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Rework Arena (Fix Arena 8 Months Ago)

Rework Arena (Fix Arena 8 Months Ago)

Sep 23, 2020, 23:2909/23/20

Rework Arena (Fix Arena 8 Months Ago)

arena has not changed since this game was released. arena was made for that game, but the game is different from how it was when it was first launched. 
back then you could get to gold 4 with starter champions and 5*s. these days you can't get to gold 4 with the best champions in the game. you can't even get to gold 1. heck, you can't even get to silver 3.

gold medals are REQUIRED to progress in this game. it is severely retarded to expect players to get great hall bonuses to level 10 from silver or bronze medals. 
this was reasonable when the game first launched because everyone was on the same field. news flash, it's a different game now.

a while back (1-3 months ago?) plarium announced that inactive teams have been removed from the arena and will be removed from now on. 
even if they're telling the truth, arena is still broken. i already have a great hall bonus at lvl 10 from 7+ months ago when i was still in gold (i was lucky enough to get it right before arena turned into a swirling shitstorm), but i can't get to silver 3 now, let alone gold 4 to finish that wretched fucking mission.

arena should have been fixed over 8 months ago. we are way past arena needing to be fixed.


Rework Arena

keep your precious little tiers. your fancy platiunum whatever. remove the bronze, silver, and gold medal system and replace it with "Arena Medals". 

all medals will be the same, but different tiers will reward greater medals per victory (1 medal at bronze 1 and 13 medals at platinum). on top of that, arena battles will award additional arena medals based on the team power of the opponent they beat. 

Team Power: 
50k-99k awards an additional 3 medals. 100k-149k awards an additional 6 medals. 150k+ awards an additional 8 medals.

this way players can still play arena as it was intended even if they can't reach gold 4. we can still work on our great hall. by the way, all of the great hall medal costs will remain the same. 
so at silver 2 it will take 84 battles at the very minimum (if i only beat players with 100k-149k power level) to get a great hall bonus from lvl 9 to lvl 10. that should be sadistic and torturous enough to satisfy plarium's lust for submission, while enabling players to play the game again.

get rid of all of the missions requiring to reach specific arena tiers. those missions are extremely toxic and sadistic at this stage of the game. even for plarium.


plarium has everything they need to implement this system immediately. in tag team arena they already have a system that rewards points based on team power. they can apply that same system to award additional medals based on team power. 
the medal system is already in place. all they need to do is replace the medal art and adjust the variables that determine tier rewards per victory.

that's all. it's that simple. i could probably do it myself while half asleep within an hour. there is no reason for why this system should not be implemented by tomorrow morning.
it is superior, it is more logical, and it is a simple adjustment.

Sep 24, 2020, 01:4609/24/20
Sep 24, 2020, 01:47(edited)

You only account for the medals, but not the weekly rewards. That means the lost of gears, XP brews, gems and books.

There's even a more simpler method, change the point reward of the current arena. Make so losing only make you lose half the points of winning.

So against an opponent that would win you 10 points, if you lose you only lose 5 point, but the opponent still win 10 points.

The current problem with arena is not the system as a whole, but the point reward system, basically there's not enough points for everyone, that's why removing players (even inactive players) would actually make the problem worse, and it did make the problem worse with patch 2.12 where they remove inactive accounts, dropping more people from gold.

Here is my hypothesis on current arena problem on which I think have been proofed

Sep 24, 2020, 23:0909/24/20

The developers are aware of the seriousness of this problem, in the last patches they are constantly trying to find a way to balance it because it is very unfair currently for new players. I have no doubt that they will make a change in this regard soon, be it lowering the difficulty of arenas or missions.

We sincerely hope that this problem will be solved soon and I am really sorry that you have to suffer it. I'm sorry I can't be of help, we hope it's solved soon.

Sep 25, 2020, 02:0609/25/20
Pipsie said:

The developers are aware of the seriousness of this problem, in the last patches they are constantly trying to find a way to balance it because it is very unfair currently for new players. I have no doubt that they will make a change in this regard soon, be it lowering the difficulty of arenas or missions.

We sincerely hope that this problem will be solved soon and I am really sorry that you have to suffer it. I'm sorry I can't be of help, we hope it's solved soon.

@Pipsie.....Thanks for your concern.  Yesterday something changed for a few hours.  I was able to get from mid Bronze3 to one point below Silver2.  I hope that was a dev test for a solution. 
Sep 25, 2020, 02:4109/25/20

I had a really good time in arena today, even though it was just for like 5 minutes.  So I am level 67 with my team about 172k, and for 2 refresh in a row, I am matched with teams with player below level 30 and power levels of maybe 25k.

Of course I whacked all of them to get my points and rewards.  Good time while it lasted. 
Sep 25, 2020, 14:5209/25/20

Pipsie said:

The developers are aware of the seriousness of this problem, in the last patches they are constantly trying to find a way to balance it because it is very unfair currently for new players. I have no doubt that they will make a change in this regard soon, be it lowering the difficulty of arenas or missions.

We sincerely hope that this problem will be solved soon and I am really sorry that you have to suffer it. I'm sorry I can't be of help, we hope it's solved soon.

okay, but the arena is not just unfair for new players. it's unfair for everyone who does not have very lucky champ pulls and endgame gear. it's not a new player issue. it affects everyone.

this arena problem should be tackled with the mindset to make it playable for everyone.

i'm not saying that everyone should be able to dominate in arena (like platinum tier), but everyone should be able to progress far enough in arena to earn great rewards and complete their great hall. and of course progress through arena based missions.

Sep 25, 2020, 19:3609/25/20
I am fairly new to the game, but have balanced a few game systems in my online life. As a new player I see the issues with the arena, the easiest fix on the short termwithout needing to change everything directly would be the way you are grouped and what opponents you get offered would be to set an offensive team just like a defensive one. Add a cost to change team member just like changing weapons and base the opponents on the set offensive team power.
Sep 26, 2020, 01:0309/26/20
Bizarre Obscure said:

I am fairly new to the game, but have balanced a few game systems in my online life. As a new player I see the issues with the arena, the easiest fix on the short termwithout needing to change everything directly would be the way you are grouped and what opponents you get offered would be to set an offensive team just like a defensive one. Add a cost to change team member just like changing weapons and base the opponents on the set offensive team power.
More costs on top of costs to swap gears.
Sep 26, 2020, 02:5909/26/20
Sep 26, 2020, 03:10(edited)

Pipsie said:

The developers are aware of the seriousness of this problem, in the last patches they are constantly trying to find a way to balance it because it is very unfair currently for new players. I have no doubt that they will make a change in this regard soon, be it lowering the difficulty of arenas or missions.

We sincerely hope that this problem will be solved soon and I am really sorry that you have to suffer it. I'm sorry I can't be of help, we hope it's solved soon.

This gives me a litte hope, but actually it comes too late. Already a lot of players have been struggling to get by and making no progress in missions, nor in the Hall. Arena is key. This is simply taking too long. I'm sorry, but I have been stuck for quite a while now and partly that is due to this problem *partly it is due to not having extensively battled dungeons*. This is very demotivating and I really do hope something is happening soon, since instead of making progress *which you might expect in a game*, I'm only falling back and because of that, get stuck. There is no fun in this game for me in  this way, while at the same time it asks a lot of input from my side. but I need to compensate the hp%, atk% and def% with artifacts which I no longer get from the tiers. I also can't use the drop of the silver chest, since it contains armor I no longer need. Nor can I progress in mission or in the Hall. When you make arena a center piece ... fine ... but give us a chance

Sep 26, 2020, 03:4009/26/20
They seemed to have stealthily fix this, I shoot up from silver 1 to silver 3 in the last 48 hours.