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Struggling with Alure in Fire Knight

Struggling with Alure in Fire Knight

Sep 23, 2020, 20:1509/23/20

Struggling with Alure in Fire Knight

I was pretty excited to finally pull Alure as FK is my weakest Dungeon by far.  Stuck trying to auto 13 and i've looked into how to best build Alure.  Problem is i have her Crit Rate relatively high 95%, and as much ACC and SPD that i could find in my artifacts while still getting the bonus on full sets.  Wasted some coin trying different sets, but have landed on Weapon (SPD with Crit), Helmet (Perception with ACC), Sheild (SPD with Crit), SPD Gauntlets with Crit, Chestplate (SPD with Defense) and Boots (Perception with attack)

Stats: HP 13K, Defense 1,200K, Speed 130, Crit Rate 95%, ACC 126.  I still have some room to bump up to lvl 16 as all the artifacts are at lvl 12...but the problem= can't get past the second wave in FK without her getting wasted.  Running her with APO, Royal Guard, Kael, Coldheart and Alure.

I've tried putting in my Reliquery Tender for revive, but she just gets wasted right away again, and RT gets bombed out before that wave too.  Tried putting in Vrask to see if he could keep her alive but that didn't work either:(

Putting her through MINO to build masteries but everything says to go support tree and right now i feel like when i do get to the FK she does land her A1 pretty consistently so wouldn't a Defense tree work better? Thoughts?
Sep 23, 2020, 20:5509/23/20
Please post your roster if you can. The champs your using are good but require high survivability to survive waves without a reliable rez on 4 turn or less cooldown like maulie siphi raglin.  
Sep 23, 2020, 20:5809/23/20
Sep 23, 2020, 21:06(edited)

Try to auto level 14. It may well be easier than 13 with so many blues in your team. 

This was a case for me. My stage 13 still shows "9:47" best time (stage 14 currently has 1:46). My team included High Khatun lead, Coldheart, Vrask, Elhain and Spirithost, some level 50, some 60. Speed above 160 on everyone. Vrask at 60k HP.

Alure looks similar to Coldheart main difference being affinity. If your Coldheart does not die, Alure shoudn't too on any level except red. Your HP/def is very low. Speed is quite low too. Some champions just die too fast until they are level 60 with level 16 artifacts.

Support tree is better in general. Defense is retribution, and that's about it. Think about extra accuracy from masteries as a way to free a substat on your gear for more HP% or anything.

Also, minotaur sucks. I prefer grinding events and tournaments for 800 gems if I'm going to 6-star a champion. My main concern is that grinding minotaur to max masteries wastes too many energy, and if you grinded half, it's still 800 gems, so all the grind is wasted.

Sep 23, 2020, 21:0309/23/20

super helpful...make sense on support tree so maybe i could beef her up with some Immortal sets or something.  Yeah recognize that her HP is very low, didn't really notice it until i compared her to others in my team.  her base stats for that are tough, but you need a weird combination of sets to make her effective...need close to 100% crit rate i belive for her A1 to land consistently, and i just don't have a ton of that in my account.

Not sure how to post my roster?  Screen shot?
Sep 23, 2020, 21:2409/23/20

HuskerNationMN said:

I was pretty excited to finally pull Alure as FK is my weakest Dungeon by far.  Stuck trying to auto 13 and i've looked into how to best build Alure.  Problem is i have her Crit Rate relatively high 95%, and as much ACC and SPD that i could find in my artifacts while still getting the bonus on full sets.  Wasted some coin trying different sets, but have landed on Weapon (SPD with Crit), Helmet (Perception with ACC), Sheild (SPD with Crit), SPD Gauntlets with Crit, Chestplate (SPD with Defense) and Boots (Perception with attack)

Stats: HP 13K, Defense 1,200K, Speed 130, Crit Rate 95%, ACC 126.  I still have some room to bump up to lvl 16 as all the artifacts are at lvl 12...but the problem= can't get past the second wave in FK without her getting wasted.  Running her with APO, Royal Guard, Kael, Coldheart and Alure.

I've tried putting in my Reliquery Tender for revive, but she just gets wasted right away again, and RT gets bombed out before that wave too.  Tried putting in Vrask to see if he could keep her alive but that didn't work either:(

Putting her through MINO to build masteries but everything says to go support tree and right now i feel like when i do get to the FK she does land her A1 pretty consistently so wouldn't a Defense tree work better? Thoughts?

"Running her with APO, Royal Guard, Kael, Coldheart and Alure."

Major problem you have is you have ZERO support/defense except apo.  You won't beat any level 20 dungeons with this kind of team.  As someone stated, post your roster.  

Sep 24, 2020, 02:0809/24/20

HuskerNationMN said:

super helpful...make sense on support tree so maybe i could beef her up with some Immortal sets or something.  Yeah recognize that her HP is very low, didn't really notice it until i compared her to others in my team.  her base stats for that are tough, but you need a weird combination of sets to make her effective...need close to 100% crit rate i belive for her A1 to land consistently, and i just don't have a ton of that in my account.

Not sure how to post my roster?  Screen shot?

You can post screenshots if you logged on to the desktop version of the forum.  Posting your roster will definitely help others to give you a possible list of what you could try with what you have.

I use Adriel in lead, with Coldheart, Scyl of Drake, Tomb Lord, and Armiger, for my Fire Knight.  My current team takes me through stage 19, and FK won't get a turn if I manual his fight right at start.  You can try that team if you have those champions.

Sep 24, 2020, 22:0309/24/20


I run Allure as well against fireknight and she got me up to level 20. I am lucky to be able to run duchess beside, but at round 3 actually noone dies as the fire knight only gets one turn.

In the higher levels you also need a champion who can strip unkillabe buffs, otherwise Allure will get you into an endless loop. And game has a 1000 turn limit.

My Allure has the following stats:

Speed 183 (1 peed set)

Accuracy 228 (2 acc sets, no acc banner. Haven’t one yet)

Crit rate 101

Hp 28449

Defense 1374

Attack and crit damage are not relevant. Don’t see her as your damage dealer.

My team:




Cold heart

Luria (nuke, control and unkillable debuff)

Takes 8 minutes on 20.

I think you might swap your boots for speed boots, and change your chest to get more hp and acc. You only need to survive the first fireknight attack. I heard as a thumb rule that you need at least more accuracy than ten times the stage level (stage 14 needs 140 acc). Other check is that you should hardly see any resists on her attack if she is not negative affinity. Took me a while to get that accuracy. You get also a lot from masteries and your great hall (I have +20 from great hall)  (I use frozen banshee as well on cb and she is blue as well) Don’t forget lore of steel. That is 12 acc and 2 spd as well.

Sep 24, 2020, 23:0409/24/20
Sep 24, 2020, 23:05(edited)

ELADRIELA, your post is the most helpful thing I've read on this forum so far :)  And Luria have jumped to the top of my to-6-star list :) Higher than Alure.

You need Duchess resurrection on waves, right? Do deaths happen in one turn or because Apothecary healing is not enough?

Sep 25, 2020, 07:0009/25/20

Yes indeed! I need her for resurrection and to reduce damage. She has two skills that reduces damage. She has a paasive that always reduce aoe damage and she gives out veils that reduce damage as well. My opothecary is not build right. He is fast, so I can use him for boosting speed. The healing part is not realy substantial. I think he has too les health and crit rate. 

Both Allure and Luria are a good help in crowd control during the waves. I use my Luria in the Arena as she is my second best nuker, but it makes her crowd control that I choose her first. If she doesn’t kill in the first turn, she freezes most of them. If not, they cannot be revived. I use 2 speed bosters, (seeker and gorgorab), one defense debuffer, zargala, and her as 4th nuker. Due to this, I have 2 turns in Arena before the other side responds if I am fast enough. This also works in the dungeon. But they are a little bit tougher. Once you get two down, Allure starts to bring down their turn meters consistendly so you get through the last three easely. ( Mind that my Luria uses my best gear, high acc, high crit rate, high crit damage, high speed, and tuned to go almost straight after the others. I miss about 2 points on speed I think)

I tested how far I could get with Gorgorab instead of Duchess. I reach stage 18 with him. The HP of my Allure, Cold Heart and Apothecary are too low to stay alive during the fireknight attacks. The fireknight gets 2 turns before I can reduce his turn meter on 18.

If you don’t have resurrection, I think you must look for increasing defense, mass healing and unkillable. But I am lacking champions in that area.