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Rotos (recompensation)

Rotos (recompensation)

Sep 19, 2020, 22:2509/19/20

Rotos (recompensation)

After how plarium fix rotos this champion is unplayable, Myself  and  other players spend resources to fuse him then train him and spend books.

Plarium did not nerf siphi and Madam s , as they are in void shards where plarium still sucking money 

Plarium you are the most unprofessional,mean, cunning,etc Game developing company.

I want my resources returned specialty books. 

Sep 19, 2020, 23:2509/19/20

So.. You want resouces back from fusing him and training him. 

Should they remove Rotos from your account too? 

Should they remove the medals that you get from all the wins from using Rotos? 

Should they remove the items that you get items that you get from using him in CB/dungeons/and every where else that you use him? 

Sep 20, 2020, 06:1409/20/20
Sep 20, 2020, 06:15(edited)

Ewa Jay said:

After how plarium fix rotos this champion is unplayable, Myself  and  other players spend resources to fuse him then train him and spend books.

Plarium did not nerf siphi and Madam s , as they are in void shards where plarium still sucking money 

Plarium you are the most unprofessional,mean, cunning,etc Game developing company.

I want my resources returned specialty books. 

Siphi actually took a hard hit. The problem is that Plarium fixed her for the Arena by doing almost nothing about her Arena performance, rather they made her much less useful for PvE.

Great job Plarium.
Sep 21, 2020, 02:5309/21/20
JoinME said:

So.. You want resouces back from fusing him and training him. 

Should they remove Rotos from your account too? 

Should they remove the medals that you get from all the wins from using Rotos? 

Should they remove the items that you get items that you get from using him in CB/dungeons/and every where else that you use him? 

Sep 21, 2020, 10:3509/21/20

It's OK if Plarium remove my 2 Rotos and give back 2 useful legos, wait, which one is useful. Just make this simple, email me an acceptance letter and I will tell 2 lego names I want, that's simple. 

Sep 21, 2020, 10:4109/21/20
Sep 21, 2020, 10:41(edited)
JoinME said:

So.. You want resouces back from fusing him and training him. 

Should they remove Rotos from your account too? 

Should they remove the medals that you get from all the wins from using Rotos? 

Should they remove the items that you get items that you get from using him in CB/dungeons/and every where else that you use him? 

And Plarium give back the amount of shards and/or the cash I spent for my 2 Rotos ? Cool. Each Rotos is exchanged by 1000 blue shards, I did not count the amount of yellow shards. Actually both of my Rotos come from yellow shards, I spent 20 yellow shards for each. 
Sep 21, 2020, 11:3509/21/20

So basically rollback your account from Rotos fusion days? 

Indent14 said:

JoinME said:

So.. You want resouces back from fusing him and training him. 

Should they remove Rotos from your account too? 

Should they remove the medals that you get from all the wins from using Rotos? 

Should they remove the items that you get items that you get from using him in CB/dungeons/and every where else that you use him? 

And Plarium give back the amount of shards and/or the cash I spent for my 2 Rotos ? Cool. Each Rotos is exchanged by 1000 blue shards, I did not count the amount of yellow shards. Actually both of my Rotos come from yellow shards, I spent 20 yellow shards for each. 

Sep 21, 2020, 16:3009/21/20


Sadly Plarium won't refund anything for his nerf. 
Sep 21, 2020, 16:4709/21/20
Sep 21, 2020, 16:47(edited)

JoinME said:

So basically rollback your account from Rotos fusion days? 

Indent14 said:

JoinME said:

So.. You want resouces back from fusing him and training him. 

Should they remove Rotos from your account too? 

Should they remove the medals that you get from all the wins from using Rotos? 

Should they remove the items that you get items that you get from using him in CB/dungeons/and every where else that you use him? 

And Plarium give back the amount of shards and/or the cash I spent for my 2 Rotos ? Cool. Each Rotos is exchanged by 1000 blue shards, I did not count the amount of yellow shards. Actually both of my Rotos come from yellow shards, I spent 20 yellow shards for each. 

If you count only Rotos, that is the fair compensation. 

I did not use Rotos on fusion day and months later because I already stayed on Gold IV, have no intend to Platium tier and I also can't book him full skills. I remember back then my team was Altan, Stag Knight, Gorgorab and MM, not strong, but enough to stay in Gold 4 for months.

Rotos is only useful after May 2020 patch when Arena is hard. If developer roll back to May 2020 and give me a decent amount of shards, I would agree. 

Sep 22, 2020, 00:4609/22/20

Remember man This Plarium is owned by Aristocrat who are in the gambling business, therefore they are in this gaming business primarily to make as much money as possible. That is what businesses do, make money! That is their main purpose because Raid is their cash cow and we are the suckers who got milked . 

The Rotos nerf is by all means too harsh that it had broken him from top tier to average. Just like they nerfed and broken Steel Boywer. However 

this is just part of a broader strategy by Plarium to force players to have to spend more money to try and get other heroes to compensate for the loss of Rotos or other powerful heroes in their roster. They don’t want you pulling a really OP champion and then just relying on that champion everywhere in the game that you stop spending money on other champions. Remember folks everything  

Plarium does is about profit and the bottomline. They are not a charity. They do not care about your feelings of being cheated and treated like gullible suckers.

And forget the opinions of content creators on YouTube etc because they all indirectly work for Plarium anyway. Rotos being too OP would ruin their living.

Look at the case of the Whalepod Darth Micro situation when he quit Raid.

Overall the way Plarium conducted this game from the start had actually prevented me from becoming a Pay to Win whale cause I don’t want to be a sucker spending lots of money on a champion thinking I can rely on to progress only to have Plarium pulling the rug from under them to make your OP champ average so as to force you to spend more money trying to pull other OP champs and maxing them out only to have them nerfed later on and so on and the cycle goes round and round and Plarium is laughing all the way to the bank.

Disappointed is an understatement. I am now fully  a free to play after being cheated by the Rotos nerfing. 

Share this around guys let people and Plarium know we are not suckers.


Sep 22, 2020, 00:5009/22/20
Joinme probably is associated with Plarium lol.