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Why are free champs part of any shard pool?

Why are free champs part of any shard pool?

Sep 22, 2020, 16:2209/22/20

Why are free champs part of any shard pool?

So this past 2x event i was finally able to actually spend a bit of money on some shards and I bought the chained offer they had for the shards and gems, also i had a bunch of shards saved up and was able to get the monthly void and sacred shards as well during the event.

For my ancients I pulled 3 jizoh, 2 shaman and a drex.

Now most might say hey 5 epics and a lego anyone should be happy about that.

But the thing is that is 5 epic champs that are all dupes of FREE champs i already got and a lego champ that i had up to that point spent 4680 gold bars on getting shards for. C orrection 4680 gold bars that i completely wasted.

So basically because plarium leaves the champs they are giving out for free in the ancient shard pool, people end up wasting shards on champs they dont use because they have ones that are so, so, so much better and they just sit in the vault.

Plarium you need to remove the free champs from the ancient shards just like you removed them from the sacred shard pool, and if you add more champs to get for free in some way, then you need to complete remove them for all shard pools.

These are little changes that you can do very easy, that will make the player base happy as a whole.

Sep 22, 2020, 17:1409/22/20

Well, on the flipside, that means people cannot get Scyl before her login date, so as Visix

For me I think you got it backwards, it's not that you get a duplicate of a bad champ, you got bad champs period.

It can be in the form of Jizoh, but it also can be in the form of Drake or Bushi or Galkut.

There's a lot of people out there that get Scyl long before her login date, and I'm sure they're happy for it. You got to take the good and the bad.
Sep 22, 2020, 19:3509/22/20

OzzLee said:

Well, on the flipside, that means people cannot get Scyl before her login date, so as Visix

For me I think you got it backwards, it's not that you get a duplicate of a bad champ, you got bad champs period.

It can be in the form of Jizoh, but it also can be in the form of Drake or Bushi or Galkut.

There's a lot of people out there that get Scyl long before her login date, and I'm sure they're happy for it. You got to take the good and the bad.

The thing is when you are a free player or only able to spend a couple of dollars, you need champs that can help you progress, not champs that you get for free or champs that you can spend resourses to get for free.

I understand some of the free champs are really good, but that 1 or 2 doesn't out weigh the fact that their is to many of them that you will never use, to give the excuse that they should still be part of the shard pulls.

Lets see you save shards for months....even spent a few dollars to buy a few shards......and only pulled the free champs and the 1 fragment champ you can get outside of a whale event, and tell me you would feel that they shouldn't be removed from the shard pulls.

Sep 22, 2020, 19:3509/22/20

Dupes are good way of booking them.  Unless you can consistently get epic books and legendary books, dupes are the way to go.

Sep 22, 2020, 20:0909/22/20

You don't mention how many ancients you pulled, so not sure about the statistics involved. You were certainly very unlucky with the epics, but unless you really pulled a huge number of ancients (which seems unlikely as you'd have had more epics then), you were lucky to get a legendary and a pretty good one at that. 

Considering how far removed you (and everyone else) still were from getting Drexthar from shards, it's pretty silly to complain about wasted gold bars. If you had pulled him when you were already 90 percent of the way there, then yeah, that would've sucked. But as it is, you get a good legendary now instead of many months from now, while saving the tens of thousands of gold bars that you'd have had to spend still to get him. 

I do agree that the list of free champs contains too many meh ones. Of course you also want to avoid having very overpowered champions in that list, like a Miscreated Monster for instance, because that would offer the receivers too big an advantage over players who haven't been around as long yet. But there are too many that are barely usable at all, or at best maybe in Faction Wars only. 

Sep 22, 2020, 20:5609/22/20
T3 God said:

Dupes are good way of booking them.  Unless you can consistently get epic books and legendary books, dupes are the way to go.

I do agree that dupes are a great way to book a lego or epic, if that lego or epic is actually worth booking and using, other than that they are basically food, because we have such a limited champ space that we cant hold ever dupe we get.
Sep 22, 2020, 21:0209/22/20

L9753 said:

You don't mention how many ancients you pulled, so not sure about the statistics involved. You were certainly very unlucky with the epics, but unless you really pulled a huge number of ancients (which seems unlikely as you'd have had more epics then), you were lucky to get a legendary and a pretty good one at that. 

Considering how far removed you (and everyone else) still were from getting Drexthar from shards, it's pretty silly to complain about wasted gold bars. If you had pulled him when you were already 90 percent of the way there, then yeah, that would've sucked. But as it is, you get a good legendary now instead of many months from now, while saving the tens of thousands of gold bars that you'd have had to spend still to get him. 

I do agree that the list of free champs contains too many meh ones. Of course you also want to avoid having very overpowered champions in that list, like a Miscreated Monster for instance, because that would offer the receivers too big an advantage over players who haven't been around as long yet. But there are too many that are barely usable at all, or at best maybe in Faction Wars only. 

I mean i didnt think it was needed but i did open close to 100 ancients i think during the 2x.... I did get other champs but i got more dupes than I got actually usable champs. Like i did hit the average of 16 epics and 1 lego.

Like i pulled 3 jizoh, 2 shaman, 2 gorgaroth, 2 oathbreakers, a hordin all dupes.  the only champs that i got that were not dupes were 1 skullcrusher and 1 stagknight. 

As for Drexthar, yeah he is a decent champ but the fact that you can get him without using shards merans that anyone who has already bought shards for him has wasted those gold bars, which could hve been used on other things. Like for close to 5k gold bars i could have gotten other things like shards or energy 
Sep 22, 2020, 22:0709/22/20
LordVika said:

L9753 said:

You don't mention how many ancients you pulled, so not sure about the statistics involved. You were certainly very unlucky with the epics, but unless you really pulled a huge number of ancients (which seems unlikely as you'd have had more epics then), you were lucky to get a legendary and a pretty good one at that. 

Considering how far removed you (and everyone else) still were from getting Drexthar from shards, it's pretty silly to complain about wasted gold bars. If you had pulled him when you were already 90 percent of the way there, then yeah, that would've sucked. But as it is, you get a good legendary now instead of many months from now, while saving the tens of thousands of gold bars that you'd have had to spend still to get him. 

I do agree that the list of free champs contains too many meh ones. Of course you also want to avoid having very overpowered champions in that list, like a Miscreated Monster for instance, because that would offer the receivers too big an advantage over players who haven't been around as long yet. But there are too many that are barely usable at all, or at best maybe in Faction Wars only. 

I mean i didnt think it was needed but i did open close to 100 ancients i think during the 2x.... I did get other champs but i got more dupes than I got actually usable champs. Like i did hit the average of 16 epics and 1 lego.

Like i pulled 3 jizoh, 2 shaman, 2 gorgaroth, 2 oathbreakers, a hordin all dupes.  the only champs that i got that were not dupes were 1 skullcrusher and 1 stagknight. 

As for Drexthar, yeah he is a decent champ but the fact that you can get him without using shards merans that anyone who has already bought shards for him has wasted those gold bars, which could hve been used on other things. Like for close to 5k gold bars i could have gotten other things like shards or energy 
Getting skullcrusher and stag knight... I would be happy.  Those are as good as any epics out there.   When you've been playing that long you will get tons of dupes.
Sep 22, 2020, 23:2609/22/20
Sep 22, 2020, 23:28(edited)

Trips said:

LordVika said:

L9753 said:

You don't mention how many ancients you pulled, so not sure about the statistics involved. You were certainly very unlucky with the epics, but unless you really pulled a huge number of ancients (which seems unlikely as you'd have had more epics then), you were lucky to get a legendary and a pretty good one at that. 

Considering how far removed you (and everyone else) still were from getting Drexthar from shards, it's pretty silly to complain about wasted gold bars. If you had pulled him when you were already 90 percent of the way there, then yeah, that would've sucked. But as it is, you get a good legendary now instead of many months from now, while saving the tens of thousands of gold bars that you'd have had to spend still to get him. 

I do agree that the list of free champs contains too many meh ones. Of course you also want to avoid having very overpowered champions in that list, like a Miscreated Monster for instance, because that would offer the receivers too big an advantage over players who haven't been around as long yet. But there are too many that are barely usable at all, or at best maybe in Faction Wars only. 

I mean i didnt think it was needed but i did open close to 100 ancients i think during the 2x.... I did get other champs but i got more dupes than I got actually usable champs. Like i did hit the average of 16 epics and 1 lego.

Like i pulled 3 jizoh, 2 shaman, 2 gorgaroth, 2 oathbreakers, a hordin all dupes.  the only champs that i got that were not dupes were 1 skullcrusher and 1 stagknight. 

As for Drexthar, yeah he is a decent champ but the fact that you can get him without using shards merans that anyone who has already bought shards for him has wasted those gold bars, which could hve been used on other things. Like for close to 5k gold bars i could have gotten other things like shards or energy 
Getting skullcrusher and stag knight... I would be happy.  Those are as good as any epics out there.   When you've been playing that long you will get tons of dupes.

at todays reset ill be day 144....i have 5 legos....teela, iggy, drex, candra and robar......epics i have skullcrown, skullcrusher, sepulcher, sandlashed, sinestra, seeker, stag knight, gorgaroth, that are usable, along with the free champs and and the epics to fuse raz except one but i got the rares to make it and a bunch of FW only epics( if y'all want i can post pics of my champ pool). So for me getting dupes of champs i already got doesn't help my account in the slighest, especially dupes of the free champs. 

Yeah I guess its a bit more of a gripe and complaint than anything else.......and honestly getting dupes of champs like gorgaroth are great because they equal books.....but getting dupes of free champs that you will never use is just a waste of shards. Which is why i said i think every free champ should be removed from the shard pool.

EDIT: You do know that Skullcrusher and Stag Knight are epics lol, and i think you meant they are as good as any legos.  But the thing is Skullcrusher is actually the worst of CA champs from what i have heard anyway

Sep 23, 2020, 00:0509/23/20

Yes, SC and SK are epics...but actually better than Legos as after 5 months how many lego books are you going to have.

On main account I use Stag on ALL dungeon 20 teams.  I use Skullcrusher in BOTH UNM CB and G4 Arena 

As for your legos, if you haven't 60'd Kantra yet DO IT NOW.  She can be used in ALL Dungeons, and is actually decent in arena.  
Sep 23, 2020, 03:0909/23/20
LordVika said:

Trips said:

LordVika said:

L9753 said:

You don't mention how many ancients you pulled, so not sure about the statistics involved. You were certainly very unlucky with the epics, but unless you really pulled a huge number of ancients (which seems unlikely as you'd have had more epics then), you were lucky to get a legendary and a pretty good one at that. 

Considering how far removed you (and everyone else) still were from getting Drexthar from shards, it's pretty silly to complain about wasted gold bars. If you had pulled him when you were already 90 percent of the way there, then yeah, that would've sucked. But as it is, you get a good legendary now instead of many months from now, while saving the tens of thousands of gold bars that you'd have had to spend still to get him. 

I do agree that the list of free champs contains too many meh ones. Of course you also want to avoid having very overpowered champions in that list, like a Miscreated Monster for instance, because that would offer the receivers too big an advantage over players who haven't been around as long yet. But there are too many that are barely usable at all, or at best maybe in Faction Wars only. 

I mean i didnt think it was needed but i did open close to 100 ancients i think during the 2x.... I did get other champs but i got more dupes than I got actually usable champs. Like i did hit the average of 16 epics and 1 lego.

Like i pulled 3 jizoh, 2 shaman, 2 gorgaroth, 2 oathbreakers, a hordin all dupes.  the only champs that i got that were not dupes were 1 skullcrusher and 1 stagknight. 

As for Drexthar, yeah he is a decent champ but the fact that you can get him without using shards merans that anyone who has already bought shards for him has wasted those gold bars, which could hve been used on other things. Like for close to 5k gold bars i could have gotten other things like shards or energy 
Getting skullcrusher and stag knight... I would be happy.  Those are as good as any epics out there.   When you've been playing that long you will get tons of dupes.

at todays reset ill be day 144....i have 5 legos....teela, iggy, drex, candra and robar......epics i have skullcrown, skullcrusher, sepulcher, sandlashed, sinestra, seeker, stag knight, gorgaroth, that are usable, along with the free champs and and the epics to fuse raz except one but i got the rares to make it and a bunch of FW only epics( if y'all want i can post pics of my champ pool). So for me getting dupes of champs i already got doesn't help my account in the slighest, especially dupes of the free champs. 

Yeah I guess its a bit more of a gripe and complaint than anything else.......and honestly getting dupes of champs like gorgaroth are great because they equal books.....but getting dupes of free champs that you will never use is just a waste of shards. Which is why i said i think every free champ should be removed from the shard pool.

EDIT: You do know that Skullcrusher and Stag Knight are epics lol, and i think you meant they are as good as any legos.  But the thing is Skullcrusher is actually the worst of CA champs from what i have heard anyway

My login says I am at day 245, with 2 legos.  Scyl of Drakes, and Tomb Lord.
Sep 23, 2020, 03:4009/23/20
Sep 23, 2020, 03:43(edited)

Trips said:

Yes, SC and SK are epics...but actually better than Legos as after 5 months how many lego books are you going to have.

On main account I use Stag on ALL dungeon 20 teams.  I use Skullcrusher in BOTH UNM CB and G4 Arena 

As for your legos, if you haven't 60'd Kantra yet DO IT NOW.  She can be used in ALL Dungeons, and is actually decent in arena.  

I dont have Kantra.......missed that fusion by 1 void rare from the very first event of that fusion event.

The only legos I have are Teela, Drex, Candra, Iggy, for lego books I currently have 9 saved up, because i have not yet found a lego i thought needed to be booked

Can I ask what is your G4 team? cause I am currently sitting in S1/S2 and would like to progress, but i think it basically because my team isnt fast enough or doing enough damage since i dont have a lot of rank 6 gear......trying to get enough mats to do a mass crafting of the swift parry set to see if im lucky enough to get a couple of sets worth ugrading

Sep 23, 2020, 12:2709/23/20
LordVika said:

Trips said:

Yes, SC and SK are epics...but actually better than Legos as after 5 months how many lego books are you going to have.

On main account I use Stag on ALL dungeon 20 teams.  I use Skullcrusher in BOTH UNM CB and G4 Arena 

As for your legos, if you haven't 60'd Kantra yet DO IT NOW.  She can be used in ALL Dungeons, and is actually decent in arena.  

I dont have Kantra.......missed that fusion by 1 void rare from the very first event of that fusion event.

The only legos I have are Teela, Drex, Candra, Iggy, for lego books I currently have 9 saved up, because i have not yet found a lego i thought needed to be booked

Can I ask what is your G4 team? cause I am currently sitting in S1/S2 and would like to progress, but i think it basically because my team isnt fast enough or doing enough damage since i dont have a lot of rank 6 gear......trying to get enough mats to do a mass crafting of the swift parry set to see if im lucky enough to get a couple of sets worth ugrading

I thought Candra was Kantra...oops.  You are screwed until they "fix" arena.  Less than 6 months vs. 1 year players is impossible without $$$.  I use Warlord Duchess SC and Miscreated Monster.  I am barely in G4, fell to G3 for 2 weeks until last week somehow battled back.  How far are you in dungeons/CB?  Build Skullcrusher for CB, Stag (use a reflex set if you are low on epic books) for dungeons.
Sep 24, 2020, 06:1209/24/20

If Candra stands for Candraphon, You should use him immediately.

I would say Candraphon is ranked number 4 in the World in terms of best AOE Arena Nuker's.

I would build a Slow Arena team with your Candraphon.

I would call it a Slow Arena team because the set up is designed to go 2nd.

You want the enemy team to go first + nuke you.

You will try to survive the hit ---> Than do return fire to kill them.

You have Seeker.

Seeker is a God for a Defensive type of composition like this.

Seeker will help your team turtle.

The remaining 2 champions - I don't know what you have on your roster.

You will need a combination of the following things:

- Ally Allies Cleansing champion

- HP Base champion who can wear Shield set

- Crowd Control champion who can do annoying Debuff's (Fears, Provokes, Freeze, Stun, etc.)

If you got heroes which can do those things, You will have a nice arena team.

Anyway, It is just something to think about.