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Mission Problems: ATK Percent Primary

Mission Problems: ATK Percent Primary

Sep 21, 2020, 02:1509/21/20

Mission Problems: ATK Percent Primary

I've looked this up, but no solutions for my problem seem to be present.

The mission requires that I get Attack as the primary percent bonus on boots from Stage 6 of Sewers of Arnoc. 

I've spent at least 100 attempts (no joke), and currently have a few with this requirement. Stage was Normal, as it required. I've tried different heroes of different ranks, and kept it between 1 and 2, for full star completion.

Is there something else I need to try? I even cleared cache in case it wasn't updating. I'm not new to gaming. I know how to read primary vs sub stat bonuses. I've played games where you socket gems, shards, pierced items. I just feel like I'm possibly overlooking something, but also feel I've tried everything. 

I may trry above Normal just to see if it was a bug. Who knows, right?

Sep 21, 2020, 02:2009/21/20
Do you want to post the EXACT wording of the quest?  It will help to interpret the requirement as many people don't have the quest in front of them.
Sep 21, 2020, 02:4809/21/20

It may not be verbatim, but I did post the requirements. 

Win Boots ATK (%) as the primary stat from Stage 6 of the Sewers of Arnoc on Normal.

The only difference is that I emphasized %/percent as the primary stat bonus, in my post, so that there would be no confusion with sub stat or +number bonus.

Sep 21, 2020, 02:5909/21/20

1. Have you make sure your difficulty setting is in normal? (I think if I remember correctly supposedly higher difficulty is okay, but just to make sure just set the difficulty to normal)

2. Make sure you check the star requirements. As I remember also, I think it requires a certain number of stars.

3. If you can, just screen shot the mission, because some of these missions are crazy specific, and we can't remember the detail of every single one of them.
Sep 21, 2020, 04:1709/21/20

It seems like it was a baaaaaaad, bad case of RNG. I'm not sure why it took this long, but I finally completed it. The odds just were NOT in my favor. And for all I know, I accidentally hit stage 5 instead of 6. (I try not to waste my auto battles.)

I would have added a screenshot, but I didn't see the feature to upload. There were no star requirements on the armor. I did in fact have it on normal. I've kept it there for awhile, actually. 
Sep 21, 2020, 04:2209/21/20

Well, congrats on the finish.

As for screenshot, if you're usingng mobile device, there is no option to put picture in the post, I usually just put the pic on an image hosting site like Imgur and then post the link here
Sep 22, 2020, 03:5909/22/20
Sep 22, 2020, 04:01(edited)

OzzLee said:

Well, congrats on the finish.

As for screenshot, if you're usingng mobile device, there is no option to put picture in the post, I usually just put the pic on an image hosting site like Imgur and then post the link here

Yeah the screenshot and video posting totally eluded me as well .  I end up using the browser on my PC, and everything are available now.  Might be easier for some people.  And keyboards are friendlier too.

Congrats on completing that mission.  Now just wait for all the Arena missions.