to have the "sets" usable, as we often have to use the min diffrent scenarios, and diffrent capabilities.

A easy fix would be, being able to mark a item with a champion.

Say, i love using Tallia, but from guids and all over, diffrent artifacts is recommended for diffrent things.
I would love for her to have her "own" inventory, or a way to "earmark" artifacts, so i can easly deck her out for diffrent stuff.

For added insentives, adding, or making gaming life easyer, is perhaps a way of putting this game onto consolles, wich i think is a good option, but the UI is abit cluncky now.

But i enjoy the game, i think it has alot of potential, but the pay to win wall is just too high right now.

Sep 26, 2020, 16:4209/26/20


Thank your for your suggestion. :)
Feb 28, 2023, 21:2202/28/23

I agree with Debiru, on his remarks, RSL is very well done and attractive, I like the character of Tallia just like him, I find the work done on the champions excellent...
Besides that, RSL does not hide from wanting to make money. It doesn't matter, we can still do F2P and have fun too.
But what is crippling is the time invested in doing uninteresting stuff, and waiting stupidly... That's what drives me the most to flee this game. The time wasted doing useless stuff.

Mar 1, 2023, 00:0503/01/23

I always wonder about the mindset of people necroing threads after almost 3 years...